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Repopulating Everest (Former Earth Bossnode)


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Earth is now the second planet after Eris to lose a boss node. Not only that, but Earth was an intersection, and only Venus is the exception to not have a boss node in the way to get to the next part of the starmap. Now Earth is another "traverse free" section.

But it is even worse than that. Poor Oberon gets another slap in the face! Upon introduction, he was not even worth his own loading screen, not worth his own full update. He got placed to an existing node and Trinity got moved elsewhere. But that is okay, Oberon fits the new Earth. And what happened next? This forgotten son has been taken away from his comfy place and put onto a random drop of ALL kinds of enemy leaders through the entire system. Poor sod :(

Here are my suggestions to breathe new life into the now empty bossnode of Everest and to give back Oberon a place to be obtained that isn't so mindnumbingly heartless as it is now:

  • Put a "Lieutenant" encounter on Everest. Acting as a boss node, but not exactly a new boss. It would sport a single, beefed up Prosecutor with the chance to drop : Oberon Blueprint parts or Beacons, alongside the resource and mod card drop.
  • That way you would introduce new players to the regular known way to obtain a Warframe by killing a boss as Venus, and also acquiring other stuff as seen with Vor on Mercury.
  • You might even do two Prosecutors differing from each other in attack pattern, as you did with the new Hyena Pack bossfight (which is awesome, great job). Being the 3rd planet, giving players a Duo-boss battle is definitely going to improve on the New Player Experience.
  • The beacons would only drop in quantities of 1, contrary to regular Prosecutors. This way, you would be doing the same "content foreshadowing" like you do with the Nav Coordinates which you allowed to drop from mission 1. Your goal was to make sure people looking for something new would have stuff in their inventory to check out, and that was a great choice! With the chance for beacon drops, you could do the same thing until they hit Ceres for mass farming.
  • You could add more Vay Hek Lore early on by letting Lotus talk a little about him and the Prosecutors while on this mission. That way you can find a way to explain why the actual boss fight still happens on Earth, and not the shipyard tileset.
  • If done right, Lotus messages say that more Prosecutors are waiting on Ceres, giving players the incentive to PLAY towards that direction.

Now, before you say "this invalidates Ceres completely to get beacons" please reconsider this:
My suggestion reduces the drop quantity to a fixed ONE beacon, and each of the beacons has a separate chance to drop. AND they drop alongside Oberon blueprint parts, so that decreases Beacon drops even more so. If someone wants to really farm beacons? Ceres is the better choice anyway. If someone wants to spend the extra time and effort trying to get beacons on Everest? Then why not? It is going to take them LONGER any way. Only to encounter an additional boss fight earlier than normally anticipated which is likely going to wipe the floor with them.

Having such a thing in place would allow the possibility to farm for Beacons if ALL OF CERES SHIPYARDS IS IN CORPUS CONTROL, prohibiting the spawn of Prosecutors. Because the bossnode is still a regular Grineer tile, not a shipyard one.

What say you?

Edited by Khunvyel
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+1 to this. Good feedback, excellent suggestion. Oberon really got the short end of the stick, here. The fact that he was so unceremoniously removed from the solar system when there was still an empty spot for a boss is quite unfortunate.

It's still unfortunate that Vay Hek is hidden behind a grind wall of beacon farming. That's not normally a problem, though. But with the drops of delta beacons being so rare, it makes it much harder for solo players to ever meet this bastiche.

At any rate, good call here! Here's to hoping they'll give Oberon a place in the solar system! (And maybe some mercy and tender lovin' in the form of a buff, aye?)

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How about putting Vay Hek back on Everest without the stupid grind wall like every other boss rework.


Seriously, this Vay Hek grind wall thing is stupid. Earth now has NO boss node. Vay Hek is farmed for on Ceres (wayyy too much farming, unlike Lephantis who you can get within 1-2 OD missions) and yet he has an Earth Tileset... Put him on Earth, where he obviously is, wtf DE.

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How about putting Vay Hek back on Everest without the stupid grind wall like every other boss rework.


Seriously, this Vay Hek grind wall thing is stupid. Earth now has NO boss node. Vay Hek is farmed for on Ceres (wayyy too much farming, unlike Lephantis who you can get within 1-2 OD missions) and yet he has an Earth Tileset... Put him on Earth, where he obviously is, wtf DE.

It's not the beacons I have a trouble with. Lephantis requires nav coordinates, but was relatively easy to get.

No, that's not the issue at all.

The issue is, after I made three keys, I had 450 Omega Beacons, hundreds of Kappa and that other beacons.

It's not the beacon grinding I necessarily have an issue with.

It's how badly they implemented the Delta beacon drop rate. I suspect it was to slow us down. But what would I know? I'm just a player.

Add to that the horrid low chances of systems and you have yourself a recipe for a Hate you can't craft. It's massive grind behind massive grind. I can't agree with it all that much.

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Exactly. Perhaps it could be remedied by allowing us methods to craft Delta beacons from parts of others. I won't go into detail as to how Lephantis is easier in comparison, because many others in the past already screamed why there needs to be this extra barrier with Nekros, which also now exists with Hydroid.


But I'd like to remind, this is not a beacon thread :) So I get to the part that is more befitting this topic;

I agree it is very strange that we fight Hek on Earth while farming for access on Ceres. Honestly, it feels completely taken out of context. If Prosecutors where planted on EARTH? Totally valid. This way they could potentially double the Warframes per Planet, by having one easily acquired at the bossnode, and the other through more effort while grazing the area. Or not just Warframes but other weapon parts.

Yet, Prosecutors roam happily on Ceres, and I fail to understand why an infiltration and information gathering organization like Team Lotus cannot gain access to the arguably crude technology of Grineer to find Hek in the first place. But I can look past this, if the things in my first topic get considered. Teasing the player during the "Lieutenant" mission to play further to get more things is a lot better than just letting them hope to figure things out on their own.

I don't even know WHEN a new player is getting the message from Lotus about the beacon and the associated blueprint? Does anyone know?


As with Oberon, I need to iterate how sorry I feel for him :( The idea to let things drop off leaders is good, but why a Warframe? I'd much rather see the Miter drop from Eviscerator Leader types (or all Grineer leader types) than on a boss node with Trinity. Hell you could even add new types of enemies. "Veteran" ones, for example Veteran Heavy Grineer Gunners, which have a chance to drop Gorgon Wraith Blueprints.

Edited by Khunvyel
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