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What's The Worst Glitch You Have Ever Encountered?


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Its not the worst glitch but its one of the funniest I've had.

Jumped off the tower in the corpus themed defense mission and my hand spasmed on my keyboard, I somehow ended up as a ballerina frost prime moving around the map in the melee slam animation.

Been trying to duplicate the feat because my friends and I almost died from laughter.

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I had this odd rare bug that I think is fairly new. But sometimes, Crewman punches knock you out in 1 hit.


Talk about Falcon punch.


EDIT: This isn't a nightmare crewman or level 60+ crewman. No this was a level 15 crewman that punched my excalibur and gave him a negative health percentage and skipped the bleed out.

Edited by RustyNaps
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I had this odd rare bug that I think is fairly new. But sometimes, Crewman punches knock you out in 1 hit.


Talk about Falcon punch.


EDIT: This isn't a nightmare crewman or level 60+ crewman. No this was a level 15 crewman that punched my excalibur and gave him a negative health percentage and skipped the bleed out.

It's not a glitch, you were lucky enough to meet everybody's hero, the legendary Prodman. He was in his 5th tour of duty as a crewman.

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the worst ??.. well me and my buds had to do the cicero crisis 3 times, 

the 1st we got to 100% and the host dropped due to his PC not being able to handle the literal hundreds of units,


2nd time we all got to extraction but me and my mate fell through the map to die in a loop and failed the mission (and had to farm for all the plants again)


3rd time you ask ? well, we got 100% we all got to extraction the enemy froze in place at extraction we noticed that the host was there on 2 of our screens and not on the other, i was there for 1 guy and not the others and DEAD on one screen but i was shooting the grineer on mine at extraction, oh the other guy ? fell through the map to die in a loop, and we actually got the mission complete on that one..


bugs and RNG do not mix well, they make one hell of a nasty tasting pie

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Hmm... my worst glitch was back when activating life support would lock your movement, me and my friends figured out that activating 'ANYTHING' would release you, a elevator or another life support, we also figured out that you could 'roll' or 'sonic' you way across the room, it was funny but pretty bad.


I had a few other glitches like falling through the floor and LOSING two lives to it, revived once and realized I was caught in a death loop.


Then ofcource the doors...  laggy host + doors = standing there for 10+ seconds to get them to 'possibly' open.

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I had this odd rare bug that I think is fairly new. But sometimes, Crewman punches knock you out in 1 hit.


Talk about Falcon punch.


EDIT: This isn't a nightmare crewman or level 60+ crewman. No this was a level 15 crewman that punched my excalibur and gave him a negative health percentage and skipped the bleed out.

wow, just wow
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While it probably is not the most "severe" glitch I've encountered, the one I hate the most is the one that teleports you back, freezes you in place, stretches your body out, and just leaves your frame an open target looking around like a dope. I might've chalked this up to "lag" but I've had it happen to me in a SOLO game, how do I get lag playing solo? And it never happens just once, it is always multiple times in a match if it happens.

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