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Map Errors, Invisible Walls, Interesting Places, Etc.


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Possible to stuck behind the map defining invisible wall, no way to get out (same starting location as the previous post).

Got there trying some rock climbing (don't have the gif of going there - won't try it again, hate to abort mission because of this...) - used the "grab climb near the invisble wall to get over" explorit, accidentally actually, didn't know there is a invisible wall - srsly, why is there any at the place like that? Doesn't make much sense, since all the walls are solid...


Edited by zelgaris
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Grineer, part room with the yellow stone blocks (so far I noticed them only this room)


1) Part of the level, which should be solid is nonsolid.

2) Also there is a gap near the ceiling at those stone blocks - possible to go there and fall outsite the map. Probably nt possible to get there without super jump.

3) And there is also a gap in the wall, which can be used to go to the next room - pretty glitchy looking :)

1) Nonsolid part


2) Gap in the wall near ceiling


3) Gap in the wall


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Grineer, passage with four elevators and computer-someting behind the glass.


1) Some objects glitching + random push (wtf, srsly)

2) Gap near gate (on more places actually)

3) Texture missing from side or wrong placement of the object

4) Another nonsolid console sphere or what is that (these objects are buggy almost everywhere)

5) Another gap in the ceiling/wall (which is actually accessible with a bit of ninjaing :))

1) wf-tolstoj-nsolid-003.gif 2) wf-tolstoj-gap-006.gif

3) wf-tolstoj-nsolid-004.gif 4) wf-tolstoj-nsolid-004b.gif

5) wf-tolstoj-gap-006b.gif 6) wf-tolstoj-gap-006c.gif

And that's not all actually... more to come :)

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Grinner - rooms with three pipes

Problem: Invisible walls, that doesn't make much sense, but I assume they are there for some reason.

In the room with small pipes complex above the big three pipes (second gif), it is posible to get above the invisible wall area, but then it is possible to get stuck there - not posible to get out :/ (see he third gif)



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One of Greneer asteriod parts - near the pipes in read areas


1) Gap in the ceiling - possible to get there with excalibur - complex of rocks is behind - shouldn't be able to get there

2) Possible to jump above the invisible wall (the missplaced wall allowing wallclimbing on the air already reported before) - gap behind it.

3) Not basically a mission problem but already mentioned elswhere - where trying to hack a console, there are these cases, where the middle piece should work in all positions, but itdoesn't.

1) wf-tolstoj-gap-007.gif 2) wf-tolstoj-gap-007b.gif

3) wf-cipher-wrong.gif

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I've found a floor bug in the lua mobile defense map.Sometimes near pod the floor texture is there but AI and players sink inside clipping through the texture,to something reminiscent to a pit.Can still move and fight inside.Can't take screenshot cause for some reason screenshots come out black... =/

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Nice there are other people noticing these :)


Grineer, one of starting locations

Problem: Gap in the wall, possible to get there without any exploits/powers.

Possible to fall out from map bounds completely (i.e. death - didn't do it, since I don't want to lose another revive...).

Can you PLEASE, just return us to the safe spot instead of killing us? THANK YOU.

Possible to get below the safe spot return zone and again to enter it from below.

How to get there


And once there, behold, the Underworld :)


And how to GTFO of there


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Grineer, asteroid - hope you tell the map from the gif :/

Some kind of ON/OFF GPS-style coordinates with the name of the sector would be really helpfull.

Possible to fall to nothingness - impossible to get from the bottom floor, once there - i.e. only solution is death by fall to empty space :(


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Grineer, asteroid, this room


It is possible to get to the giant whatever it is thing on the screenshot and then some clipping issues are there.

And from there, it is possible to get to the pipes on the right, and after them to a pretty location (also it is above the surrounding return safety zone).

How to get there


What to do there? Some non-solid clipping and stuff...


It's possible to get to on the pipes at the left, but it's pretty boring there... but the other side is much more interesting :)

Had to trim the gif a bit, too random jumping there...


And when up there, let's just ignore the horizontal and vertical "safe return" field and...


...enjoy the view :)


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Grineer, asteroid pretty sure you are well familiar with this part


It is possible to get up to those pipes ahead, noticing some small gaps in the map.


And more...


But too small to get through... but then, we can do this... (the gap is visible from the ground, so naturally I was like "how to get there and SLIP AND DIE FFUUUC..." and after an half an hour of trying, it was done... and i died, because falling out of map = death, i.e. PLEASE CHANGE THIS


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Since it's his own mission, I consider this mission related, but it's more like fault in AI or what.

Captain Vor-Ignore @Tolstoj himself bugged a bit few minutes ago.

Private game, two players, he teleported to us but then he just stopped doing anything and was just standing there, ignoring us.


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