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How To Make Exterminate Interesting For Stealth Players


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this would go better for spy missions not exterminate , spy is suppose to be stealth . exterminate is pretty much just kill everything , sure some players would like to do it stealthily but most players just go in guns blazing till its all dead

I know but imagine at very high levels or for new players : 


Or better imagine the grineer

"Sh*t some space ninjas are trying to kill us CALL REINFORCEMENTS"

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everyone would sound the alarms then, it would be better if they aded a timer, or half the reward, only then they would remain hidden

Or yeah not bad a timer as well would be cool = adding a sense of urgency


having more enemies to kill in little time can be a cool challenge

Edited by Deidaku
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everyone would sound the alarms then, it would be better if they aded a timer, or half the reward, only then they would remain hidden


Yeah, this. That would get abused pretty badly.


Also, go to agree; while you CAN stealth (solo anyway) missions, they're the most YARG ASSAULT of all the mission types next to Invasion.

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If the alarm is activated , The total enemy amount doubles and the new ones who span are  a tier above. XD


Common sense seems to say that this should be true on all levels in every mission type...

Edited by JackBeloved
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