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[Warframe Concept] Brache, Guardian Of Stone. Geomancy Frame With A Tanky Focus. (Artwork Needed.)


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Tenno, Let me introduce you to Brache. Master of the earth underneath his feet. A sturdy and protective frame he excels at guarding his fellow tenno over damaging others. To use him well you must keep your guard up and remember that creative protection is what truly fuels this frame.


Influence for appearance: 1194173-82330_151539_guyver.jpg Guyver 0 is a possible influence. Working on an actual design.


Base stats

Health: 150 (450 at rank 30)

Shields: 50 (150 at rank 30)

Power: 100 (150 at rank 30)

Armor: 300

Stamina: 80

Sprint Speed: 0.8

Polarities: 4 power slots and 2 defense slots.

Aura slot: Defense, perfect for Physique and Rejuvenation.


Not unlike frames like Valkyr and Saryn, Brache focuses more on his health and armor over shields or stamina. He may be slow but his superior bulk and focus on protecting others makes him a unique tank focused mostly on stepping in the line of fire as well as holding an area against targets that other tenno could not. Thankfully for Brache he creates the materials he needs from within, keeping him effective even in space.





Energy: 25 Description: Brache targets an ally or foe to dig his way to them. He dives into the earth using his strength to bend the earth to his will. When underground he is impervious to damage and anyone caught in his way will be staggered and receive minor impact damage while the target gains a blast proc. Upon coming back up from Burrow Tecton shortly stuns those near him. [Every level increases range, chance to stagger, and radius of the stun upon arriving at his target. Affected by power range and power strength.]



Energy:50 Description: Brache is a force of nature and makes this clear. He slams his fists into the earth, cracking and raising  the land in a line in front of him.  Anyone unfortunate enough to get in the way is affected by strong impact damage and is flung into the air. It makes makeshift walls for cover, taking any incoming damage as well as capability for area denial. This power with levels increases the range in which tremor can travel as well as slightly increasing the damage.[Affected by power strength, range, and duration.]




Energy: 75 Description: Brache summons the fury of the sands, placing a sandstorm around him causing a small DoT of corrosive to any in it. Any enemies caught in the storm suffers a massive reduction in accuracy and any allies to go in will gain an increased chance to stagger targets who are caught in the swirling death. Upon leveling this power the DoT procs increase and the duration is increased along with the size of the storm. [Affected by power range and power duration.]



Energy:100 Description: Brache locks his feet into the earth becoming immobile. When in this state his body becomes one with the earth, turning to stone and becoming invincible to incoming damage. He admits a taunt upon triggering this power, gaining attention to him however this is not permanent and if he takes too little damage the benefits of the power are lost. After taking damage in his Gargoyle state whatever he took is gained as a percentage back as armor and health. Leveling this ability increases the taunt duration and range, the time in gargoyle state is locked to 4 seconds at rank one and rounds out to 8 seconds at max but the percentage returned as armor and health increases with rank. [Affected by Power Range and Duration affect the taunt. Power Strength will Increase the percentage returned as armor and health.]


Alternate Abilities


Stone Arena

Energy: 50 Description: Brache bends the earth around him, creating a dome around himself and enemies, creating an arena where it is his own playground. This power can be used in a variety of ways from defending a point, to covering a downed ally, to trapping a stronger enemy withheld in it to keep them from less durable team mates. Inside this dome it will snare enemies into the earth. This dome does not have health, instead only have a small duration in witch to use it. Increasing the level will increase the duration but it maxes out at thirty seconds, the size of the bubbles is increased as well. [Affected by power range and duration.]


Statue Shatter

Energy: 100 Description: Brache goes still, focusing his mind on his power. He focuses the earth around him, creating a barrier that takes the incoming damage for him. Upon shattering from damage it will knock all those around him down and converts the shards of rock to an armor buff. Leveling this gives the statue state more health as well as increasing armor when the statue is broken.[Affected by power duration and power strength.]


Seismic Upheaval

Energy: 50 Description: Brache raises the earth beneath him, leaving a large pillar of cover while propelling him up higher along with anyone unlucky enough to be standing with him on the spire. Those tossed receive a impact damage burst on them. With level the strength and duration increase.[Affected by Power Strength and Duration, only affecting the spires time there when increasing duration.]


Concret Rush

Energy:50 Description: Brache covers himself in a stone armor, charging himself up for a brief moment, during this time he is vulnerable to damage. When fully charged he gains an armor buff as well as a charge that he can not stop. Anyone he runs into during the duration of the power is knocked and dealt heavy impact damage. With rank the time in the charged state is increased as well as the armor given in the state.[Affected by power strength and duration.]




Any critiques, Ideas, or input is welcome and conversation and suggested changes are desired!


Links to other concepts of mine, Give em a look if you've got the time:

Edited by Recovery8
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I must say this frame seems cool.

Thank you for the compliment, working on getting someone to do an image of him to help show the desired look of this concept. If anyone has any idea's I'd be happy to hear them.

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Added in a placeholder to show the general idea for the shape of the armor, something based around a guyver unit. Working on an actual design. Alternate powers on the way.

Edited by Recovery8
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Stone Arena seems like a twist on Snow Globe honestly.  Might be a little more distinct if it could be used to snare an enemy or group of enemies underneath the power.

I've taken your suggestions in mind, I'm in the drawing board with a friend for this so it will be actively updated.

Edited by Recovery8
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One helmet should look like the Rock of Gibraltar but in space.  Don't ask me to explain it, I'm a idea man I don't actually know how to do ANYTHING!


And one that mimics the appearnce of a geode or something.  Yeah, that'll work.

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One helmet should look like the Rock of Gibraltar but in space.  Don't ask me to explain it, I'm a idea man I don't actually know how to do ANYTHING!


And one that mimics the appearnce of a geode or something.  Yeah, that'll work.

These are not bad idea's, I'll bring them up to one of the guys I have that is doing a possible concept art for Tecton. Thank you for the contribution!

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How about making it in flat surfaced and cuts, but still flow organically in between.

Almost statue like in a way.Like sandstone mixed with marble.

Could you reiterate? Are you talking about the frame himself or a power appearance?

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Didnt someone just suggest an earth one with abilites very similar to this one?

Anyways, I like 4, 3, 2 and 1. All very versatile, and 4 is good for high leveled games, though not very much on the damaging powers... but defense was the theme, right?

Edited by jjpdn
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Didnt someone just suggest an earth one with abilites very similar to this one?

Anyways, I like 4, 3, 2 and 1. All very versatile, and 4 is good for high leveled games, though not very much on the damaging powers... but defense was the theme, right?

I don't want to sound snobby but I saw the other frame and commented. I posted this about a day or two before it but this isn't the first Earth frame idea. His was more offensive and I was going for a tank instead and his powers are quiet different. He still has some nice ideas. Thanks for the feedback on the powers, I appreciated.

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I mean the warframe itself.

I feel it would make it stand out from the others and suits the name, if kept.

I see, I'll bring it up with the guy I have who offered to do some concept art. A smoother style for the Shogun style armor and armadillo theme might be smarter. 

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I don't want to sound snobby but I saw the other frame and commented. I posted this about a day or two before it but this isn't the first Earth frame idea. His was more offensive and I was going for a tank instead and his powers are quiet different. He still has some nice ideas. Thanks for the feedback on the powers, I appreciated.

K. Oh, and sandstorm seems a bit different than all the other earth ones.. how about a landslide?

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K. Oh, and sandstorm seems a bit different than all the other earth ones.. how about a landslide?

There was a concept for that type of power in the original concept. I dropped it for the reasoning that utility and defense was the focus of the frame and I couldn't find a way to make a landslide work without being a carbon copy of Hydroids first ability. I did have it in mind but with the general idea being manipulation of solid matter like concrete, stone, sand, mud, and things of the sort I thought I'd expand to make it feel vibrant.

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