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Oberon's Role And Rework


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P.S. (to the OP, I don't understand your concern and fears with/about Reckoning, the way it is used by Oberon players in warframe, and the dislike of it being replaced with something else in his rework, could you please explain what you mean?)


The thing I'm most concerned with is what you mentioned about Reckoning being the spammable skill it is. So far, the majority of Oberon players I've seen merely rely on Reckoning and sometimes Renewal since Oberon's Renewal duration is affected by Duration Mods inversely which makes Oberon's spammability with reckoning all the more viable especially with a max Fleeting Expertise. If this continues, Reckoning might receive at least to some degree the same treatment Nova's Molecular Prime received.


The main goal I'm trying to address in this thread is to reflect on what [DE]'s intention of a Paladin Warframe and to compare if Oberon actually fits the "Paladin" theme. As of now, Oberon has at least by name and by some ability touched the "paladin" theme, but it still needs a lot of work which is why [DE] has mentioned in the Devstreams of revamping him in the future patches.


That is the reason why I introduced the skills in the OP to perhaps give Oberon a defensive role but also with some striking power to fit the "Paladin" theme.

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Alright, guys. Seriously. The Paladin thing. He's just as much "Druid" as "Paladin". Remember the Cicero crisis? Oberon showed up as part of a campaign to stop Grineer from poisoning the plant life of Earth. Which is, as far as themes go, more a Druidic introduction (not to mention the helmet design concepts and aesthetics).


So don't hang on to the "Paladin" theme too much. He's got plenty of Druid in his design.

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Alright, guys. Seriously. The Paladin thing. He's just as much "Druid" as "Paladin". Remember the Cicero crisis? Oberon showed up as part of a campaign to stop Grineer from poisoning the plant life of Earth. Which is, as far as themes go, more a Druidic introduction (not to mention the helmet design concepts and aesthetics).


So don't hang on to the "Paladin" theme too much. He's got plenty of Druid in his design.

Well the only reason I'm on the "paladin" theme is because [DE] dictated he was suppose to be. But if you feel he is more of a Druid-themed Warframe that is fine too.


But if it is a Druid type style you think Oberon has been changed to, there should be some changes since he is supposedly in your opinion nature based like for instance changing the field he is in to his advantage, status chances, and perhaps some way to transform into an animal or something like summoning a tree.

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An ability that could work with Oberon


Aegis: "Grant your allies divine protection by overcharging ally shields and blessing your allies with invulnerability to statuses."


> Has infinite range like Trinity's Blessing.

> Player's Shields become Proto Shields

> Improves Shield Recharge Rates

> While ability is active, players are unaffected by status procs.

> lasts for 6/8/10/12 seconds

> affected by Strength and Duration mods


Obsidian Will: Grants Oberon an aura that reduces incoming damage and grants him a melee buff.

>only affects Oberon

>reduces incoming damage to Oberon by 30%

>lasts 10/13/16/19 seconds

>melee attacks are granted additional status chance proc @ +50%

>Can be modded with Strength and Duration mods




Far too strong, reduced costs on "Aegis" would effect permashield on team

"Obsidian Will" would make him tanky ninja - 19 seconds? srsly?!


There is a thing called "team comp"


Obsidian Will =

- Rhino buff

- I am almost sure that there is a Warframe which will do such a thing

- Its warframe, not weapon - if you want to get melee boost invite a Volt (big attack speed bonus which will grant you bigger proc chance (not directly, but you will hit more often so...))

- Both Rhino and Volt can upgrade these skills with these mods


You just can't put such many benefits in one skill (with so long duration? Oo)


If I could make Oberon as paladin


Skill 1:

- Increses shield resistance by 15 / 20 / 25 % on yourself, and 10 / 15 / 20 % to your teammates

- Duration: 10 / 12 / 15

- Requires 10 second delay every cast after end of effect (no longer spamming low-cost skills)

- Cost: 70 / 80 / 90


Skill 2:

- Instant replenish teammates health by 30 / 50 / 70% of their max health

- Skill cooldown should be scaling (I did some math)

Replenished health #1- Player 1: 300- Player 2: 400- Player 3: 450- Player 4: 200SUM: 1350DIV: 1350 / 4 = 338DIV / 100 = 3.38DIV * 4 = 13.5 secIf you have pure tanky team (I checked its about 900 max hp) the health should be like:- Player 1: 600- Player 2: 600- Player 3: 600- Player 4: 600SUM: 2400DIV: 2400 / 4 = 600 (logic...)DIV / 100 = 6DIV * 4 = 24 sec

Seems fair to me


- gives immune to every kind of damage for 1 / 2 / 3 seconds (you don't know how much burst you can get in 1 second)

- Cost: 50 / 80 / 125 (I know that's high, but this skill is very strong when used in right time)


Skill 3:

- Increase all damage by 20 / 30 / 40 % for youself, and half of these values to teammates

- Duration 5 / 7 / 9 seconds

- Cost: 60 / 75 / 90


Skill 4:

- Enemies are pushed away for 10 / 20 / 30 meters

- Damage is scalling with distance how far they landed (useless in closed rooms, great in open - also reviving like a boss)

- Cost 80 / 90 / 110


This is my definition of how Paladin works

Edited by EmbedFire
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The thing I'm most concerned with is what you mentioned about Reckoning being the spammable skill it is. So far, the majority of Oberon players I've seen merely rely on Reckoning and sometimes Renewal since Oberon's Renewal duration is affected by Duration Mods inversely which makes Oberon's spammability with reckoning all the more viable especially with a max Fleeting Expertise. If this continues, Reckoning might receive at least to some degree the same treatment Nova's Molecular Prime received.


The main goal I'm trying to address in this thread is to reflect on what [DE]'s intention of a Paladin Warframe and to compare if Oberon actually fits the "Paladin" theme. As of now, Oberon has at least by name and by some ability touched the "paladin" theme, but it still needs a lot of work which is why [DE] has mentioned in the Devstreams of revamping him in the future patches.


That is the reason why I introduced the skills in the OP to perhaps give Oberon a defensive role but also with some striking power to fit the "Paladin" theme.

Ah, I see. Thank you for clearing that up. However, the only real reasons that I spam reckoning (and among the Oberon players I may be an exception of sorts) is to 1) keep units that require massive amounts of damage to kill on the ground,  2) because teammates keep going down and the less enemies shooting mean more time to get them revived, or 3) since the skill is somewhat underpowered in late®-game, mostly due to the fact that it lacks utility other than the knockdown, I believe it's easier to abuse the spammability of this power to keep it effective when enemies become too durable to kill with one activation. (though I do admit, I don't play much late-game/end-game content outside of the void, so reckoning has a tendency to kill most enemies I encounter)


Now, I don't think I was playing Warframe at the time of Nova's M Prime's original treatment/change, so I don't know what changed. But as I said in my post, I think reckoning the way it currently is will be fine so long as some sort of utility is added to it, like a rad proc, to make it worthwhile and keep players from spamming the ability. If it frenzied enemies that weren't killed, I'd have no reason to activate the power again(reguardless of spamability) until the proc ceased.

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Far too strong, reduced costs on "Aegis" would effect permashield on team

"Obsidian Will" would make him tanky ninja - 19 seconds? srsly?!


There is a thing called "team comp"


Obsidian Will =

- Rhino buff

- I am almost sure that there is a Warframe which will do such a thing

- Its warframe, not weapon - if you want to get melee boost invite a Volt (big attack speed bonus which will grant you bigger proc chance (not directly, but you will hit more often so...))

- Both Rhino and Volt can upgrade these skills with these mods


You just can't put such many benefits in one skill (with so long duration? Oo)


If I could make Oberon as paladin


Skill 1:

- Increses shield resistance by 15 / 20 / 25 % on yourself, and 10 / 15 / 20 % to your teammates

- Duration: 10 / 12 / 15

- Requires 10 second delay every cast after end of effect (no longer spamming low-cost skills)

- Cost: 70 / 80 / 90


Skill 2:

- Instant replenish teammates health by 30 / 50 / 70% of their max health

- Skill cooldown should be scaling (I did some math)

Replenished health #1- Player 1: 300- Player 2: 400- Player 3: 450- Player 4: 200SUM: 1350DIV: 1350 / 4 = 338DIV / 100 = 3.38DIV * 4 = 13.5 secIf you have pure tanky team (I checked its about 900 max hp) the health should be like:- Player 1: 600- Player 2: 600- Player 3: 600- Player 4: 600SUM: 2400DIV: 2400 / 4 = 600 (logic...)DIV / 100 = 6DIV * 4 = 24 sec

Seems fair to me


- gives immune to every kind of damage for 1 / 2 / 3 seconds (you don't know how much burst you can get in 1 second)

- Cost: 50 / 80 / 125 (I know that's high, but this skill is very strong when used in right time)


Skill 3:

- Increase all damage by 20 / 30 / 40 % for youself, and half of these values to teammates

- Duration 5 / 7 / 9 seconds

- Cost: 60 / 75 / 90


Skill 4:

- Enemies are pushed away for 10 / 20 / 30 meters

- Damage is scalling with distance how far they landed (useless in closed rooms, great in open - also reviving like a boss)

- Cost 80 / 90 / 110


This is my definition of how Paladin works

I think all your skill ideas cost too much. 125 energy? You are basically forcing everyone to use max efficiency. And at earlier lvling you will only be able to cast 1 skill before you even get flow or streamline....

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Heard about this thread at the end of a prime time, and have to say, I really love the idea of Hallowed losing its damage properties and becoming a buff/debuff function. Though, I don't think it would hurt if the skill at least dealt some type of damage on its initial casting, or at least a type of stun. ;o


Now here's the part where I'll be blunt: I haven't fully read this ENTIRE thread. I do, however, want to give one suggestion about Smite:


Anyone ever played a Panzer Dragoon game before? You know, with the dragon that breathes homing lasers and all that? Well, how about smite's secondary projectiles function more like Psychic Bolts and have some constant target acquisition? They don't need to be 100% accurate and bend around geometry. But I've cast Smite at least 100 times on an enemy that is crouching behind a fence with another enemy INSIDE of him, and only one of them gets hit. o3o;


I like Smite as a skill. It's useful if nothing else just to tell a heavy "stfu for a second," but it feels insulting to have its extra projectiles be so completely useless. Some mid-flight target acquisition would at least make me FEEL like it's doing something, rather than have it re-acquire a target after it's bounced off the ceiling. ;x

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THis is a awasome Rework post they you have made and i Really Agree that he needs a rework really bad. The only reason im even keepiing him is the slight of hope that he will be reworked.

I'm honored to hear this. Thank you.

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I feel that they should re-add the revival bug that made Renewal awesome. I mean, that right there would be enough of a buff to make it useful again.

Also, it should remove status effects and procs.


I remember the revival bug from Renewal, but I never took advantage of that.

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Check out [DE]'s post on the changes. Want to add in some thoughts?


- Oberon’s base Armor increased to 150.

- Projectiles that are spawned after impact seek-to-target, not just spawned in direction.
- Speed up projectiles by 50%.
- Forced Radiation proc on the initial target.
- Forced Knock-down on initial target instead of stumble.
- Forced Puncture proc on all enemies hit.
Hallowed Ground:
- Allies within Hallowed Ground can not be proc’ed.
- Hallowed Ground will remove all existing procs from Allies.
- Armour boosted by 5/10/15/20% per rank for all Allies with Hallowed Ground, with stacking being explored on multiple casts. - FAQ Edit: Damage on enemies in the affected area will remain, the above items are in addition to the existing ability.
- Switch to toggle ability with smaller base cost and energy per second active drain. All Renewal benefits occur when projectile reaches target ally.
- Boost Heal amount 200/250/300/400 per rank.
- When target is fully healed, remove proc effects.
- Allies bleeding out are affected by Renewal in that bleedout will be slowed. 20/25/35/45% per rank as well as affected by duration mods.
- Forced Radiation Proc added to damage on targets.
- Small radial blind added to slam impact, but only for enemies that survive the damage of the cast. This radial blind will be applied to enemies that move into range after it’s been cast and are blinded by the impact of those being slammed by Reckoning!

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