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I Think Warframe Relies Too Much On It's Art And Pretty Much Neglects Everything Else.


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If someone is using aIntel HD graphics then they just shouldn't be playing the game, at least not on PC

I think DE said that about 20%(or was it 25%?) of the playerbase uses IntelHD.

So you're saying that 20-25% of the playerbase should just quit the game?

Dude...that's a bit harsh.

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Good point, added. 



Oh, I have 500 hours too, letter13. I feel kinda burned out on it. Once you've got all the stuff... you realise there isn't much to do. It's not like l4d or counterstrike where you can hop into a game which would be interesting and rewarding enough (without actual rewards) to play for long. It's a kind of "do i have gear? Yes. Bye"

You described your view but you seem to have trouble accepting there are people, like me for example, that do in fact jump in to play a few rounds to have some fun with friends and find it just as rewarding as your example of l4d (waaaaaay more in my case I do not find l4d to be a good or enjoyable game)

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No, I accept that, I just find it ever increasingly annoying that rather than gameplay fixes (different to bug fixes) or addons we get... A NEW PISTOL. 



I don't know. Rather than a new pistol I'd rather see... some small updates to make defence cooler. Or maybe a new grineer enemy (like a heavy with a hammer, I will champion that concept till it's implemented) or maybethe long awaited +2.5% status chance mod fix. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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No, I accept that, I just find it ever increasingly annoying that rather than gameplay fixes or addons we get... A NEW PISTOL 

Gameplay fixes=bug fixes (which we get at least weekly), unless you mean changing the gameplay in a meaningful way.

Addons=new content (you know, like that pistol you mentioned).

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Yeah, it's good that you can represent your (correct) opinion. But like there's a lot of players who aren't represented. The guys who don't bother with the forums because they flat out don't love the game or see it as having a great future. It's update 13 already, nearly 14. yet glaring issues still remain. 

Your assumption about people not on the forums is horribly wrong. I didn't bother with the forums until recently. I just normally don't like looking at the forums unless it's for updates and patch notes. I've been around since U7 and have enjoyed the game since. Took breaks here and there because I got burnt out, but apparently with you said I didn't like this game so I didn't go on the forums even though I have 900 hours of enjoyment on this game.

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No, I accept that, I just find it ever increasingly annoying that rather than gameplay fixes or addons we get... A NEW PISTOL. 



I don't know. Rather than a new pistol I'd rather see... some small updates to make defence cooler. Or maybe a new grineer enemy. 


You'll see both. You get the new pistol and the "small updates" (which are not as small as you might think). But the time it takes for them to add a new pistol is not the same time it takes them to rework systems that are already in the game. Reworking is time-consuming. Adding is not. So in a single month you end up seeing a lot of additions and just one or two reworks. Still, that doesn't mean that it's either one thing or the other.

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No, I accept that, I just find it ever increasingly annoying that rather than gameplay fixes (different to bug fixes) or addons we get... A NEW PISTOL. 



I don't know. Rather than a new pistol I'd rather see... some small updates to make defence cooler. Or maybe a new grineer enemy (like a heavy with a hammer, I will champion that concept till it's implemented) or maybethe long awaited +2.5% status chance mod fix. 


Yeah but like many others who make similar threads, you must realize that the people who come up with the missions and the people who design the guns aren't from the same team.  So stopping the people in charge of designing the weapons isn't going to make the guys who work on the missions work any faster.


I know you wrote "you'd rather" which means you'd like DE to divert more resources to teams other than the weapon designers, but why not both?


DE can and has been adding to the tilesets recently (play the game more in different areas dude!), while introducing new mission types, and weapons all at the same time.


They're just wrapping up a competition that was taking suggestions on new enemy types that the community has come up with too.  I don't really know of other developers that do that kind of stuff.  (I'm not a big online game person though.)


If the game isn't growing fast enough for you, you should put it down for a while and come back so the changes feel more profound.

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No, I accept that, I just find it ever increasingly annoying that rather than gameplay fixes (different to bug fixes) or addons we get... A NEW PISTOL. 



I don't know. Rather than a new pistol I'd rather see... some small updates to make defence cooler. Or maybe a new grineer enemy (like a heavy with a hammer, I will champion that concept till it's implemented) or maybethe long awaited +2.5% status chance mod fix. 

I believe we all have three new units with new mechanics to look forward to.

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Oh yeah, There's that 3rd category of players who think the game is absolutely good as it is now. But can any of you truly say the game is flawless? 



Since there are no flawless games I can´t say it about ANY game...

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Three new units : That's better, but wouldn't you prefer... More? Why don't the enemy get the same attention the weapons do? 

Because new AI and models take time? Not to mention just the time to create a concept, finalize any drafts, give it colour, a voice, particles...

You get it.

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The biggest problem in recent years with games are that players spend too much time on expectations.  The thing about expectations is that people will always have bigger expectations than can ever be fulfilled.   Expectations are infinite, making expectations a reality has it's limits so something has to give here.  This is a simple fact of life.   Everywhere you look our expectations are far higher than they really should be.  It's ok to desire better, but it's a whole new ball game to "EXPECT" better.  


See once any expectation gets fulfilled, we allow that to become the precedence for what we expect in the future.   It's kinda like a relationship.  Once you find a partner that can fulfill one of your greatest expectations in a relationship, should that relationship end for whatever reason, you will then require from the next person you date to fulfill that same expectation but then also require that new person to be even better in the other areas that the previous partner failed at.   We expect that all our desires and dreams will or should be fulfilled and we spend too much time focusing on wanting everything instead of just enjoying what we already have or what we reasonably deserve or can get.



Bottom line, play games for what they are, not what you want them to be and you'll be a happier gamer overall.   Expect too much and you'll never be happy or satisfied.  Expect less and hope for more and you're level of disappointed will never be greater than if your expectations were higher.  

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Because new AI and models take time? Not to mention just the time to create a concept, finalize any drafts, give it colour, a voice, particles...

You get it.


Not realy. There are blokes you can easily make with a few switcharounds (by easily I mean that they'd be about as easy to make as weapons. possibly easier if you do them in bulk) 


Grineer napalm model,recolour, brokk hammer, krill/leekter animations, ai of a melee unit. 


Crewman, give him a penta with automaticaly exploding grenades. Simple


Make a new eximus type. Give him Old hek's clone/hologram ability. Add that eximus type to the eximus lists. 


Corrupted trooper- grab trooper model, ai and weapon, make him white, put him in the corrupted faction and make him spawn in void missions

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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Not realy. There are blokes you can easily make with a few switcharounds (by easily I mean that they'd be about as easy to make as weapons. possibly easier if you do them in bulk) 


Grineer napalm model,recolour, brokk hammer, krill/leekter animations, ai of a melee unit. 


Crewman, give him a penta with automaticaly exploding grenades. Simple


Make a new eximus type. Give him Old hek's clone/hologram ability. Add that eximus type to the eximus lists. 


Corrupted trooper- grab trooper model, ai and weapon, make him white, put him in the corrupted faction and make him spawn in void missions

Well, I thought you were expecting more complicated enemies, but I guess you're right with those ideas.

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because the animation on a weapon is way easier and it requires zero AI coding.

@Letter13 your a moderator... are you sure you aren't a little masochistic?

Moderating doesn't seem to be among the more strenuous of tasks.

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I don't realy like CoD to be honest. when it comes to shooters I'm More half life, halo and occasionaly stuff like stalker, bioshock and l4d



It's more like... 


I wanna see less quantity and more quality. Stuff like a new gun won't realy be great for the game, because unless you're using that gun you're not going to feel like the game's any different. I want more effort on stuff that's always happening. Gametypes, enemy variety, mod balance, new moves for parkour, better stealth and ai. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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I think the Op made a valid point by comparing gameplay with fluff. The use of Killing Floor is a perfect example to illustrate how fundamentally well developed and balanced gameplay can work in a co-op environment.  


Killing Floor is the polar opposite to Warframe in that it has no aspirations to wow you with glitz (in fact its quite frankly laughable in how poor its presentation is and I almost turned it off the minute I loaded it up for the first time) but rather challenges you to work cohesively delivering an immense level of satisfaction that I would rank among the greatest games I've ever played.


Loot games are great as long as they offer something beyond showing off your glitz on low level missions to noobs - which is sadly the direction this game is and has been heading for a while.


DE build glitz around core gameplay not the other way around.


P.s For all the KF fanatics out there, KF2 is just around the corner - can't wait.

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Thank you.


Warframe has issues.  I do not dispute that.  But some of us can enjoy it as a game without comparing it to full-release, well-polished blockbuster titles.  Warframe is not Mass Effect, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Counterstrike, or Devil May Cry.  I, for one, do not go into the experience expecting it to be.


Perhaps this is part of your disappointment, Innocent_Flower.


If you really want to make a difference, I advise following the model of notionphil.  Cut back on the (seeming) complaints, and start in on the suggestions.  Calmly.  Politely.  As I'm sure I've told you before, it is much easier to listen to well-formed ideas as opposed to compare-contrast rants.


All of this...

You know something. I've stopped taking people seriously when they just rant. I'd rather mock people who fail to write constructive posts. It's easy to write constructive posts... just nobody really thinks to do it because internet!

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Oh, of course. If you were to strip Warframe of its visuals, you'd be left with a very, very, very incomplete barebones alpha of a game. I guess it goes to show just how important aesthetics are when making a game, because I guarantee this game would not be nearly as popular as it is currently if it took place in a standard fantasy setting.


For those who say "I play because I like the game," have you ever taken a step back and considered why you like the game? This isn't an accusation, but I (personally) think it's important to understand why you enjoy doing something in your spare time beyond just going along for the ride. It helps me place myself in the game world. Leveling weapons on Kappa for a couple hours or punching holes in meatbags for an hour in Survival kind of starts wearing on my psyche. I start questioning why I'm playing the game if the end result of my grind is spending an hour or two in a private match against hordes of mindless AI. In short, there's little satsifaction other than the sake of making your character look really cool.




Constructive criticism is important. I could go on and on about little niggling issues in this game, though I can't say my suggestions would be very sound (in fact, my suggestions are usually overwrought and impractiical). But rant threads - when solidly structured - are useful for developers. They provide a framework for those individual constructive criticisms. They help put detailed complaints into perspective. "Why does the game feel vapid? Because there's no endgame. What does an endgame do? Allow skilled players to show off the fruits of their labors in mentally-challenging environments and lets them feel good about their accomplishments. How can we provide an endgame? We can have a new planet with engaging game modes, engaging enemies, mod loadouts that encourage diversity rather than just buffing up your own damage." And so on.


The game is growing. I acknowledge that. I respect that. DE is learning how to make this game, slowly but surely. But it is at a rate far slower than it seems it should be because it's hampered by the need to make a profit every week off junk items.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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Because new AI and models take time? Not to mention just the time to create a concept, finalize any drafts, give it colour, a voice, particles...

You get it.


Just because something takes time doesn't mean you shouldn't make it. In fact, that's the kind of attitude that generates slopfests and towering pillars of loosely-connected concepts that are about to teeter over at any second like this game (not that this game is a slopfest... but sometimes the notion does race across my brain when I fall through walls three missions in a row).


Developers should take time to create meaningful opponents and challenges. Obstacles that make players think about their actions, and make them feel good when they've figured them out. That's what players typically expect out of shooters. There's too much ARPG in this game without any of the things that make ARPGs fun.


Unfortunately, I think the reason why everything in this game feels rushed is because they're constantly struggling to meet very tight deadlines. Gotta make that bank somehow.

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