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Call Of The Faithful [Ooc]


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On note of the Enemy of the Tenno: Infested thing going on I've got a feeling they might be introduced with the new J3 when and if they do it. Will be interesting to see what the new Infested are going to be.

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Then you know the emptiness I feel right now. She was a Great Dane, that dog chased burglars out of our house and protected us if any weird people got too close.


Apology excepted. But blaming a dog is useless, it's a pack member ho loves and trusts you unconditionally. That trust makes it even worse when taking it to the vet. You know what's gonna happen, the dog doesn't, and the dog trusts you.


On another note. Jinx and her brother didn't flank Cardina. They were simply moving so they stood in line with the Nekros instead of standing behind him. As for the Nekros himself...he's just a grumpy old man who can come across as angry or intimidating without that being his intention.

Right, Cardina just feels they're trying to flank and intimidate her, and she is having none of that. The situation on the Derelict is becoming exponentially more complex, and she'll be damned if Order slips into Chaos without her permission.

Cardina just wants control of this too: then the Hanger exploded. And the Nyx is attacking. And the Corpus. And 20 refugees are coming in. If this keeps up, and she can't maintain order: she might just throw up her hands and make the Derelict a cackling madhouse.

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On note of the Enemy of the Tenno: Infested thing going on I've got a feeling they might be introduced with the new J3 when and if they do it. Will be interesting to see what the new Infested are going to be.

Ooh yes I'm excited about the enemy contests. I put in a submission for the Infested, and I have a much better idea for the Corpus.

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Ooh yes I'm excited about the enemy contests. I put in a submission for the Infested, and I have a much better idea for the Corpus.

I put in a Infested too. Gotta think up something for the Grineer though...


*Begins in depth study of the Grineer.*

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Yeah, I was trying to think of something the Grineer are missing, but it's pretty tough. The thing is, they're DE's favorite faction, and they definitely have the best enemy variety. Adding new mobs would patch what few chinks there are in their ridiculously scaling Armor. Corpus and Infested, on the other hand, need some love.

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Hey!  I was attached to that ship!  I'll find some way to salvage it I suppose...Lotus armor plating or some such...


Edit: Great for raising tension, and another thing to pin on Ephialtes, but seriously Arkitect, not cool.  Temperance's ship is really rather important to him; it contains most of his salvaged resources, spare gear, and additional scanners.  Unless that was the intention...


Still, next time, please tell me when you're going to blow up my stuff.  I'll try to work around it in a way that doesn't mean the loss of an entire arsenal while still maintaining the dramatic impact.


I apologize, I didn't mean to destroy your entire arsenal. We'll see if we can back track a little bit and just make it seriously damaged and not entirely incinerated. If I had to guess, the very special things to Temperance would be in a strong box that could withstand the blast. Still, I'm sorry I didn't talk to you first.

EDIT: I feel really bad now...

Edited by Arkitect_ShadowFrame
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By the way, I've noticed that most character interactions are between guests and church staff. While I do appreciate the story catalyst of Cardina trying to be everywhere at once, the guests might talk to each other, for example to try to figure out what the hell is going on, or the various Lotus operatives cooperating on their recon. Just an idea, partly so poor Sumika doesn't have to make each post a small novel to respond to everyone chatting up the staff.

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I apologize, I didn't mean to destroy your entire arsenal. We'll see if we can back track a little bit and just make it seriously damaged and not entirely incinerated. If I had to guess, the very special things to Temperance would be in a strong box that could withstand the blast. Still, I'm sorry I didn't talk to you first.

EDIT: I feel really bad now...


Generally, you should ask someone before you go doing stuff like you know, killing off other people's characters unless they're the disposable kind like those pirates Drakardian controlled a bit back. You might also want to consult someone before you destroy pretty much almost everything a character owns in one fell swoop.


By the way, I've noticed that most character interactions are between guests and church staff. While I do appreciate the story catalyst of Cardina trying to be everywhere at once, the guests might talk to each other, for example to try to figure out what the hell is going on, or the various Lotus operatives cooperating on their recon. Just an idea, partly so poor Sumika doesn't have to make each post a small novel to respond to everyone chatting up the staff.


The only problem I have with it is that I'm unable to maintain distinctive character personalities while controlling what is basically a small army's worth of Tenno. I fear I'm writing my characters as rather bland people personality-wise. Though it would be good to see some inter-visitor interactions.

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The problem is that every time someone looks for a staff member, you basically have to make a character from scratch on the spot. I'd be genuinely surprised and impressed if you managed to make every one of them as nuanced as Rien. It's fine for the Divinities to be sort of one faced, because they are the incarnations of pure Order and Chaos.

I have it easy just using one character, even if she's running around everywhere I'm still only replying to one place at a time.

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By the way, I've noticed that most character interactions are between guests and church staff. While I do appreciate the story catalyst of Cardina trying to be everywhere at once, the guests might talk to each other, for example to try to figure out what the hell is going on, or the various Lotus operatives cooperating on their recon. Just an idea, partly so poor Sumika doesn't have to make each post a small novel to respond to everyone chatting up the staff.


The only problem I have with it is that I'm unable to maintain distinctive character personalities while controlling what is basically a small army's worth of Tenno. I fear I'm writing my characters as rather bland people personality-wise. Though it would be good to see some inter-visitor interactions.

I'm working on that. Part of investigating an organisation is not only to talk to the actual members but to talk to others who've been in contact with them to know what's going on and what's happened.

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By the way, I've noticed that most character interactions are between guests and church staff. While I do appreciate the story catalyst of Cardina trying to be everywhere at once, the guests might talk to each other, for example to try to figure out what the hell is going on, or the various Lotus operatives cooperating on their recon. Just an idea, partly so poor Sumika doesn't have to make each post a small novel to respond to everyone chatting up the staff.

Will try to work on that, at the current moment the only people Arkas has encountered are Cardina and Temperance. When things calm down I'll make sure he starts interacting with more characters.

Also side note, my character ended up being way more edgy then I intended him to be, have any ideas on how I could back track on that a little?

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Generally, you should ask someone before you go doing stuff like you know, killing off other people's characters unless they're the disposable kind like those pirates Drakardian controlled a bit back. You might also want to consult someone before you destroy pretty much almost everything a character owns in one fell swoop.


As I said, I'm really sorry. I do understand you can't do meta game things, and I realize things of this caliber need to be discussed in the OCC. I do appreciate you guys being patient with me, as this is my first time roleplaying in a group like this, and I really do appreciate the constructive criticism.

Temperance, is there any way I can help RP wise to recover your stuff?

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Hehe I can't wait for Cardina to find the time to talk to Miho. I've had plenty of time to plan how to handle her Void and Technocyte exposure.


Man its been a fun ride.

Edited by SnaleKing
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Incoming video message:


Duelist's hand.


I am Ansilm. Lotus's wing left ace... I seek for a squad to move with. I chose myself to leave her wing to move alone to eliminate those who supports Alad to achieve Tenno powers I don't have hate the person itself but what I have said should be covering that up already. I have left my request now. *a form of Tenno without helmet but somewhat thick layer of unknown metal covering the face from down bottom of both eyes. The metal layer is shaped around the neck and throat. Mostly looks like standard Loki armor only thing what would be making difference is bulkier legs and arms. Is displayed on video message*


Personal Information downloaded!


Personal information:


Age: 84

Weight: 1920 kilograms at maximal armor. At lowest 155 kilograms. Average: 721 kilograms

Height: 2 meters and 1 centimeter

Maximal lift power: 925 kilograms.

Maximal push power: 950 kilograms.

Run speed: 30 kilometers per hour on maximal armor. At lowest: 50 kilometers per hour.

Primary weapon: Unknown.

Secondary: Lex Prime stolen from one of the Alad's supporters. Possible mods identified count: None.

Close Quarters Combat weaponry: five combat daggers, Haijeuken heavy sword and Dual Nikana. Only once had wielded Cross Tonfas.

Personality: High ambition but healthiest one yet, silent and way more vicious than any Tenno.

Soul Mission: Exterminate every last Alad's harvesters and Tenno who supports him.

Average line of sight distance: up to 100 meters.

Zoomed line of sight distance: up to 300 meters.

Abilities: Radar scrambler, HUD disruption, Camouflage, Rally point, Strong Point, Volley, Ballistic assault, Strong shot and Vanish. Different armor variation has only few of these abilities around 3 or 4.

Passives: Master Dead eye and Third eye. Developed by himself and the suit made by Alad V.

Quote: "By my shame by wearing this patchwork frame I swear by bottom of my heart and soul that every last Alad's minions will be found dead. By my hands"

Cataloged deeds: Defeated fifty Tenno from he killed around 10 of those who were defeated, Assassination of Grustag 3. Defeated while totally unarmed whole hyena pack, Defeated Lephantis all alone without any damage reported and Defeated Councilor Vay Hek alone with a single shot.


This half mechanized warrior resurrected from dead is unforgiving what comes to his enemies and those who supports Alad. Mostly silent, obeys when he wants or sees the commander worth of it, doesn't listen anybody, always keeping eye on his allies and thinking possible betrayals towards him, helps nobody unless sees worth for it, nothing saying eyes and emotion less face.



Armor Variations, Strengths and Weaknesses:


Armor variations:


Damage Devour mark XII, Soldier's Sense mark VII (CSW) and Peerless Pilot mark II  (CSW = Commonly Seen Worn)


Strengths: Highly versatile for all combat variations, styles and ways, wise, stubborn, shoot first questions after, merciless, ambition, fast, agile, durable, can not feel stress, mattering subject impossible to persuade, bribe or intimidate and excellent duelist. Machine, able to do three things same time.


Weaknesses: Duelist can only burst down in seconds two targets then have to wait until abilities comes from cool down (WARNING Target is able to avoid and over come this weakness), Tenno kind enemy Swarming (this weakness has been defeated), Mostly machine (plausible weakness), Shoot first questions after, Stubborn, Soldier not a commander, not really team player, might think executing ally over saving this and not the most wise (able to avoid and evade this weakness)



Ship of choice and Nicknames:


Ship of choice: Shogun's Scout.


Extremely fast, able to take down incoming projectiles or any kind of rockets from any angle, highest point blank damage per shot and overall, low health and shields, Extremely large radar range, able to do 180 turns in no time, weapons over heats quickly and excellent and ideal for defending something.


Nicknames: Legendary Ambition, Dragon heart, Speechless shot and Faceless murderer.



Would like to have somebody joining to Call of the Faithful because other threads takes so long and I have currently too much time (exception next week I have standard schedule of time used on other things) I hope you would take him with open arms in to action... Or calm before the one.

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In terms of age, the couple are the youngest Tennos in existence right now, with Tatsuya at 22, and Miho at 19, I'm also giving them a ship since his last ship was heavily disabled during the distress call scene. Any suggestions for the ship's name?

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As I said, I'm really sorry. I do understand you can't do meta game things, and I realize things of this caliber need to be discussed in the OCC. I do appreciate you guys being patient with me, as this is my first time roleplaying in a group like this, and I really do appreciate the constructive criticism.

Temperance, is there any way I can help RP wise to recover your stuff?


I'll figure it out as soon as I deal with Cyrios.

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Hehe I can't wait for Cardina to find the time to talk to Miho. I've had plenty of time to plan how to handle her Void and Technocyte exposure.


Man its been a fun ride.


Poor Cardina, we're running her ragged.  And 1300 posts...A) congratulations and B) we all need lives.

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