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Call Of The Faithful [Ooc]


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Revel's asleep, I think.


Yes I was sleeping about 6 hours ago or more. To Issun maybe Ansilm is speaking about *silences himself* Not going to say actually. Well maybe Ansilm took the surprise of Nova twins would just like that show up their faces.

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Yes I was sleeping about 6 hours ago or more. To Issun maybe Ansilm is speaking about *silences himself* Not going to say actually. Well maybe Ansilm took the surprise of Nova twins would just like that show up their faces.

could have said that in your post like, with a surprised look on his face Ansilm... Or something along the lines of that.

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84 years old with surprised face... What's that called?

Aran is 300-400 years old as she has known Ty for a long time. Yet Aran looks like she is in her 20's along with Gandraya who is 20. A surprised look can come from anything, you may think you've seen everything but you've barely scratched the surface. At any rate I said the surprised face as an example, I never said you had to use it.

Edited by Issun135
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Aran is 300-400 years old as she has known Ty for a long time. Yet Aran looks like she is in her 20's along with Gandraya who is 20. A surprised look can come from anything, you may think you've seen everything but you've barely scratched the surface. At any rate I said the surprised face as an example, I never said you had to use it.

Is she actually 300-400 years old physically or is she that old because of the cryo?

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This is how I imagine a non-depressing, non-canon exchange between Temperance and Cardina.  Plays off the night-before-battle trope.  No smut, I promise.


T              “Thanks for meeting me.”

                “It was no problem.  Anyway, you would have just kept at me until I gave in.”

                “Only partially true.”  A laugh.  “Still, thank you.”

                A smile, tender and sincere.  “I was glad to come.”

                They are silent, watching the stars drift by.

C             “We don’t have much time left.”

                “No, we don’t.”

                They edge closer together, hands just touching.

C             “Are you frightened?”

                “Of course I am.  Given what we face, I can’t not be.  And you?”

                “Never.  Fear is not an option for me.”

                “That’s a lie, and we both know it.”

                A sigh.  “Always have to be right, don’t you?”

                “Only when I’m certain you’re wrong.”

                Silence falls again.

T              “So, do you want to say it first, or shall I?”

                “You go.  I made the first move last time.”

                “Depends on what you count as last time.”

                She taps him playfully on the nose.  “Just say it, you stupid Tenno.”

                He smiles.  “I love you, Cardina.”

                “I love you too, Temperance.”

                The touch of lips is fleeting, but sweet beyond measure.

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What happened?

Someones car alarm went off. They took their good sweet &#! time turning it off too. Not to mention it was one of those alarms where it sounds like your car is having a severe meltdown and is going to explode so that S#&$ was loud. I'm the kinda guy that once i get up i can't go back to sleep

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Is she actually 300-400 years old physically or is she that old because of the cryo?

both, she cryoed for about 100 but tenno "age" differently than humans so the looks like she is in her 20's and stay like that until they decide to "age", in Gandraya's case she is 20

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Ok, since I'm on my phone currently and I'm tired yet I want Aran to teach Miho how to aim properly because why not. So blade if you don't mind leaving your OC's in the training room I'll get a post ready for that tomorrow morning around 6:25 am.

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Ok, since I'm on my phone currently and I'm tired yet I want Aran to teach Miho how to aim properly because why not. So blade if you don't mind leaving your OC's in the training room I'll get a post ready for that tomorrow morning around 6:25 am.


Yeah sure.

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Let me preface this with a disclaimer: no matter how well-done, this material is strictly non-canon.  But, it was bound to happen eventually (Unendingblade, I blame you and Mitsuya for this), so with that in mind, here is a Cardinance romance scene, co-written by SnaleKing and myself.


Time-wise, this is set during the follow-up arc, after Cardina finds out that the Divinities lied to her about the Void weapon.  She calls Temperance for emotional support (because they trust each other by now), and it snowballs from there.  Enjoy, I suppose.


              Cardina pulled Temperance close and kissed him desperately.  The stress, the pain, and the sting of betrayal she had kept bottled up inside poured through their link, making Temperance gasp, then whimper.  He held up as best he could under the torrent of raw emotion, offering her refuge, comfort, and what little support he could give.  Her kiss gentled, then deepened, and he was only too happy to respond in kind.
                Something began to seep through the link from the deepest layers of Cardina’s mind; a feeling that Temperance could not quite place.  It was…powerful, a primal, blind hunger.  He felt his heart rate begin to climb, and a sense of taunt expectation.  Cardina had still not stopped kissing him, which was odd.  In fact, she was pressing closer, driving him back towards the wall of her room.  He felt his back bump against the vines of the Divinities’ mural, and suddenly, the feeling clicked.
                Startled, he pushed her back, breaking the kiss and meeting her eyes.
                “What’s wrong?” Cardina pouted, biting her rust-red lip irresistibly.
                “Cardina…”Temperance said slowly.  “We can both feel where this is going. You’re not thinking clearly, and I don’t want you to do anything you might regret later.  Are you sure this is what you want?”
                “Temperance, that's sweet of you, really." A perfect smirk tugged at the side of her mouth, revealing a flawless set of bone-white teeth. The link betrayed her facade, however, and soon Cardina's face fell with the weight of her worries. "I just…” she broke off, trailing her palm along Temperance's shoulder. “I- I don’t know. The harder I tried to hold my Church together, the more it squeezed through my fingers. When I tried to protect my Acolytes, they stopped trusting me, like I was a freak or a monster. I tried to keep the balance, and the Divinities betrayed me." She leaned back onto Temperance, her warm, dexterous fingers playing down the back of his neck. "You're the only one who's returned anything I've given.”
                “Then I’m here for you,” Temperance assured her, enfolding her in a gentle embrace. “But there’s no rush, Cardina.  We’re fine as we are. We don’t have to do this.”
                “But…what if I want to?” Cardina drew back, her cool and calm white eyes half-lidded as they flicked up and down Temperance's body. “I want to, Temperance. I want this. Do you?”
                For a moment, their link was silent, and Cardina choked back the fear that he'd refuse. Then, a slow, shy smile curled the corners of his mouth. He leaned in and kissed her softly.
                “Yes,” he whispered against her lips. “Yes, I do.”
                They melted into each other, kissing passionately as they opened the link wide.  Scattered thoughts and intense sensations surged between them, making Cardina moan and Temperance swoon.
                In one last burst of coherent thought, Temperance delved into Cardina’s mind and found the neural switch that released her Warframe.  The bracers and greaves fell away with a clatter, and Cardina swiftly stripped off the thigh armor before Temperance broke the kiss for a fevered instant to help her with the chest plate.
                As she claimed his lips again, small vines curled over his shoulders, teasing and encouraging with feather-light touches.  He took the hint, relaxing his hold on Cardina for just a moment to step forward, leaving his Warframe behind.  The vines lifted it away, and then he was pressed against the wall again, as Cardina’s hands explored his body in search of a way to remove his skinsuit. She found the fastener just below the left shoulder with the help of his own memories, peeling the suit off of him while he did the same for her.
               The last barrier between them removed, Temperance began to trail suckling kisses down Cardina’s neck, while her hands ghosted over the silver Technocyte scales that mantled his shoulders and trailed down his arms.
               At his back, the vines shifted, lifting the entwined couple into a warm, living cradle that was swiftly roofed over by an arbor that glowed soft blue.  They ended up on their sides, breathing heavily as they held each other’s eyes.
               “I love you, Temperance,” Cardina whispered.
               “I love you too,” Temperance replied, leaning in to kiss her.  “And I’m glad you’re okay with this.”
               “Mmhm,” Cardina hummed, pulling back.  “One condition though.”
               “Oh?  What might that be?” Temperance asked, amused.
               Cardina's toothy smile stretched wide, before she shoved him onto his back and rolled over to straddle him.
               “I get top,” she grinned.
               Temperance smiled, eager to play.
               “We’ll see,” he said.
               Then her tongue slid between his lips, and everything else evaporated.
Edited by Temperance000
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Let me preface this with a disclaimer: no matter how well-done, this material is strictly non-canon.  But, it was bound to happen eventually (Unendingblade, I blame you and Mitsuya for this), so with that in mind, here is a Cardinance romance scene, co-written by SnaleKing and myself.


Time-wise, this is set during the follow-up arc, after Cardina finds out that the Divinities lied to her about the Void weapon.  She calls Temperance for emotional support (because they trust each other by now), and it snowballs from there.  Enjoy, I suppose.


              Cardina pulled Temperance close and kissed him desperately.  The stress, the pain, and the sting of betrayal she had kept bottled up inside poured through their link, making Temperance gasp, then whimper.  He held up as best he could under the torrent of raw emotion, offering her refuge, comfort, and what little support he could give.  Her kiss gentled, then deepened, and he was only too happy to respond in kind.
                Something began to seep through the link from the deepest layers of Cardina’s mind; a feeling that Temperance could not quite place.  It was…powerful, a primal, blind hunger.  He felt his heart rate begin to climb, and a sense of taunt expectation.  Cardina had still not stopped kissing him, which was odd.  In fact, she was pressing closer, driving him back towards the wall of her room.  He felt his back bump against the vines of the Divinities’ mural, and suddenly, the feeling clicked.
                Startled, he pushed her back, breaking the kiss and meeting her eyes.
                “What’s wrong?” Cardina pouted, biting her rust-red lip irresistibly.
                “Cardina…”Temperance said slowly.  “We can both feel where this is going. You’re not thinking clearly, and I don’t want you to do anything you might regret later.  Are you sure this is what you want?”
                “Temperance, that's sweet of you, really." A perfect smirk tugged at the side of her mouth, revealing a flawless set of bone-white teeth. The link betrayed her facade, however, and soon Cardina's face fell with the weight of her worries. "I just…” she broke off, trailing her palm along Temperance's shoulder. “I- I don’t know. The harder I tried to hold my Church together, the more it squeezed through my fingers. When I tried to protect my Acolytes, they stopped trusting me, like I was a freak or a monster. I tried to keep the balance, and the Divinities betrayed me." She leaned back onto Temperance, her warm, dexterous fingers playing down the back of his neck. "You're the only one who's returned anything I've given.”
                “Then I’m here for you,” Temperance assured her, enfolding her in a gentle embrace. “But there’s no rush, Cardina.  We’re fine as we are. We don’t have to do this.”
                “But…what if I want to?” Cardina drew back, her cool and calm white eyes half-lidded as they flicked up and down Temperance's body. “I want to, Temperance. I want this. Do you?”
                For a moment, their link was silent, and Cardina choked back the fear that he'd refuse. Then, a slow, shy smile curled the corners of his mouth. He leaned in and kissed her softly.
                “Yes,” he whispered against her lips. “Yes, I do.”
                They melted into each other, kissing passionately as they opened the link wide.  Scattered thoughts and intense sensations surged between them, making Cardina moan and Temperance swoon.
                In one last burst of coherent thought, Temperance delved into Cardina’s mind and found the neural switch that released her Warframe.  The bracers and greaves fell away with a clatter, and Cardina swiftly stripped off the thigh armor before Temperance broke the kiss for a fevered instant to help her with the chest plate.
                As she claimed his lips again, small vines curled over his shoulders, teasing and encouraging with feather-light touches.  He took the hint, relaxing his hold on Cardina for just a moment to step forward, leaving his Warframe behind.  The vines lifted it away, and then he was pressed against the wall again, as Cardina’s hands explored his body in search of a way to remove his skinsuit. She found the fastener just below the left shoulder with the help of his own memories, peeling the suit off of him while he did the same for her.
               The last barrier between them removed, Temperance began to trail suckling kisses down Cardina’s neck, while her hands ghosted over the silver Technocyte scales that mantled his shoulders and trailed down his arms.
               At his back, the vines shifted, lifting the entwined couple into a warm, living cradle that was swiftly roofed over by an arbor that glowed soft blue.  They ended up on their sides, breathing heavily as they held each other’s eyes.
               “I love you, Temperance,” Cardina whispered.
               “I love you too,” Temperance replied, leaning in to kiss her.  “And I’m glad you’re okay with this.”
               “Mmhm,” Cardina hummed, pulling back.  “One condition though.”
               “Oh?  What might that be?” Temperance asked, amused.
               Cardina's toothy smile stretched wide, before she shoved him onto his back and rolled over to straddle him.
               “I get top,” she grinned.
               Temperance smiled, eager to play.
               “We’ll see,” he said.
               Then her tongue slid between his lips, and everything else evaporated.



Edited by Sumika1204
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