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[Grineer Unit Concept] Grineer Mechanic


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I'm noting this down before the Design a Grineer Enemy forum goes up so I don't forget, to "look" at the idea to attempt to condense it into fewer words, and to maybe get feedback.






The Grineer Empire's military ships and stations require constant maintenance, due to their degraded technology. Alongside this issue, several batches of recent clones have become increasingly degraded in genetic structure, being born with bizarre deformities and severely lacking in mental processes.

In order to solve their lack of maintenance, the higher ups in the Grineer Hierarchy have repurposed these deformed clones: they are encased in a vacuum sealed space suit, designed to protect against the harsh environment of space and to conceal their hideous deformities. These space suits are extremely linked to the nervous system of the deformed clone, indoctrinating them beyond the normal xenophobic mentality the Grineer are programmed with. This, coupled with various processes reverse engineered from Corpus Proxy AI have allowed them the basic function of protect and maintain their assigned ship at all cost.

On a normal basis, these units, referred to as Mechanics, will be sent all around the ship, inside and out, and conduct regular maintenance to reduce accidents and repair damages from previous battles or sabotage. However, due to the increased security being enforced with the rise of Tenno incursions, Mechanics are also equipped with Mareloks and are programmed to engage on sight.





Grineer Mechanics are somewhere between a Heavy Unit and a slightly bigger small unit.


On the defensive, the Mechanic is protected by its sealed space suit. Given its design to protect against the harsh vacuum of space, this specialized armor has extra reduced damage against Electrical, Radiation, and Gas damage. In addition, it can not be proc'd with those elements, meaning it cannot be Electrocuted, Irradiated, or Gassed. It also is not staggered when struck by melee or proc'd by Impact damage. However, it is extremely vulnerable to Puncture, Magnetic, and Slash damage.


In attacks, the Mechanic has a couple of ways to protecting its post.

First of all, it has its Marelok sidearm. It deals high damage, but due to Mechanics having extreme degridation, they have a harder time aiming, often tracking behind you instead of at you, and will not fire it very fast.

Their second weapon is their left gauntlet, which doubles as a melee and ranged weapon. In melee, the Mechanic will attempt to smack you with the gauntlet, having a chance to deal electrical damage alongside impact damage. At range, the Mechanic will use the surge pylon, a device built into the gauntlet to reduce static and prevent power surges across the ship. The surge pylon can either direct a weak bolt of electricity or can be charged by another Mechanic's surge pylon to increase its effectiveness.


However, degridation is extremely noticeable:

Mechanics are slow; they never run. The massive suit and their basic motor functions prevent anything more than relatively slow shambling.

They're also dull witted. In combat, even if nearby Grineer have spotted you, they might not even know you're there and will continue to go about their work.



And that's the idea, feedback, as always, is greatly appreciated. :D

Edited by Krion112
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I like it. However I do think they should have Brakks instead. Crewmen on Jupiter have Detrons. So, why not? Also, Brakks will compensate for their poor aim, at least that's what the Grineer should think. Hope this was constructive.

Edited by Xhos
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I like it. However I do think they should have Brakks instead. Crewmen on Jupiter have Detrons. So, why not? Also, Brakks will compensate for their poor aim, at least that's what the Grineer should think. Hope this was constructive.

Originally, I did have it as being the Brakk, and even had the Brakk drawn in the right hand, however my mentality argued that "Why would the Grineer trust their dumbest and least-military intended members with such a weapon?". Right now, I say Marelok, but that's why I didn't draw the Marelok after removing the Brakk; it's subject to change.

Thanks for the comment, however! :D

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Reminds me of HL2's Combine Super Soldier concept art (link right here: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091009180923/half-life/en/images/7/75/Super_soldier.jpg ) but all in all, that is a really nice enemy idea you have here.


Maybe, to make it more of a threat and target, it could deploy rollers / fix arc traps and sensor bars with its surge pylon? It'd make it more annoying and threatening, as well as keeping in the theme of active mechanical repair / maintenance.

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Forgot to mention, it's defenses seem OP, any weak spots?

Sorry, I just remembered they are slow.

And they have extreme weakness to Puncture, Magnetic and Slash damage, which most guns designed to fight Grineer have. And it's not like Electrical, Radiation, and Gas damage don't do any damage, they still do damage to it, just reduced damage.



Reminds me of HL2's Combine Super Soldier concept art but all in all, that is a really nice enemy idea you have here.


Maybe, to make it more of a threat and target, it could deploy rollers / fix arc traps and sensor bars with its surge pylon? It'd make it more annoying and threatening, as well as keeping in the theme of active mechanical repair / maintenance.

Holy Shaize, I haven't looked up old stuff from Half-Life 2 in forever. But maybe this is where the deep recesses of my mind created this design.


I don't know about deploying rollers; that's Kela de Thaym's power and the deploy unit for Grineer is already the Seeker. But being able to repair Arc Traps and those Mag Gate Sensor Bars is something I suppose would be interesting to have. I'll give it some thought.


Thanks for the comments, guys :D

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