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New Enemies, Maybe With Different Weapons?


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So I've been playing for approximately three months, which is relatively short when compared to others. However, I feel the common enemy types feeling more dull as time passes. I'm killing the same Lancers with their HINDs, Heavy Gunners with their Gorgons, Prod Crewmen  with their Provas,  etc. I feel new common enemy types, or at least the same enemies with different weapons, would really spice up the game. For example, there are very few enemy melee types, but we have a relatively large amount of melee weapons. Something DE could do is arm the Butchers (although possibly under a new name) with some unique weapons such as the Fang and Galatine. Granted, they wouldn't exactly be common, for that may conflict with any lore pertaining to whichever melee weapon they wield. However, I do think something like a Powerfist trying to beat me up with an Brutal Tide combo would be pretty fun.


Ultimately, I do understand the difficulty with taking up something like this, and I'm certainly not demanding it immediately; however, a good chunk of the players may appreciate varying enemy types and weapons. 

TL;DR: Enemies w/ weapons are boring. Give them new ones/introduce new, common enemies.


Does anyone else share my view of the need to diversify the enemies? Or are you guys happy with our current enemy types?

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I say we need a new faction all toguether, I'm sick of the grinneer and Corpus... Even more interresting would be a new solar system.


But what kind of faction would feel truly different? We have our steampunk/junkyard Grineer, our high-tech Corpus, our monstrous Infested. Do you want something like Native Americans armed with Bows and Bo Staffs? (Not a serious idea, just a random one)

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Tbh, I don't really find it that much of a problem. This may be because I normally kill them so fast and their corpses don't have weapons, but as long as a high amount of bullets are flying at the invincible Dakra copter, I'm good.

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I agree. there should be more units holding more of their respective weapons.


I'd love to see some Grineer units equipped with the Drakgoon, or maybe the Jat Kittag. Same goes for Corpus units equipped with things such as the Cestra or Amprex.

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