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To De: Balance To Warframes


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You don't like when I pop your bubbles eh?


There are already cooldowns in the game.  Try another argument please...

I don't like you when say "You're mad at trin nerf." When none of us have given any evidence to even caring. If you want to have an intelligent argument, I'm all for it, but don't just say the same thing over and over. Also, the cooldowns are minor. Usually on powers that absolutely needed it. IE Rhino Stomp, before we would all just stasis everything, although it did poor damage.

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What? Now you just sound silly.


From what I'm reading, you're saying that being able to spam 4 on a T3 Defense at wave 50 and nothing dieing immediately is a bad thing and because of this we need cooldowns? If English isn't your first language, don't post on the English forum please. Only because I'm having trouble piecing together what you're saying.

"Don't post what I can't understand!"


Good one.


He's saying that cooldowns could actually boost the strength of some abilities that are in need of a boost while balancing things without nerfing how they work.  It's not that hard to understand.

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What? Now you just sound silly.


From what I'm reading, you're saying that being able to spam 4 on a T3 Defense at wave 50 and nothing dieing immediately is a bad thing and because of this we need cooldowns? If English isn't your first language, don't post on the English forum please. Only because I'm having trouble piecing together what you're saying.


this is funny to me because it just shows how incapable you are at adding anything constructive to the conversation. your out of ideas out of responses and above your head, so instead of bowing out like a reasonable person would do you start attacking the people within the thread.


what a joke lol. get out.


as for the idea itself. yes damaging abilities being completely useless past level 30ish is a problem and part of what im trying to address here. it is much more time-cost-player efficient to just allow the ability to do more damage and have a cooldown rather then having to press it 10 times to kill anything. all the wile the guy with the penta is running around actually killing things. 

Edited by Vanhline
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Alright, this thread has become much too flame-y for my liking, Bye.



Just to note: I said cooldowns wouldn't fix anything. Adding Cooldowns to every ability won't fix anything. However, tweaking the power of each ability like they have been doing is great, and it works. The game is fun yet still difficult, and I still enjoy it. I didn't say I couldn't understand it, I said the English was choppy, and I'm not very good at reading broken sentences like this


"cooldown dont mean the game will be slower lol, using 4, it killing everything in the room and then being on cooldown for 30s is much faster then pressing 4 10 times til your out of energy and nothing dying. "


I wasn't saying "don't keep posting", I was saying "Please proofread your stuff so it's a little more coherent.

Edited by Funnymouth1
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I don't like you when say "You're mad at trin nerf." When none of us have given any evidence to even caring. If you want to have an intelligent argument, I'm all for it, but don't just say the same thing over and over. Also, the cooldowns are minor. Usually on powers that absolutely needed it. IE Rhino Stomp, before we would all just stasis everything, although it did poor damage.

I'm saying that you'd probably be one of the first people to complain about the trin nerf even though a cooldown would fix Blessing in it's current state.  It becomes apparent when your argument is "nothing's broken, don't add cooldowns" when Blessing is clearly broken, admittedly by DE, and will be receiving a nerf.


Cooldowns being minor or major doesn't matter.  They exist and people don't complain about them.  Nyx cannot use Chaos until it wears off or all the enemies are dead.  That can actually last a very long time, which turns it into a very long cooldown.


It's all relative

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They tried it before in closed beta.  Didn't work.  All it did was slow things down.


All people did was camp beside a door for their powers to cool-down so that they could use them if they needed them to face the next group of enemies.

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They tried it before in closed beta.  Didn't work.  All it did was slow things down.


All people did was camp beside a door for their powers to cool-down so that they could use them if they needed them to face the next group of enemies.

Yeah, because in closed beta the weaponry sucked and melee had all the effectiveness of a jet liner in the ocean.


So what, you put all of your damage in the form of abilities only and then put them on cooldowns?  Of course people are going to wait until the cooldown is up.


As it stands right now, I don't even use my abilities most of the time.  The Boltor Prime is strong enough to shred anything faster than I could get within range to use most of my skills in the first place.

Edited by Thaumatos
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Cooldowns won't do much.

If anything, they'd make the artificial challenge that much worse.

If our enemies didn't have hitscan weapons, endless stunlocks, and damage mitigation, I'd be all for it.

Hell, if our parkour was encouraged with massive rooms and Hit & Run tactics were the main way to fight, I'd adore cool downs. It'd be a tweak/nerf that'd be almost unnoticeable to vet players, while being a weight that new players would constantly lift until it made them stronger.


However, that's not our case.

We have hitscan enemies.

Endless stun locks.

Damage mitigation.

Few-to-zero rooms encouraging the community to use parkour in their attacks.

And now you'd like cool downs? No thanks.


Cooldowns would only encourage players to bring XX/YY frame parties (EX: Nova-Nova + Trinity-Trinity).

Drop one blessing/Mprime, prepare the other two.


Want a void run with a party?

Better have X/Y frame, or nobody's taking you.


"Go with friends!"

Yep. Isolate yourself to a few people in a game that should be encouraging you to play with countless others.

Solves everything..

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Cooldowns won't do much.

If anything, they'd make the artificial challenge that much worse.

If our enemies didn't have hitscan weapons, endless stunlocks, and damage mitigation, I'd be all for it.

Hell, if our parkour was encouraged with massive rooms and Hit & Run tactics were the main way to fight, I'd adore cool downs. It'd be a tweak/nerf that'd be almost unnoticeable to vet players, while being a weight that new players would constantly lift until it made them stronger.


However, that's not our case.

We have hitscan enemies.

Endless stun locks.

Damage mitigation.

Few-to-zero rooms encouraging the community to use parkour in their attacks.

And now you'd like cool downs? No thanks.


Cooldowns would only encourage players to bring XX/YY frame parties (EX: Nova-Nova + Trinity-Trinity).

Drop one blessing/Mprime, prepare the other two.


Want a void run with a party?

Better have X/Y frame, or nobody's taking you.


"Go with friends!"

Yep. Isolate yourself to a few people in a game that should be encouraging you to play with countless others.

Solves everything..


just adding cooldown by itself wont add anything thats for sure, but adding the cooldown allows them to ramp up the power on weaker abilities wile keeping the OP ones on a leash.


the problem is most of the abilities in the game are just worthless past like level 25-30, and as SOON as you ramp them up to where they can kill things they become OP because you can spam them. the cooldown is there to allow abilities to actually be useful wile preventing them from becoming overpowered. trins 'blessing' is a perfect example of this. in its current state its perma-invincibility for the whole team. add a cool down and its just an amazing oh-crap ability.


as for "better have x/y frame" its already like that, in the games current state most of the frames are just useless. there are a handful worth bringing along to anything.

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Cooldowns won't do much.

If anything, they'd make the artificial challenge that much worse.

If our enemies didn't have hitscan weapons, endless stunlocks, and damage mitigation, I'd be all for it.

Hell, if our parkour was encouraged with massive rooms and Hit & Run tactics were the main way to fight, I'd adore cool downs. It'd be a tweak/nerf that'd be almost unnoticeable to vet players, while being a weight that new players would constantly lift until it made them stronger.


However, that's not our case.

We have hitscan enemies.

Endless stun locks.

Damage mitigation.

Few-to-zero rooms encouraging the community to use parkour in their attacks.

And now you'd like cool downs? No thanks.


Cooldowns exist in other games with enemies that can stun-lock you, have damage mitigation, and have 'definite hit' attacks (nearly the same as hitscan...only worse).  It isn't what is available to the AI that makes a cooldown proper, it's how that cooldown is implemented.


As I've said before, the game already has cooldowns and skill lock-outs.  You have to keep those sort of things relative to your game.  Nobody should be implementing a 24-hour cooldown skill in Warframe.  There are skills like that in other games and they work for what they're intended to do.




Want a void run with a party?

Better have X/Y frame, or nobody's taking you.


"Go with friends!"

Yep. Isolate yourself to a few people in a game that should be encouraging you to play with countless others.

Solves everything..


That happens right now.  People are constantly looking for Nova and Trinity for Tower runs.  It happens in every single game.  People want to exclude anyone that they don't perceive as 'good enough' to allow them to succeed.  Its a product of society that games and gamers must unfortunately endure.


Would they look for nova/nova/trin/trin with cooldowns?  I doubt it.  The only reason trin is sought-after is because she makes everyone invulnerable all the time.  Remember how Frost was a must-have for defense before the nerf?  Now people take him or leave him.  Once trin has a break in the constant up-time of Blessing, it's no longer as powerful and other things can take it's place.  They'd more than likely try to build around cooldowns and bring classes with high amounts of CC in order to provide the longest amount of down-time from taking damage.  That'd be the next step down from perma-invuln and auto-destroy.  That's my opinion anyway.


In the end, no matter how you change your game, people will still form a consensus opinion of what makes a good group and what makes a bad group.  There will always be people who want to kick you for taking 'x' with 'y' to their 'z' game.  It sucks, but you have to tolerate them.

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A big NO. Cooldowns would go against what Warframe is: a fast, action-oriented game. 


If you want cooldowns, go play some MMORPG with anime-style and giant swords. 


If you dont like how other players are using their powers, go play solo or private with your friends and/or clan. 



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A big NO. Cooldowns would go against what Warframe is: a fast, action-oriented game. 


If you want cooldowns, go play some MMORPG with anime-style and giant swords. 


If you dont like how other players are using their powers, go play solo or private with your friends and/or clan. 


you should try reading some of the conversation before you jump right in there chief. all this^^^ has already been covered.

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You are asking for change and people generally resist change initially. Another idea is get rid of energy orbs and instead give people a base energy regen.On top of that fleeting expertise and streamline need to be changed. An example of a change would for streamline and fleeting expertise is to make it so they do not stack. Also, some abilities would need to be rebalanced if the energy system were changed or a cool down system were implemented.

Edited by Oishii
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