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Lex Vs Kraken, Which To Supercharge?



Thoughts from people who have used both? I intend to use it for long range comboed with Rhino (Gorgon/Scindo) and Ash (Hek/Zoren).

Lex is my 3rd purchased pistol (after Sicarus and Viper). The Viper's burst damage was awesome, but it's an ammo black hole (yes, I know pistol ammo is the most common, but it's hard to scrounge around for it during a boss fight). Hence my choice of the Lex for excellent ammo efficiency since my aim is alright (82% acc, 263 headshots of 483 kills so far). The Sicarus was excellent mid/close range since it could kill Grineer grunts and non-ancient Infested in a single burst, but it felt terribly wasteful at long range when only 2 of the 3 shots hit; burst-firing the Viper at long range felt more effective.

How similar is the Kraken's burst damage pattern to the Sicarus since it only fires 2 shots? Does the second shot and higher rate of fire make up for the damage discrepancy compared to the Lex? Is the Lex's high base crit chance high enough to merit stacking crit mods to blow the Kraken out of the water (hehe)?. I don't have a Kraken yet, but I'd rather not waste the materials and credits to craft a weapon I'm going to hate (looking at you, Paris). Hopefully the last comment won't earn me too many flames since we're discussing the LEX and KRAKEN

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5 answers to this question

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if you like the Lex but hated the Paris (maybe cuz of the physics?)

then well... I dunno

the Kraken fires two shots the second shot is not a random scatter like the burst on the Sicarus, the 2nd shot from the Kraken always pulls directly up, and with practice it is possible to land doubles on most targets (ie body shot and headshot, or two bodyshots)

the Kraken is less efficient per bullet than the Lex, but it has a much more forgiving fire rate and reload speed

I will admit that I leveled a Lex to 30 and sold it because I hated it, but that was before the last round of buffs/rebalances to it in U7, so it might be better now

IMHO the Kraken is one of the best sidearms available (along with the Bronco/LatoV)

im personally not a fan of the AKbolto's but i know how powerful they can be

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I found my self using Lex much more than Kraken, while both is great. Killing an enemy with 1 headshot just feels better. And practicing aim with Kraken to get headshot with second bullet ruined my aiming skill :P

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Thoughts from people who have used both? I intend to use it for long range comboed with Rhino (Gorgon/Scindo) and Ash (Hek/Zoren).

How similar is the Kraken's burst damage pattern to the Sicarus since it only fires 2 shots?

First shot is 100% accurate, second depends on Fire Rate as the recoil drives it directly up.

Does the second shot and higher rate of fire make up for the damage discrepancy compared to the Lex?

Yes and no. Explanation later.

Is the Lex's high base crit chance high enough to merit stacking crit mods to blow the Kraken out of the water (hehe)?

No because Crit Chance is bugged/doesn't work properly at the moment. It's works as this: based off the multiplicative from the base. Meaning: (Crit Chance of Gun: 10%) x (Mod Increment 30% (max)) = 13.3% total Crit. Definitely not worth the time

I don't have a Kraken yet, but I'd rather not waste the materials and credits to craft a weapon I'm going to hate (looking at you, Paris). Hopefully the last comment won't earn me too many flames since we're discussing the LEX and KRAKEN

flame flame flame flame flame [insert picture of bonfire]

Replies in bold.

I'll just do a quick rundown based off of my experience with both, unsupercharged.

Lex vs Kraken

+"Consistent" shots; basically more accurate because you don't have the gimmick of pulling down the second shot on the Kraken for a DUBBEL HEADSHOT

+Higher Base damage (not including both shots off Kraken to be similar damage, otherwise the Kraken wins)

+Reload speed

+Ammo consumption

**+Better sound

**+Looks not super strange

+Better suited towards burst damage

+Oneshot things all day, super good burst

*My personal opinion, this means almost nothing in actual performance. I say almost because I care. Personally. Yes.

Kraken vs Lex

+Better potential for damage(?; I haven't done real testing)

+Clip size (+1 shot, not much)

+Fire Rate

+More forgiving towards missing (Fire Rate compensates, the recoil may drive the aim just high enough to shoot something if the first missed)

+Benefits from Multishot more (4 bullets vs 2)

+Super good DEEPS

I generally like the Lex more, but I feel like the Kraken will generally deal more damage since it technically does more per shot (90 base compared to 70). The Kraken is arguably the best pistol there is, rivaled by the Akboltos because Akboltos (I uh. Don't really want to explain further; I'm sure you've heard things about it). I just like the Lex because it's not gimmicky if you enjoy min/maxing (irony) since you can just line up a solid shot and not worry about pulling down your mouse, and I like the satisfaction I get from oneshotting something. Both are solid choices, I feel. Just whatever you prefer in the end. Oh, and one other thing that doesn't really matter. I don't get bothered when I shoot with the Lex opposed to the Kraken when the second bullet doesn't kill something; the first already did and I feel like I wasted a shot.

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