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Call Of The Faithful [Ooc]


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Does anyone have a clue what Revel is saying? I think he thinks Cardina is a Valkyr, and that the conversation between her and the Golem was out loud.

Also, I can't think of anything dumber than spying on someone currently eating the last person she caught. And she knows he was there, man, what part of 'this is her garden, where the trees are her hands, eyes and ears' don't you understand? Not to mention she isn't wearing a helmet, (how could you eat with it on?) so the HUD scramble is useless.

Edited by SnaleKing
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Since Miho is with Gaia and the new guy, I think she will be revealing her past to Gaia first since she is a female as well, and the fact that she seems to show a motherly personality to her fellow Tenno, then again she is called Mother Gaia by the others.


For Tatsuya, he already explained that his clan will be sending several cells to the derelict to lend a hand, from there I will be giving Tatsuya a sort of ultimatum on him that will make him grow as well. For the ultimatum, it will have to do with getting his cell killed on the rescue mission.


EDIT: Revel what are you saying?

Edited by Unendingblade
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Does anyone have a clue what Revel is saying? I think he thinks Cardina is a Valkyr, and that the conversation between her and the Golem was out loud.


Well Ansilm could have just observed from actions and from movement about what was going on well I can edit it out Because my Warframe doesn't work! QQ I had to remove whole game from my computer then install it again.

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Ok, I've been wanting to bring this up for a bit, and now seems as good a time as any.

There's a good and a bad way to reveal the past. The good way is to have it come up organically, for example if one of the Lotus operatives did a background check. One of the reasons I gave Cardina her recurring amnesia (sorry girl, it makes you a better character) is so I could have her past carefully recorded in the volumes, so it could be revealed while she read it, or if someone had the brass balls to break in and steal one. (that would be an awesome plot, btw, while everyone is trying to find out whodunit. If someone did, I wouldn't have Cardina detect you- actually, you could do it during her nap... but I digress.)

Another way that gets the job done, but kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth, is the character just walking up to someone and saying "let me sing you the song of my people!" and then crying. Honestly, with older Tenno, the "I have done Have Done a Bad Thing I Regret is almost expected. To quote captain Rex, "We're soldiers. That's the price of war." Fight long enough, and either you die or your friends die, and it'll be because one of you f*cked up.

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Well, that's blunt enough.  Well put though, Snale.


Edit: Revel, I'm sorry if we seem to be ignoring your posts, but it's extremely hard to write to what you cannot understand.  Not to mention, the way your character just sort of shows up in interactions that are written as private is a little difficult to account for.

Edited by Temperance000
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Well Ansilm could have just observed from actions and from movement about what was going on well I can edit it out Because my Warframe doesn't work! QQ I had to remove whole game from my computer then install it again.

I mean, if your character is spying on her, go ahead, but he was caught the second he touched a plant. He should probably get his &#! covered by Gaia ASAP, because, for for the love of gods, he just saw her f*cking eating the last person who tried to spy on her in her garden.

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So the ultimatum for Tatsuya is coming, the Sun Clan has just sent 25 ships, among them is the Clan Warlord, this will be the turning point where both my OC's past will be revealed and will cause both of them to grow as characters.


EDIT: Good idea, the cafeteria it is!

Edited by Unendingblade
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I mean, if your character is spying on her, go ahead, but he was caught the second he touched a plant. He should probably get his &#! covered by Gaia ASAP, because, for for the love of gods, he just saw her f*cking eating the last person who tried to spy on her in her garden.


Ansilm has now walked away from the Garden but didn't touch the plant at all he was just looking at the scene but he still has something on his mind. Well defeating a 84 years old Veteran might become difficult + all the abilities what he has makes him excellent duelist against everything were it Tenno, Harvester or Leader of Corpus or Grineer.

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Okay, I think Arkas is officially the nicest person on the derelict.  Or at least the most sociable.

That's really the type of character I'm going for, though he does know when to drop the pleasantries and get serious, hence the speech.

There is also a more dark side to Arkas, it just hasn't had any RP reason to come out just yet. Because he seems like such a good and kind character, no one will see it coming.

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Just wanted to know, for Warframes like the Excalibur, Loki, Ash, Vauban, and other frames, do the abilities just come from the suit compared to others like Miho and Cardina where their abilities are more personal? Sorry if I'm not making any sense, it's been in my mind for quite some time.

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