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Controlling The Character


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Hi. I 've been playing this game for about a 1.5 month and I noticed a few things that make controlling of the character inconvenient.

1) After the fall, their should not be auto-roll at the landing. It failed me numerous times in Derelicts where landing surfaces are often narrow and character just falls deeper into the abyss.

2) Jumping should stop melee combos and, well, jump. Leap attack is very good CC but often my character is too carried away with those pretty combos instead of saving his back by knockbacking enemies around.

Leap attack should have higher priority than finishing combo.

3) When I run toward the edge and try to do coptering (slide->jump) I often fail. It usually happens when the edge is close to me. I'm sure that I do coptering pretty well. It seems that the distance to the edge is the case.

4) During wall-climbing, their should not be auto-jump in the end of the climb. It can be a useful feature, but it also very annoying sometimes. Obvious solution - make it controllable.

5) When I stand right above the ceiling and camera "sits on my shoulders", it should not show me my back, while I aim. It closes most of my view, making "sniper gameplay" pretty inconvinient.

6) After hacking character is not instantly ready for moving. Even worse - If I hold arrow button, character does not move the moment he is finished with hacking. So I have to tap arrow button multiple times to get that moment and finally run away from console.

Why is that critical? Because often I hack under enemy fire.

7) sometimes my character does high jump instead of leap ahead. Its not intentional and it would be better if I could press forward to turn high jump into long leap.

Edited by DraydenSama
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This is valid and constructive criticism of Warfrmes movement system. I agree that the game controls feel floaty and unresponsive, DraydenSama's pointing out specific situations that it fails him. Also not everyone has english as there primary language or able to write elegant prose, if a person can get his point across then the use of language has served it purpose.

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Hi. I 've been playing this game for about a 1.5 month and I noticed a few things that make controlling of the character inconvinient.


1) When falling, their should not be auto-roll at the landing. It failed me numerous times in Derelicts and such.


They actually adjusted that recently so that you don't auto-roll as much unless it's a really big fall.

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You can stop the jump at the end of a wall climb by crouching.

Also, why the hell are you hacking under enemy fire?


Character should not do any unwanted stuff that I can stop.

Character should do stuff that I want him to do.


Situations happen. Do you think I would write that without reason?

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