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Imperial 2.0- Warframe Concept- King/royal Support Frame- Now With Color Update


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This is Imperial 2.0! My first attempt at this concept went widely unnoticed. But I have returned with better concept art and an overall more complete concept. Let me know what you think!


Here’s the original: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/243003-warframe-concept-imperial-kingroyal-frame-support-frame/#entry2831005


I know most viewers of this won't comment but please, I encourage everyone to leave feedback on this. I want to know how I can make this better.




Three Tenno... dead. Overwhelmed by the infested horde. One Tenno stood alone, guarding an ancient artifact, waiting for the horrid creatures to attack him. He clinched his dented blade tightly, having left his more modern weapons behind. Seconds passed...1...2...3... Then the infested were upon the lone warrior. In a flash, he lashed out with his blade. In a display of such skill that was not often seen he laid waste upon his enemies. Within minutes, thousands of infested beasts littered the ground. The lone Tenno smiled beneath his helmet... then suddenly collapsed.


When he came to, he found himself safely tucked in a soft bed. He rose up and stepped out of the small room. Awaiting him were several Tenno. They embraced him and brought him to a secret room. Inside was a magnificent Warframe. A masterpiece of modern Tenno design. "It is yours," they told him. "You have earned this honor."


The Imperial Warframe is an honor bestowed to the most skilled and the bravest Tenno. He is a a well balanced Warframe, that can deal lots of damage while also supporting allies. He works best with a big team as his abilities rely on teammates to get the most out of them. This Warframe would only be acquired by players rank 13-16. This does NOT make him better than the other frames. It's still balanced. This would just be a frame that would show of your mastery rank. He's quite capable, but not any more so than the others.


How to acquire: First off I want to give Calayne credit for the idea of the "Sensei." Here is the link to his thread: 



His idea was to have a Sensei NPC that give missions and an alternate way to acquire stance mods by doing missions. I really really loved this idea and I'd like to see it furthered.


My idea for implementing my concept with his is that Imperial can be acquired from the Sensei by high leveled players, Upon reaching rank 13 or if already rank 13, you would be given the opportunity to complete a special and difficult mission for the Sensei or maybe you have to save his life of something. I'm open for ideas on what the mission would be. After completing said mission, you would receive the Imperial Warframe, already supercharged and with a Warframe slot.





Rough Concept Sketch:





Alternate Helmet:


 The Scepter: A new secondary weapon to go with the king theme. It's basically a wand. Please no hate.





Health: 150


Power: 100


Armor: 70


Shield Capacity: 80


Sprint Speed: 0.9


Stamina: 80



4 Power Polarities

1 Attack Polarity

1 Tactic Polarity

1 Defense AURA Polarity




First Ability: Radial Beam 25 ENERGY

Imperial fires a beam from his hands that can be controlled and aimed like a weapon. It works sort of like a souped up version of the flux rifle that goes through walls. The beam goes through any surface, including walls. 

-Deals 80/130/180/250 Radiation damage each time it comes in contact with an enemy, based on rank.

-Beam lasts and can be controlled for for 2/4/5/8 Seconds after casting, based on rank.

-The damage output doesn’t seem like much, but if you rank this thing up, and master the art of repeatedly waving the beam around for 8 seconds, then it deals a lot of damage.


Second Ability: Law of the Jungle 50 ENERGY

Imperial draws strength from an ally. He heals himself.

-Heals Imperial for 10%/15%/20%/25% of the nearest ally's HP, based on rank.

-Allies do NOT lose health, so Imperial isn't stealing.


Third Ability: Reinforcements 75 ENERGY

Imperial sends aid to his allies. He sends out streams of energy to all allies. When a stream reaches an ally, it replenishes 50 Energy over time to that ally. Then, it explodes, dealing damage and knocking back all enemies near the ally.

-This one is tough to explain. I'll edit in a picture of how this works sometime.

-Deals 300/500/700/900 damage to enemies that are within 0.8/1.4/1.8/2.4 meters of the ally, based on rank.


Final Ability: Courage 100 ENERGY

Imperial inspires his allies, raising their's and his own shields, shield recharge speed, Power range, and power strength by 10%/18%/24%/32% for 10/15/20/15 seconds, based on rank.


Other Possible Abilities:



Imperial calls in a volley from behind him that damages enemies in an area. Works just like Hydroid's tempest barrage, but without knockdown, and with more damage.


Radial Shield:

Imperial creates a shield that he pushes outward, knocking back and dragging enemies along with it.


Radial Cage:

Imperial cages an enemy. That enemy is stunned the duration of the ability and dies when the ability is over. The cage shoots out bursts that damage enemies near the cage. Works kind of like Reinforcements (see above) but is used on an enemy instead of an ally.


Note: This concept is obviously not complete, I'll be adding new art and implementing ideas from others. I welcome any ideas for this concept. I plan to make this concept much more interesting with many pictures.

Edited by (PS4)kaliammoo942
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Wow, I'm really impressed on this one. I like the concept idea for it.


Should all Warframes have mastery rank attain to them?


Should this be the start of future Warframes to have the mastery rank or just a select few?

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Wow, I'm really impressed on this one. I like the concept idea for it.


Should all Warframes have mastery rank attain to them?


Should this be the start of future Warframes to have the mastery rank or just a select few?

Thank you so much!


I think newer ones should start requiring Mastery Rank. Sort of like they're doing with the weapons. For awhile the highest rank requirement was only 7. Now they're slowly expanding and creating more elite weapons like the Dragon Nikana that require high rank. Having higher requirements will make the veteran players feel more special.

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So 2x Imperials with max efficiency can spam their 3key to give each other energy and thus the whole party has nigh infinite energy source. The other two tenno can spam 4key all day long.  This could even be macrod to autoplay missions!  Wave 1000 ODD for that T2MDEF key!

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So 2x Imperials with max efficiency can spam their 3key to give each other energy and thus the whole party has nigh infinite energy source. The other two tenno can spam 4key all day long.  This could even be macrod to autoplay missions!  Wave 1000 ODD for that T2MDEF key!


Have you ever been on wave 100...

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So 2x Imperials with max efficiency can spam their 3key to give each other energy and thus the whole party has nigh infinite energy source. The other two tenno can spam 4key all day long.  This could even be macrod to autoplay missions!  Wave 1000 ODD for that T2MDEF key!

Maybe the third one is a bit OP... But not that much. Why not suggest how to fix instead of being sarcastic?

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So 2x Imperials with max efficiency can spam their 3key to give each other energy and thus the whole party has nigh infinite energy source. The other two tenno can spam 4key all day long.  This could even be macrod to autoplay missions!  Wave 1000 ODD for that T2MDEF key!

Actually, with a maxed Streamline, the ability would cost 52 energy. Since it replenishes 50 energy, the two Imperials would still get diminishing returns, and it would turn into a very monotonous way to lose energy.


To fix it: Maybe make the amount of energy replenished unaffected by mod rank or mods (if you hadn't already planned it like that) or, if so, lower the amount of energy replenished, and make it affected by power strength. 

Edited by OptimumBow0
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Actually, with a maxed Streamline, the ability would cost 52 energy. Since it replenishes 50 energy, the two Imperials would still get diminishing returns, and it would turn into a very monotonous way to lose energy.


To fix it: Maybe make the amount of energy replenished unaffected by mod rank or mods (if you hadn't already planned it like that) or, if so, lower the amount of energy replenished, and make it affected by power strength. 

It is supposed to stay at 50 regardless of mods or rank.

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my two cents - your lore has problems in that, at some point, everybody who plays long enough will have this frame....not so "elite" now, is it?


you can maybe say that only the people at the top or within a margin of the current mastery cap is granted this (*), as a reward for mastery exams, with a free slot and everything, but it becomes locked if they fall out of said margin (keeps it in the hands of active vets)


to solve the problem with spamming your #3, maybe have it be similar to oberon's healing, where it's overtime, rather than instantaneous. This should balance the spamming as it will make fleeting expertise (what makes things spammable in the first place) have a rather large effect.


people can still negate fleeting with narrow minded, but then that'll take away mod costs for other, more useful mods.


*current cap is 16, so say only people rank 13-16 can have it. maybe have a prompt that asks if they are willing to take another test to see if they're worthy of the armor - melee only without abilities vs waves of infested, just like in the lore you created.

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my two cents - your lore has problems in that, at some point, everybody who plays long enough will have this frame....not so "elite" now, is it?


you can maybe say that only the people at the top or within a margin of the current mastery cap is granted this (*), as a reward for mastery exams, with a free slot and everything, but it becomes locked if they fall out of said margin (keeps it in the hands of active vets)


to solve the problem with spamming your #3, maybe have it be similar to oberon's healing, where it's overtime, rather than instantaneous. This should balance the spamming as it will make fleeting expertise (what makes things spammable in the first place) have a rather large effect.


people can still negate fleeting with narrow minded, but then that'll take away mod costs for other, more useful mods.


*current cap is 16, so say only people rank 13-16 can have it. maybe have a prompt that asks if they are willing to take another test to see if they're worthy of the armor - melee only without abilities vs waves of infested, just like in the lore you created.

Having it over time instead of immediately would probably be much more balanced. Good idea.


And you're right about having it 13-16. I had it a little low, but that's because I'm rank 8 and would want it myself hahaha, but youre probably right it should be higher and I love the idea of having a special test to acquire it.


Made some edits to main post.

Edited by (PS4)kaliammoo942
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its pretty good but.. i think that the 2 and 3 could need some love.

Maybe the 2 could heal the other one too? or buff him a bit?

and the 3 could give a ''aura'' which deals x damage  to anyone inside a certain radius of the ones affected?

otherwise its kind of cool.

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its pretty good but.. i think that the 2 and 3 could need some love.

Maybe the 2 could heal the other one too? or buff him a bit?

and the 3 could give a ''aura'' which deals x damage  to anyone inside a certain radius of the ones affected?

otherwise its kind of cool.



The third one does deal damage to enemies within a radius of the allies that are affected.


"dealing damage and knocking back all enemies near the ally."

Edited by (PS4)kaliammoo942
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