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+++Sanctuary Mod Needs A Buff+++


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please can this mod be buffed? even when maxed in middle class level the shield lasts like 3 seconds. in high level it lasts 1sec with like 1 bullet taking it out.


can it be buffed to give complete invulnerability for at least 3 seconds so u have a proper chance of reviving allies so u at least have a chance to revive him without u both dying? or even if u just add more health to the shield

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Not just a free stat buff IMO. 


Needs to be linked to gameplay and action, or linked to other build decisions.



Maybe refill it's HP if the person who's down gets a kill, or funnel the downed person's damage directly into HP for the shield. Maybe funnel your own sentinel's damage into HP for the shield (do they still shoot while shielding? - I don't put attack mods on mine.) or have it drain your sentinels shields and HP instead of the orb having it's own HP.

Edited by VKhaun
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The problem with making it based on the ally you're reviving, you can easily body-block your ally's shots (especially if, like me, their ability to move around while downed is *always* glitched and never works); In addition, the bubble actually blocks shots from outside so it makes your friendly neighborhood sniper really pissed off for some reason. Good thing we're kinda rare.




Anyways, yeah, it'd be nice for it to get a bit of a buff.... I currently only have it slotted because people go "Wow, you have that mod!?!". Honestly, in tryhard mode I unslot it because I'd rather my little myon make me invisible than to have her put up a useless shield.

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The problem with making it based on the ally you're reviving, you can easily body-block your ally's shots (especially if, like me, their ability to move around while downed is *always* glitched and never works); In addition, the bubble actually blocks shots from outside so it makes your friendly neighborhood sniper really &!$$ed off for some reason. Good thing we're kinda rare.




Anyways, yeah, it'd be nice for it to get a bit of a buff.... I currently only have it slotted because people go "Wow, you have that mod!?!". Honestly, in tryhard mode I unslot it because I'd rather my little myon make me invisible than to have her put up a useless shield.


unequip it for high level missions? hmm never thought of doing that , sounds like an idea

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