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Map Errors, Invisible Walls, Interesting Places, Etc.


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Follow-up to the previous post


Corpus Outpost - New Extraction Area


23) So, adding a lot of invisible walls around the real walls (or you make the walls have a flag forbidding the wallrunning?) would be clever in a level, where you don't want us to go out of the level - it's way better than randomly bumping to a invisible wall... but in this case, it's just stupid. It's in the middle of the level, why don't you allow us to risk the jumps and do our ninj stuff? In the corner cases of the sections, it's understandable - in the middle of a section, not so.

Or maybe I had a bad days and I was doing the wallrunning wrong :)


Anyway, there is a misplaced invisible wall/rectangle, i.e. walking on air. I decided to jump instead of using the zip-lines. And while doing so I found this. Also why the fog below disappears so fast when we fall? Doesn't make much sense :/


24) Clipping issues on the edges, in the right tunnel, rock at the locked gate after the exit from the right tunnel.










wf-co-v773-004next001clip.gif     wf-co-v773-004next001clip002.gif



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Follow-up to the previous post


Corpus Outpost - New Extraction Area


25) More clipping issues - rock at the exit from the left tunnel (where dead grineers are located)


26) Forbidden wall-running once again - you forbid us to do so, but then we can do this... and clipping issues of course.

Also the extraction point should probably be marked in a way so it looks/feels special (i know, we can see it on minimap)...










And that's the end of my first run through the new tileset :)

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Corpus Outpost - ship dock section


1) There is a small unnecessary invisible wall preventing us to come close to the desk in one of the rooms in the ship dock section.


2) Skybox is missing in the dock section behind the big glass. 


3) Possible to grab-climb into the objects on the wall, i.e. clipping issue.


4) Was a fast run, so nothing interesting on the way, but haven't finished it, because of this little stuck place in the old extraction area. I assume, that not being loki = abort.















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It's time for Grineer :)


1) Grineer Base - reactor room

It is possible to get on the reactor and then jump through the nonsolid walls.


2) Griner Base - the section with rails near the ceiling (this is new, right?)

- There is a gap in the wall near one computer console.

- It is possible to get on the cable rails without any exploits (it is visible they lack proper top texture) and once there, on the other platforms.

- Grineer also use the gray/white square hitech pattern :D (this area could use some polish, possible secret place, but actually not hard to get there) - also one clipping issue, but since the area was meant to be off limit :)








wf-grinbase-001rails001gap.gif   wf-grinbase-001rails002rails.gif


wf-grinbase-001rails003pattern.gif   wf-grinbase-001rails003pattern2.gif

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Follow-up to the previous post (Grineer Base)

3) Room with elevator entrance near the reinforced glass

There are weird white squares on both sides in the "space" behind the glass.


4) Good old "secret room" with 8 lockers (the one after walljumpin two platforms)

It's possible to get stuck behind the 4 lockers on the righ, but there is a ways to escape - I expect begginers having a problem here, when getting to this situation :/


5) There is still the glitching gap in the wall (don't know how to describe the room, hope you recognize it), which can be used to enter the other room without using the proper door (already mentioned before, but it's still there) and the other visible gap is also there (too small to go through, but it's still there).














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Follow-up to the previous post (Grineer Base)

New day, new bugs :)


6) Messed up transition between new section (the one with two wagons at the bottom) and the old one with the hidden passage near the ceiling. Seriously guys, a way to get the coordinates and map chunk name/number would really help...

Talking about transitions... you added more sections but yet, it is possible to encounter runs, where one old section is connected directly too the same section. This shouldn't happen.


7) Haven't spend much time in the new room, but noticed skyboxes/ceiling missing at one platform (probable possible to get there with excaliburs super jump).


8) And textures missing/gaps (inaccessible) at one of the wagons located at the bottom of the section.


9) And before I left the section through exit with with stairs on both sides and non-movable elevator platforms, I got stuck, because somebody messed it up. There are even no textures on the wall. Aborted the mission, however, I think it is maybe possible to get out with some ninja skills.

















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Reposting this from another thread, since this is where it belongs.


I managed to clip completely out of the map on the conveyor belt. According to my radar one of the enemies must have done the same thing, hence why I was trying to figure out where he went. The advisor said the map was clear but the waypoint still indicated there was an enemy. It didn't fix itself until I died when I clipped outside the map and fell into the void. It didn't take any serious effort on my part to make this happen, either- I literally walked right through the fence at the end of the conveyor and just kept on going, until eventually I fell off the end into the void.

By the way, why the hell do I get a revive taken away for clipping outside the map?!? Shouldn't it just make me fall back into the level like when ordinarily falling into a place inside the level- screen fades to black, then you're back where you fell from? I feel a bit cheated having a revive taken away for a mapping design flaw.

EDIT: Speaking of clipping, it seems the Tenno have a bit of a dislike for displacements and props.


Yeah, it's a beta. But it's important to catch some footy of this stuff to make sure it gets ironed out before an official release.

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Follow-up to the previous post (Grineer Base)

New day, new bugs :)


10) And after aborting the mission, because of 9) from previous post, we are finally lucky to encounter the famouse belt conveyor section. It's old news, but I had to try it myself (and add it here) - @(*()$ paternoster in warframe, seriously! The trick is in not panicking and just wait and everything is ok. After stucking in the map because of error this ride made my day :)

However, please explain - how come normal fire is damaging us, ice is not good for our shields, but walking on hot molten metal/material is ok. I am not suggesting instant kills but maybe doing heavy damage on contact would be fine.








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By the way, why the hell do I get a revive taken away for clipping outside the map?!? Shouldn't it just make me fall back into the level like when ordinarily falling into a place inside the level- screen fades to black, then you're back where you fell from? I feel a bit cheated having a revive taken away for a mapping design flaw.

EDIT: Speaking of clipping, it seems the Tenno have a bit of a dislike for displacements and props.

Yeah, it's a beta. But it's important to catch some footy of this stuff to make sure it gets ironed out before an official release.


I see you posted the famous belt conveyor few minutes earlier :D


I completly share your pain and rage for loosing revive because of map errors. I spammed devs and wrote it in this thread several times. It's just stupid, really stupid... and possible simple temporary solution could be adding a "return to safe spot" zone below the maps.

We are basically testing maps for them and we are punished for finding bugs...

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Follow-up to the previous post (Grineer Base)

11) Still in the belt conveyor room - funny place indeed - we can see the huge construction in the middle of the conveyor is pretty nonsolid in comparison to how it looks.


12) And we can find this weird something on the stairs/floor - what's that anyway? It looks the "it shouldn't be here" way :)


13) Small gaps in level geometry near one of the gate (actually on both similar gates).


14) And when we are at the top level of the section, where coal/something is thrown in the machine we can find some pretty interesting invisible wall/box there and we can wonder about the non-solid state of the falling coal-lie resource.

I have to wonder... Do these new sections actually undergo any kind of QA before implementation? Don't think so.

...yeah, beta, but... how about allowing some people, who care about polish, to access these maps (without enemies) earlier, so the most evident bugs are removed, when the tileset is implemented?


15) And so with a little bit of ninjaing, we can jump on the top rail where crate with the raw material is moving. And once there, we have to continue with next post becuse of the 5 images per post limit :)...


















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Follow-up to the previous post (Grineer Base)

16) So we are still in the belt conveyor room and on the green rail frame in the top part of the map section. From there, we can check the places, from where the crates are moving...invisible walls and crates clipping into each other magically appearing from ceiling. It's obvious nobody thought we will get here...

It's actually quite funny, one would say that the level designers know we can use wallclimbing and wallruning so the levels are adjusted to it...








And that's it for now, time to do the GUI overhaul since some concept "competitors" already appeared on the forum :)

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1) Grineer Asteroid - new section with nonmoving lava "river" in the middle

There's a glitching pipe below one of the small stairs.


2) There is also a little space below one of stairs with classing head/camera glitching and a small hole in the map geometry.


3) And more holes in the map geometry in the same section


4) Continuing the next room - the good old one with moving crates on the railway, there is texture missing near the place, where the crates appears.

















Edited by zelgaris
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Follow-up to the previous post (Grineer Asteroid)

And there is also a visible gap at the bottom of the map, when we jump a little.

And after a bit of ninjaing, we can find out the crates are pretty nonsolid, when appearing, there is also a invisible wall preventing us to go there, and we can fall down to a small rock platform, which should probably return us to safe spot rather than allowing us to see the missing stuff.





Still staying in the same section, we can jump on the crate to access the secret place and then fall through the wall when trying to jump down :)




After successfully getting into the secret room, we can jump down to end up near the gate to another section and we see a small hole in ceiling.



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Follow-up to the previous post (Grineer Asteroid)

Choosing not to go through the gate and go the other way there is a corridor with pretty huge gap in the ceiling, which is easily accessible...




And we can explore the outer bounds of the map - and we can then jump out from the map and then abort the mission, since we don't want to spend another revive, because the maps are unpolished :)


wf-grinbase-007flcra005gap.gif   wf-grinbase-007flcra005gap002.gif



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some cool places that me and my pal found while climbing

Hoover Dam




planet eris - Xini

random grinieer stuff


corpus stuff


we actually manged to ride one of the cargo transporters :D































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Just discovered on Oro that the area within the conveyor belt (which should be inaccesible) will either get you stuck OR send you off the map. You leave the map to the point where you see the whole area, then the ship, then the entire 3d realm and you die, reappearing within the map. Will edit with pictures.

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Just discovered on Oro that the area within the conveyor belt (which should be inaccesible) will either get you stuck OR send you off the map. You leave the map to the point where you see the whole area, then the ship, then the entire 3d realm and you die, reappearing within the map. Will edit with pictures.


You mean this? http://zelgaris.com/_temp/wf/wf-grinbase-005bcon001pn.gif

Because if you do, maybe checking the thread before posting is a good idea ;)

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I would like to contribute to this thread. Found this map error/glitch while fighting Tyl Regor on Titania a while ago. Guess it has to do with map fabrication clipping issues. This was on the Grineer asteriod map, after passing through the new map released on Update 7.7.3


Here are examples:





Hope this thread is addressed by DE. Can be confusing, especially for newer players. If this post is not suitable for this thread, let me know which thread is appropriate. Thanks.
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So, most of the places i've found have been documented in this thread already. Nice job zelgaris! =)


I don't remember what mission it was, not that it matters much with a random tileset for everything except defence missions.. but i managed to slash dash (to kill an enemy) into a corner i could then not escape from. I had to sit out the rest of the mission and wait for the team to finish. =(




and for a better view of where this is




I do agree strongly with a previous post stating that a command to display map chunk location information would be very useful in helping us help DE find and fix these issues.


Also, once you're stuck, there's literally nothing you can do. I've managed this a good few times on a number of maps and tiles- sometimes even falling out of the map and instead of dying and respawning i've wound up stuck in some small part of something under the map with no way out, no way to die and respawn, just stuck waiting for the rest of the team to finish the mission. To that end, an unstick (or even suicide) command would be helpful- perhaps something that'll warp you back to a designated location on the current or last known tile you were on, with a delay or check for damage received to ensure it isn't abused to avoid death.





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AnalogAnomaly> A command to teleport to the predefined safe place of the current chunk, when stuck, would be really helpfull, but there is also a need to prevent possible abuse of such command (e.g. cannot be used while under fire or when enemies are in a radius around the player and can be used only once in 5 minutes).

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