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Why On Ceres...


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You mean the invasion that take up only one node out of what, 20?


Edit: Scratch that, i just realized that almost "half" of the Ceres system is Corpus controlled, this could become problematic i guess, yeah.

Edited by AvengerGrim
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Think about from the perspective of someone who has not even got to fight Vay Hek yet, Please don't overlap the only way I am ever going to see this guy, this invasion on Ceres needs to be reverted...

My bro and I were talking about this yesterday.

Ceres is this all new awesome Grineer base tileset where we are meant to fight prosecutors to eventually get to Vay Hek.

Its slowly being taken over by the Corpus... Whole tileset will be wasted and no more access to Hek.


On a more serious note the entire solar map needs a reset... Since the release of Brakk Corpus control almost everything.

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So for Tenno interest, we should be supporting Grineer, at least on Ceres. At least until some drop is tied to Corpus, in which case we will need better coordination (e.g. somebody post, support Grinneer on node A,B,C, support Corpus on D,E,F) ... lol


P.S. Remember that we are all controlled managed by the Loot Orientated Tenno Utilization System. Loot will should drive our motive/direction/action. We should support our Tenno brother in OP, but if Corpus offer potato on invasion nodes compared to crap offered by the Grineer ...  sorry OP... :P

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The last time I played, Nuovo was invaded by the Corpus, so who won? I sided with the Grineer on this one, to hell with the Grustrag 3 death mark, I can get it from somewhere else. It was a 25K versus 25K credit reward so .... the Grineer should have defended Nuovo.

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yeah they got me when the owner of nuovo changed.

time to find another node to farm prosecutors.


i think the corpus want to "taste" the new shipyard too.

but having them owning almost half of the planet is kind of over the top

since its the only planet we can farm bacon.




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My bro and I were talking about this yesterday.

Ceres is this all new awesome Grineer base tileset where we are meant to fight prosecutors to eventually get to Vay Hek.

Its slowly being taken over by the Corpus... Whole tileset will be wasted and no more access to Hek.


On a more serious note the entire solar map needs a reset... Since the release of Brakk Corpus control almost everything.


Firstly, it was Grineer taking Star chart, now it's Corpus. If DE doesn't take any steps in right direction we will lose all the fun of playing Grineer Shipyards(with Grineer freakin' faction in it!). 

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