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Devstream#29 Thoughts And Feedback


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Warframe is evolving,
it shapes quite astounding in recent months. When I joined the fun years ago I'd never imagine it could go
such a long way, the extra mile, and then some. It seems we are at the verge of something quite new, a game
that became huge and elaborate with egde of the space being the limit... now, with the ships to come I'm not
so sure anymore ;)
I think 2014 was a breaking point of sorts, it surprises with every new devstream nad major update. Suprises
in positive ways. Congratulations (I know, yes, I know, this is only my subjective opinion, who cares, right?).

Now I would like to adress some points that moved my cogs of reason with the last devstream. Not quantity but quality. Lets work on all the assets we already been given.
TACTICS. What would greatly complement to the overall gameplay and enjpyment would be unit tactics. Right now its more or lesss a swarm. While with infestation is kinda understandable, with the rest factions its not as much.
Formations. Why the greenier are runnig randomly and spawning individually? Shouldnt they spawn as units that stick together and use some sort of tactics? "SHIELDS UP FRONT, FORM A LINE, LANCERS!" I hear 'em shout - 3 shield lancers could effecively block all tenno from passing through a corridor, firing squad behind them would provide that suppressing fire to discourage tenno from all out frontal attack. Well, maybe not Valkyr, but shes insane, right?
6 men and a commander fire team, moving together, concentrated fire; butchers with their hit and run tactics hiding in the corners; nades at advancing tenno feet and rollers preventing from freerunning; bottleneck at site's objective  and make heavy gunners and bombards deliver a hamburger vaf-ram picnic... and thats just the Greenier faction.
Once again, let their gear, skills and "roles" complement each other!
I think this would also benefit difficulty spikes and "endgame" content. A plethora of skills and devices used by the enemy to make it challenging. Not tons upon tons of HP to mow down through.


Again, tenno ships are fu©king awesome! Will the ship be the same whichever frame we choose? Floating holo-interface and a "humming bird" is my wish come true. I love that immersive stuff since DeadSpace.

Warframe user content - possible by releasing SDK kit? What form will it take? I wonder will it be noober friendly or only gamers with some level of proficency will be good at making user content? All in all its an AMAZING idea!

And since I missed the opportunity at enemies of tenno hear's my Shee'va for inspiration purposes ;P


Edited by HangmansTree
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