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New Warframes


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This is Angelo (Warframe of the Heavens)


Descending from the sacred heavens, comes Angelo a warframe of heaven, bringing the minor power of god to crush his enemies. 


Angelo's abilities call forth god's power to a deadly effect.


1)God's Touch- Angelo releases a shockwave like being touched by god, damaging enemies and knocking them down.

2)Sacred Fire- Sets a ring of fire around Angelo's feet, lighting any enemies who touch it on fire.

3)Holy Shield- summons a big and strong shield from the heavens, preventing any enemies or enemy weapons to enter, also recharging shields of allies.

4)Judgement- Angelo summons god's punishing arrows of judgement then raining down from above, highly damaging enemies.


Angelo is descendant of god, helping the tenno as much as he can.



Allies can enter the Holy Shield and enemies get pushed out if they're already With Sacred Fire when they touch it then run away they are still on fire.

Holy shield protects anything that is in it but it is like iron skin, weakens then wears off.

Edited by Hunter126
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This is Angelo (Warframe of the Heavens)


Descending from the sacred heavens, comes Angelo a warframe of heaven, bringing the minor power of god to crush his enemies. 


Angelo's abilities call forth god's power to a deadly effect.


1)God's Touch- Angelo releases a shockwave like being touched by god, damaging enemies and knocking them down.

2)Sacred Fire- Sets a ring of fire around Angelo's feet, lighting any enemies who touch it on fire.

3)Holy Shield- summons a big and strong shield from the heavens, preventing any enemies or enemy weapons to enter, also recharging shields of allies.

4)Judgement- Angelo summons god's punishing arrows of judgement then raining down from above, highly damaging enemies.


Angelo is descendant of god, helping the tenno as much as he can.



Allies can enter the Holy Shield and enemies get pushed out if they're already With Sacred Fire when they touch it then run away they are still on fire.

Holy shield protects anything that is in it but it is like iron skin, weakens then wears off.


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If they can work in necromancers, fire/frost mages and elemental shammys into viable 'sci fi' themes, I don't think this would be pushing it too far.

(Just power like coming from god so kinda like heaven element)


Divine power sounds pretty Fantasy to me. Nekros could be creating nanite-based dopplegangers, etc etc. Sufficiently advance technology could easily be mistaken for magic and all that.

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This is Alloy (Warframe of Metal)

Alloy is a metal warframe, using solid metals and hardening things into iron with the mastered power to command metal.

Alloy's abilities use metal to his will, eliminating enemies with iron and others.

1)Rust- Alloy sends rust into the air in front of him, causing enemies to harden into iron then die by getting rusted.

2)Titanium Blade- Alloy changes his melee into a powerful sword of titanium, slashing enemies with great strength and speed.

3)Toughness- Alloy gives powerful shields and armor to him and his allies, highly increasing defense.

4)Thousand Swords- Alloy summons a huge, tall tower of a thousand swords, highly damaging enemies within the tower then the swords go outwards overtime.

Using metal as his advantage in battle, he is trustworthy but not always.

i hav no idea y i writ dat at da bottom

because lotus says something bout dem at da end

thousand sword will be slow but really strong because they are steel swords but it pierces them to the ground or knocks them down

Edited by Hunter126
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for me your idea is the begin of new kind of warframe.. If your ALLOY Warframe will be made i'll be one of the first by it ^_^.

i have an idea tool:

Nome Darkness



Power to convert darkness


1° power

Bild in dark = cast a dark light that blind temporany all anemy in area


2° power

Dark bullets = can convert shhoting in dark shootig that ignore the shield and armor and hit direcly heal of enemy


3° power


Dark impact = hit the ground and destroy all enemy in area


4° power


Dark Soul = warframe is a shadow can’t be hit, can’t be find and can be hit without be detected


Heal 100

Shield 90

Armor 120

Power 150


He can have power like game The Darkness..

Edited by (PS4)Tadino80
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Demonic Themed Warframe

- Feed: converts a percent of damage on enemies into health with each strike/shot

- Blood Pact: take a portion of your own health to replenish some of your teamates' health

- Possession: slip into the body of your enemy (excluding bosses) and take control of them for a short period of time - (allows a bit of stealth play)

- True Form: shapeshift into your true form and wreak havoc on your enemies with the powers of darkness (awesome visual effects that make your character look very frightening and truly demonic. Increased armor, increased speed, and increased damage)

Also if possession would be too hard for developers to make I would say the third power could go something like this...

- Unholy Seal: place a demon's seal upon the ground and when enemies walk over it demonic creatures sprout from the ground and pull enemies down under stunning and sometimes killing them

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This is Midnight (Warframe of the Dark/Master of Darkness)


Midnight haunts enemy dreams, attacking enemies with darkness physically and mentally.


Midnight's abilities bring oblivion to enemy minds, a foe to be feared.


1)Nightmare- Midnight intercepts enemy minds in front of him, bringing darkness and nightmares upon them, damaging them from the inside.

2)Murder- Summons a murder of crows to slow enemies down and distract them by annoying them and do little damage to enemies.

3)Shadow Sneak- Midnight causes an area to go dim and increase his and his allies's speed, enemies are blind and allies can attack in stealth.

4)Dark Matter- Shoots darkness outwards in every direction, shrouding and corrupting enemies in darkness then getting consumed by it, then bringing fear into enemies for a short duration.


One of the foe's to be feared for enemy factions, Midnight is a darkness of devastation.


For Dark Matter really strong enemies can survive but get highly damaged, it just comes off and they're still there.

This is darkness not death like nekros.

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Omg I wish I could get THIS types of Warframes!!! I like the futuristic mix with mysticism stuff even if its really advance science, but the commando gun thing is just not for me...I basically NEVER use any type of guns in my warframes, the most futuristic are the ATTICA and the CASTANAS... and only becuse it has that mix I mention earlier... XD

Edited by 0zryel
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This is Fighter


Gone through elite training, Fighter annihilates his enemies with both body and mind.


Fighter's abilities defeat enemies physically, mentally and spiritually.


1)Mega Punch- Fighter throws a powerful punch that shoots enemies in front of him forth then releasing a shockwave overtime, damaging enemies.

2)Ground Pound- Pounds the ground, knocking down enemies who are affected.

3)Strong Spirit- Gives him and his allies spirit, increasing attack, defense and speed for a short duration.

4)Willpower- Fighter releases a shockwave of willpower so strong it shatters enemy minds, highly damaging enemies.


Fighter is a warframe of powerful fighting, having a strong spirit, powerful mind and body.

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This is Quake or Terra Which is best?
(Earth/Land Warframe)

Quake uses earth as his advantage, to crush enemies into the ground and supporting allies with his element.

Quake/Terra's abilities attack enemies and support allies from the under.

1)Quick Sand- Creates little pools of quick sand to suck and sink enemies in and damage them, damages even more as they get closer to the center.
2)Magnitude- Sending outwards a wave that shakes the ground, knocking down foes.
3)Sandstorm- Quake summons a sandstorm that damages enemies who are inside.
4)Wormquake- Quake awakens three or more giant vicious monster worms to rise from the ground and consume enemies in it's wake.

With the warframe of the land on our side, the underground is supporting the tenno.

Base Statistics

Quake/Terra- He's a tank

Health: 120.0 (360.0 at rank 30)
Power: 90.0 (135.0 at rank 30)
Armor: 175.0
Shield Capacity: 140 (420.0 at rank 30)
Sprint Speed: 0.95
Stamina: 80

If you didn't like one of the moves i made an extra just in case
?)Digger- Quake digs and attack enemies from underground.

I made the name Quake because it started with Q and no warframe started with Q

Edited by Hunter126
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This is Tempo (Warframe/Master of Time and Existence)


With the knowledge of time, gathering info from the past to the future, Tempo uses the power of time to annihilate enemies out of existence.


Tempo's abilities use time to bring a deadly effect to his foes.


1)Quick Slash- Tempo uses time to speed himself up and create slashes around at once, damaging nearby enemies.

2)Reversal- Slowly reverses his health back to full, but during the power he is vulnerable until overtime.

3)Pause- Tempo creates a barrier of frozen time for a short duration, only the tenno or allies are active attacking enemies in the barrier having no effect then happening all at once overtime.

4)Roar of Time- Creating a huge,loud roar of time in every direction outwards, messing up enemy existence and scraping them in time travel, highly damaging them.


Tempo is a ninja of time,helping the tenno with time and existence.


Pause doesn't work on tenno at clan dojo unless u want it to, cause if it does then you will see yourself get beat up.


Base Statistics


Health: 100.0 (300.0 at rank 30)

Power: 150.0 (225.0 at rank 30)

Armor: 90.0

Shield Capacity: 100.0 (300.0 at rank 30)

Sprint Speed: 1.0

Stamina: 80

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