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Some Small Ideas For T4 Orokin Void


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One thing about having T4 Orokin Void is that people want NEW content, or at least something the keeps it challenging while not simply being upgraded enemies.


During update 12 we received Team Leaders, while slightly more powerful than a regular grunt they aren't truly scary. In T4 why not have EVERY regular grunt enemy a Team Leader-like enemy with their Warframe-like abilities to step it up a notch?

And who will be the new Team Leaders you might ask? Bosses. Slightly weaker version of Vey hek is a Team Leader with a group of Warframe-like power wielding quadrant coming after you only after 5 minutes of survival! Perhaps even the 2 enemies we have to capture during a T4 capture mission are 3 Jackals who are jumping around and traversing the field to it's advantage, breaking walls that are too small for him to come through, and scaling the elevators like a spider.

T4 should be a bunch of crazy scenarios coming together. Why should we have this? Because by the time you can achieve a T4 key and to challenge one, you should already be completed with most of the solar map to begin with. The bosses can even be Orokin Void's version so there is no lore inconsistencies. This would also be a good opportunity to bring back the J3-Golem or any other scrapped bosses.


Make some areas in T4 a maze. Sort of like the Lost Wood in any Legend of Zelda game, give small hints or picture like puzzles to help Tenno figure out what door they should go through. Failing to enter the right door will lead you back to square one. This will keep Tenno from speed running through exterminate missions, and to make the missions more of a team work effort.


Create interesting random event scenarios for T4 keys. Perhaps during a Mobile Defense, Lotus accidentally pressed a button that began a count down to the destruction of that particular tower that you are in. Having you guys to stop what you are doing, or take the little data you collected and run for it.


Just some small thoughts~

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