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Energy Warframe Concept


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I don’t have a name for this frame, or any of the abilities, but i had an idea for an energy warframe, using his abilities to defeat his enemies, and helping his teammates at the same time. I’m not going to say that this idea is original, i don’t know if it is, but the idea came to me, and i thought it would be pretty cool to see this in game. Let me know what you guys think (:


Name: ??

Theme: Energy


Health: 100

Shield: 100


Sprint: 1.0

Armor: 65




1. Creates a ball of energy that follows you, draining health of your enemies, and converting it into shields, dispersing it to you and your allies from a 10/13/16/20 meters for 4/7/10/13 seconds by 3/6/9/12%. This skill is affected by power duration, range, and strength mods.


2. Links you to a selected ally up to 10/15/20/25 meters away, taking all damage they receive and turning it into an energy ball for 3/4/5/6 seconds then sending the ball away from you dealing the same damage you absorbed causing blast damage. This skill is affected by power duration, and range mods. If the ally moves out of range the ball is automatically ejected in the direction you are facing. (Can only be charged with damage inflicted to the linked player. IE: you can still get hurt, but they can’t)


3. Turn your body into energy for 3/4/5/6 seconds, allowing you to escape the physical realm, and enter the body of an enemy, and using it. You will remain hidden from enemies until you attack one of them, but you will be able to keep the body until it dies, or you reactivate the skill, however, doing this will not kill the host, it will merely stun them for a few seconds. This skill is affected by power duration mods. (While you’re in energy form, you cannot attack, and animation will look similar to loki’s invisibility. Exceeding the time limit without entering another body will bring you back to the physical realm. You can keep your guns? I don’t know. It wouldn’t make too much sense to keep your weapons, unless they turn to energy as well, but using an enemy’s weapon could be frustrating. However, if you do keep your weapons, and you exit the body, they could be reverted to melee.)


4. Create an energy field around you and allies within 10/15/20/25 meters of you, sending all projectiles back in the direction they came from, making enemies attack themselves, dealing .2/.3/.4/.5x damage for 6/10/15/21 seconds. This skill is affected by power range, strength, and duration mods


Edited by youngminor
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The strain on my eyes was ridiculous but I was able to read it all. This frame is good in some ways but bad in others. Also I'm confused, when you say energy do you mean like volt or like pure energy?

Sorry about that, i wrote it on google doc. how is it good, and bad, if i may ask? And yes pure energy, not electricity

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I don't see much for CC. Although we do need more utility frames. It appears this frame really relies on other players for it to be used to its maximum potential. What if I want to play solo?

every skill is useable on yourself, simply don't point to an ally

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I can imagine this frame like a wisp. I like the idea to use pure energy and not only electricity. The two is different thing because the electricity is a part of energy but the energy mean more. Multiple ideas in same categories not problem i don't know what the uniquity if we just made 1 electricity frame and close the licence and no more same frames. I think that peoples want bad things and they all are think that's unique...

Hail the diversity and keep it the good work mate!

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Well, the whole idea of it being "energy" themed, is that it manipulates the life-force of everything around it, including itself, and using it as a buff, or even as a weapon, so it's not so much void, or just energy, but rather a "life-force" themed warframe.

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