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Call Of The Faithful [Ooc]


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This may sound a bit crazy and you may dismiss it and i'll forget about it if it doesn't sit well with this RP but i thought it would be interesting for Alad V to "return from the grave" so to speak. That he would have duplicated and perfected the cloning process the Grineer used before he died and kept it secret. He'd be a clone, but the spitting reflection of his original in every way. I haven't worked out every bit but its just a thought. Let me know what you think


I'd really rather not. Death not being final really sucks the meaning out of it.

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That would be...incredibly fun.  I have also gotten the sense that Temperance's values are not quite so ironclad as they used to be; otherwise, he would have reacted much like Jinx during the scene in the Garden.  This does sound promising; perhaps something to keep in mind for the follow-up to Call of the Faithful?  Because I know Temperance is not going to like using the Void as a WMD.


Don't spoil the super mega death beam for everyone. That's totally not the name for it either. I just wanted to say something that sounded over the top and silly like the super mega death rocket Jinx has in LoL.


This may sound a bit crazy and you may dismiss it and i'll forget about it if it doesn't sit well with this RP but i thought it would be interesting for Alad V to "return from the grave" so to speak. That he would have duplicated and perfected the cloning process the Grineer used before he died and kept it secret. He'd be a clone, but the spitting reflection of his original in every way. I haven't worked out every bit but its just a thought. Let me know what you think


Well the cloning process the Grineer use is fine. It's because they're clones of clones that the problem persists. Genetic degradation occurs if you clone a clone. That aside, having him return from the dead would just make it pointless to have had killed him in the first place so let him stay dead.

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It's kinda hard with Alad actually being dead for real though, but i guess that's the pain of killing off a huge lore character.


Eh, not really, there's surely a lot of Harvesters that were out on assignment or otherwise slipped through the cracks. I think he's maybe dead canonically, too.


I worked for him 100%, still haven't run an invasion mission against Corpus. Galus' opinion is pretty much a mirror of mine.

Edited by SnaleKing
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Eh, not really, there's surely a lot of Harvesters that were out on assignment or otherwise slipped through the cracks. I think he's maybe dead canonically, too.

If he's dead canonically how does he still send you messages thanking you for volunteering for the Zanuka project. Also I'd think they'd replace him on Themisto if that were the case.

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Okay, just let me ask, how many characters have split personalities?  Because this is getting ridiculous.  So far, I'm counting Arkas, Taranis, and Aran.  Anyone else want to come clean before I blow a gasket?


((400+ posts.  This is sad.))

Edited by Temperance000
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I wanted to show more about the Sun Clan Council's corruption, I was about to run about of ideas, but thanks to you guys mentioning the Zanuka, it gave me ideas about showing more about what happened on that botched mission Tatsuya was in.

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If he's dead canonically how does he still send you messages thanking you for volunteering for the Zanuka project. Also I'd think they'd replace him on Themisto if that were the case.


Gah, that's true too. I assumed he was killed in the Hunt for Alad V event, but that's a good point.


Tenno must be really, really sh*tty assassins. Is that where all the Harvesters come from? The hordes of braton/lato/skanas trying to kill Alad, and just getting wrecked by Zanuka?


"Just once, Zanuka, just once, I'd like to make a Harvester out of something besides Excaliburs, Loki's and Mags."

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Eh, not really, there's surely a lot of Harvesters that were out on assignment or otherwise slipped through the cracks. I think he's maybe dead canonically, too.


I worked for him 100%, still haven't run an invasion mission against Corpus. Galus' opinion is pretty much a mirror of mine.

I'm the reverse, I don't think I have run an invasion mission for the Corpus, in the Gradivus dilemma or since. The dead are dead, but slaves can be freed.

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I'm the reverse, I don't think I have run an invasion mission for the Corpus, in the Gradivus dilemma or since. The dead are dead, but slaves can be freed.


Ah, but how do you free slaves with dead Tenno?  


This is just going to keep going in circles; I'm bowing out of this particular debate.

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I'm the reverse, I don't think I have run an invasion mission for the Corpus, in the Gradivus dilemma or since. The dead are dead, but slaves can be freed.


I fight for Corpus because they seem to be the human organization with the best chance of surviving. The Red Veil may sway my allegiance, but I really like the idea of the whole system being dominated by an Orwellian-corporate dystopia.

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Okay, just let me ask, how many characters have split personalities?  Because this is getting ridiculous.  So far, I'm counting Arkas, Taranis, and Aran.  Anyone else want to come clean before I blow a gasket?


((400+ posts.  This is sad.))

Aran's is not an alternate personality, its a failed clone 

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I wanted to show more about the Sun Clan Council's corruption, I was about to run about of ideas, but thanks to you guys mentioning the Zanuka, it gave me ideas about showing more about what happened on that botched mission Tatsuya was in.

Are you sure it was a good idea to leave Miho alone in the ship with that thing? 0-0

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If he's dead canonically how does he still send you messages thanking you for volunteering for the Zanuka project. Also I'd think they'd replace him on Themisto if that were the case.


DE has to strike a balance between lore and gameplay logic.

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DE has to strike a balance between lore and gameplay logic.

I suppose... but have they announced that he is dead, cause they haven't really stated his death, other than the Profit trailer but there are a number of ways that he could have survived that. I dunno I guess it's also partially because I'm not a huge fan of influencing Big-time lore characters, but since there isn't much lore to go off of we had to make alot of our own.

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DE has to strike a balance between lore and gameplay logic.


Yep. I do like that they didn't go for the "you are the chosen one" deal, like friggin' elder scrolls online. I'm glad I got into the closed beta so I didn't have to buy the game to not like it. "You are the hero! Only you can save Tamriel!" as hundreds of other players run like cows through the level, swarming and AFK'ing around the quest-giving NPC's.

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Okay, just let me ask, how many characters have split personalities?  Because this is getting ridiculous.  So far, I'm counting Arkas, Taranis, and Aran.  Anyone else want to come clean before I blow a gasket?


((400+ posts.  This is sad.))

Whoa, whoa, when did this happen?

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Okay, just let me ask, how many characters have split personalities?  Because this is getting ridiculous.  So far, I'm counting Arkas, Taranis, and Aran.  Anyone else want to come clean before I blow a gasket?


((400+ posts.  This is sad.))

actually Aran has a clone, which is seprate from her


Aran's is not an alternate personality, its a failed clone 

Draya isn't a failed clone just the result yea she is a slightly failed one

Edited by Issun135
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