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[Fan Lore] My Version Of Some Warframe History


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2140 AD, the year everything changed. Humanity, enjoying it's second Golden Age, once again experienced a tech boom. Cryogenics, nanomachines, cybernetic implants, neural networks and all the other things of science fiction past began to come to fruition. It was then that humankind learned of a new technology - Orokin. Uncovered in vast quantities among the stars, humanity surged into space; a tech based gold rush. Claims were staked, corporations made money hand over fist and things began to change once more. This change however, was tinged with darkness.

The Orokin technology that became widely integrated into human society had terrible consequences, warping and mutating human DNA. Body modifications became the norm, rather than the exception, to cover or replace the damage done by the Orokin tech. And when a man becomes more machine than human, the resulting psyche became...twisted. This marked the beginning of The Old War.

The combination of Orokin technology and body modifications drove those affected to form their own regime; the humble beginnings of the Grineer. As the violence escalated, some dedicated scientists searched for a way to resist, even harness the effects of the Orokin technology. From this research, the first Warframe was born.

Combining the sum of human and Orokin technological advancement, the Warframe seemed like the perfect answer. But those who created it knew of the terrible cost it would incur. The suit would bond with its wearer forever, never able to be separated again. Fused with the central nervous system, it enhanced reaction time, speed, agility and strength. Orokin technology could be absorbed by the suit, supercharging its systems while keeping the wearer perfectly protected. But once the suit was worn, the human inside could never come out.

When the Warframes appeared, humanity praised them as their saviors, believing that the Orokin themselves had returned to put an end to the tyranny and bloodshed of the young Grineer race. Those inside the suits had made a pact, to keep their origins secret, so that the Warframe technology would not fall into the hands of the enemy. It was then that they renamed themselves as the Tenno. The first of the Tenno, the woman who first chose to sacrifice her old life for the salvation of others, was named Lotus; matriarch of the Tenno.

The battles raged for years, the Tenno fighting with superior skill and the Grineer responding with overwhelming numbers. In the end though, the Grineer could not maintain the fight forever. After the final battle, a treaty was signed by human and Grineer alike. Neither race was to pursue Orokin technology ever again. To do so would bring about another war, with even more loss of life. The Grineer were also forced to agree to peace with humans.

Once the treaty was signed, the Tenno had no purpose left in the solar system. The had known from the start that they could never go back to the lives they once had. Instead, they chose to go into cryosleep in single unit shuttles.

Decades passed and the legends of the Old War and the Tenno faded into obscurity, at least to the humans. The Grineer, while passive for the time, never let go of their defeat. And when their numbers swelled yet again, they betrayed humanity, overwhelming them and forcing them into servitude alongside their robotic pets. Once their conquest of humanity ended, the Grineer dedicated their efforts to recovering as much Orokin technology as they could find. They knew that the Tenno would return and that they had to be prepared...

[Hope you guys enjoyed. It was a bit rushed as I did it over my lunch break. Feel free to leave feedback!]

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Honestly, for awhile and even still I've been doing my best to attempt to tie the game to Dark Sector. I feel it's too heavily borrowed to not incorporate some of that story.

However, Dark Sector aside and looking purely on what Warframe is. I applaud you. The most coherent and well-thought out telling of past events and how we arrived to where we are now. Kudos sir, kudos.

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What the hell is random tech just doing floating in the stars? Well done, but that little plot hole will irk me to no end.

I know. Like I said, it was rushed. If I had more than half an hour to write it, I would have fleshed it out more. I might come up with a deeper version if enough people care.

Honestly, for awhile and even still I've been doing my best to attempt to tie the game to Dark Sector. I feel it's too heavily borrowed to not incorporate some of that story.

However, Dark Sector aside and looking purely on what Warframe is. I applaud you. The most coherent and well-thought out telling of past events and how we arrived to where we are now. Kudos sir, kudos.

Thanks for the kudos sir :) I'll cherish them!

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