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For The Love Of God.....improve G3 Spawn Rate


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i am marked for them to visit currently, but i have the "failed to login/disconnect" error or bug happening to me anytime i  do anything besides logging in to get my daily reward. so i cant even try to hunt for the gun, because i have a 98% chance for the game to disconnect and not save whatever piece i would happen to get.

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At least you guys are getting death marks from Heck. Right now I can't even get a death mark after playing 60+ invasion missions against the Grineer. I just hope this gets fixed in the upcoming update as I only need 1 part to complete my Brakk.

Edited by (PS4)edwinp426
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At least you guys are getting death marks from Heck. Right now I can't even get a death mark after playing 60+ invasion missions against the Grineer. I just hope this gets fixed in the upcoming update as I only need 1 part to complete my Brakk.

Are you sure you aren't still marked I had a similar thing happen then came after me and the host lagged out and everyone got kicked after killing them I farmed for the mark for like 2 days to get nothing but then a couple days later they showed up I killed them and after that every 5 runs I get a email again

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At least you guys are getting death marks from Heck. Right now I can't even get a death mark after playing 60+ invasion missions against the Grineer. I just hope this gets fixed in the upcoming update as I only need 1 part to complete my Brakk.


This is what was happening to me too. I had fought them twice over too. But it turned out that those two fights weren't for me. They were targeting other people. So when I had set my game to solo and equipped a low-level secondary and melee, then went to a survival mission on Mercury, they spawned and consumed my mark. Since then, I was able to get another mark just fine. The problem is getting them to spawn to consume the mark.

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It took me forever to use my mark and when I did I ran 12 invasion missions before I got my mark. I got G3 twice in a row now ive got 2 spare Brakks in ny inventory.


On the other hand I just figured out how to get individual stalker weapons and relieved I got my last weapon, despair. Now I never got a mark from stalker yet and my clan mate yet has to acquire a harvester mark but attacked him.


Could it be a error in code which marks arent send to certain people? IDK but the only advice i can offer is run with a full party with marks and if everyone does, 1/10 chances they WILL appear. If one person thinks but dont have it, 1/1000 chance so make sure.

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I have enough to make three brakks and 3 detrons 40 encounters with g3 3 with harvester, come at me bro...

Lol I can't believe I just read that. "Come at me bro..." Thought that phrase only existed on neon sleeveless shirts worn by tools.

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i actually got all parts solo. for some odd reason in 2 days of my farming with my friends, they spawned only twice but when i started playing solo, they started spawning roughly every 2 to 3 games after getting the mark. I had nekros with terrify and desecrate build on (had dakra prime to slash them into half for extra loot).

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The spawn is awful I have the gun but have been running it with a few clan mates who don't have it yet and it is brutal, however my biggest grip is the marks them self it would be nice if on our progress bar when not in game we had icons that showed which marks we had. I got one email from the stalker after the update yet he has come after me at least 10 times now so never know when I have his mark or not.

That, my friend, is an F'ing epic idea!

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i have had the mark since the update where the G3 came into the game.  I HAVE YET TO HAVE THEM SPAWN IN MY GAME. yes for about 2 months now i have ran all the invasion missions, joined "g3 farming parities" ran 5 minute survivals on grineer tilesets, you name it i have probably done it and i have yet to even have them spawn.  i've raised my conclave, lowered my conclave, all of it and still no G3.  im starting to think that this is a bug for my profile. especailly when i have friends that say they have enough parts to build 2 more brakks. i agree, please increase the spawn rate

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I noticed running a lower ranked build.. example being 


I've had back to back G3 spawns after each time I got marked (threat letters sent to inbox).. each time they came after me, and I knew this because Lotus was telling me to leave, not other people in my party (that is how you know the G3 are coming for you).


Each time this happened, I either had a unranked Warframe, or a low level Warframe with an unranked gun. Not sure if your 'conclave' meaning means anything for a better G3 appearance, but just loading up with the lowest possible ranked warframe and weapon you could & still be able to handle the G3. Both times I ran a Trinity under rank 15, with a primary weapon under rank 20; I kept my secondary at 30 (OP Marelok to kill them)


This is just what I've observed every time the G3 came, if I goto farm them and run all level 30 weapons/frames, it is a pain in the &#! to get them to spawn.


Also they seem to only come either 45seconds in, or 3-4minutes in.. but I've also just been doing survivals against grineer, have yet to see them come after me in an actual operation mission.


Again I cannot prove that rollin with a lower unranked theory works, I just know it has been working for me so far to get back to back spawns. I just have to get the receiver and personally haven't been playing as much since I've been cramming for finals. But I'l keep testing this out.

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I have read all your and agree about the spawn rate but i think it applies to more than G3. I have been trying to complete several prime weapons and ember prime, needing on a single part for each, but i keep getting the same rewards. t2 and t3 mobile D for example have given me the bronco prime and reaper 13-15 times each and theG3 only drop neurodes when beat them

Edited by Ange_de_lah_Mort
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Took me two weekends of playing invasions ALL WEEKEND to get Brakk. Really I just had to keep playing until I felt like I was going to vomit. Sometimes I would go 40 missions without seeing them (I know, because of the invasion counter). And that is with 4 other people who were also marked playing with me.


As an aside, I think Stalker is broken for me, haven't seen him in ages and I am definitely marked.

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