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A Message To The Dev, Design And Art Team Regarding The Design Of Frames.

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I like the frames, but it seems that the new ones are becoming a lot more mashed together with dangles and weird protrusions. But hey they look good! Still I think it would be nice to get another frame that is simple yet looks amazing like Excalibur, Ash, Loki, and or Nyx.

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.....theres some mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance here that I dont think can be argued with at all.


The colours you have chosen hide much of the frames' innate patterning. Since a lot of the arguments against their designs is the 'melted ice-cream' effect, you have neutralised it with your pallet choice.

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I use these

no Saturation. and same temperature colors.









You had to purposefully color several areas the same color to try and avoid the melted toy/ice-cream look, that's to say nothing of the fact that the meshes continue to be overdesigned and just visually busy.

Edited by Kuhrasu
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So basically this is little more than "I don't like how some warframes look so make new skins so I will actually like them".


Pretty sure DE has said before that they know not everyone is going to like how a given warframe looks (and it's been said repeatedly that Mynki will not be changing any models or textures).


You had to purposefully color several areas the same color to try and avoid the melted toy/ice-cream look, that's to say nothing of the fact that the meshes continue to be overdesigned and just visually busy.

You mean with a little effort and experimentation, the OP's entire argument is essentially invalid?


Wow, what a shocker! People spending time to make something look good!

Edited by Vargras
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So basically this is little more than "I don't like how some warframes look so make new skins so I will actually like them".


Pretty sure DE has said before that they know not everyone is going to like how a given warframe looks (and it's been said repeatedly that Mynki will not be changing any models or textures).

No, it's a lot more than that as a lot of people have stated in this very thread, it would do you good to actually read the thread, drop the "everything is an opinion" blanket and think things over. I'll try to explain it briefly, so that we don't have to start over every page, because some people seem incapable of understanding the issue and/or reading.


The problem

   Newer Warframes are not visually consistent with the design style of older ones, creating a disconnect within the "Tenno" aesthetic for the sake of arbitrary diversity. This can further be expressed as several distinct issues, readily apparent in two of the new Warframe designs, namely Zephyr and Hydroid, here are the issues:

1 - The color patterns of the newer frames are nothing like the color patterns of the original frames, which features simple area coloration, and allowed the tasteful amount of detail in the mesh to add the necessary visual dynamics. The shapes of the frames carried the colors and rarely would a single shape feature more than a single color. This creates an "athletic, fast, simple yet effective" aura to the frames which was vital in making their visuals fit thematically with their role in the game. (a bandage to problem is to just color several areas the same color, like user BazzBro did)


2 - The models feature many unnecessary shapes and ruin the "tastefully detailed" aesthetic of the original frames, making the newer ones not visually consistent with them, which creates a feeling of them not belonging to the roster.


I will now show what I mean with images, but for the sake of the discussion I will post before that, so that the point can be made clear and we don't derail this into another pointless "MUH OPINION" spamfest.

Edited by Kuhrasu
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No, it's a lot more than that as a lot of people have stated in this very thread, it would do you good to actually read the thread, drop the "everything is an opinion" blanket and think things over. I'll try to explain it briefly, so that we don't have to start over every page, because some people seem incapable of understanding the issue and/or reading.


The problem

   Newer Warframes are not visually consistent with the design style of older ones, creating a disconnect within the "Tenno" aesthetic for the sake of arbitrary diversity. This can further be expressed as several distinct issues, readily apparent in two of the new Warframe designs, namely Zephyr and Hydroid, here are the issues:

1 - The color patterns of the newer frames are nothing like the color patterns of the original frames, which features simple area coloration, and allowed the tasteful amount of detail in the mesh to add the necessary visual dynamics. The shapes of the frames carried the colors and rarely would a single shape feature more than a single color. This creates an "athletic, fast, simple yet effective" aura to the frames which was vital in making their visuals fit thematically with their role in the game. (a bandage to problem is to just color several areas the same color, like user BazzBro did)

Zephyr already has this, as several parts of her model give the impression of being sleek and fast. Same for several other warframes that fall outside what you feel to be proper.

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