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Void T4 Drop Tables Still Full Of Old Items In 13.7.2: The Joke Never Ends.


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Of course, but we don't know why the mistakes are being repeated, so it's dangerous to judge.


That would mean someone isn't doing their job if the same mistakes continue to be made time and time again.  Usually after the third time someone gets fired in most areas of employment.

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I feel like 90% of the forums are just jumping on the hate bandwagon. How long does it take for an endgame player for farm loki prime?


You do realize it took DE time to make loki prime, you know, employees dont run on air, they get paid, their work costs money and they release these prime parts into the game for FREE for you to get.


Regardless how dilluted the drop tables are its COSMETICS its not some S#&$ you pay for and then become a god.

You do also understand that the only thing DE has to do is tweak his natural polarities and tweak the frame itself to make the new frame... It isn't hard work. I can even do that if you give me some insight on coding and a 3D software thing. 

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Token system, eh? You mean something where you farm up a crapton of tokens, wait for something to release then get it free? Sounds about right, and what people seem to want. Screw the time you spend on getting something, lets just get it all now and not pay for it because our time is apparently more valuable than the developers who are making the game, and they should feel blessed that I love the game enough to do nothing but complain about it.


Sound about right?

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last post i agree, codeing like this  -------*&¥§---£¢€¤---^^TE--#[][] thats how u would see a code usialy sometimes its different ill show u one for a resource drop ---(?)R-$¥ 

these rwo code placeings $¥ are one$is how much the item might be depending if the item is saleble two¥ is how many of the item , but like i sad its never the same.

Edited by (PS4)ugv183
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Token system, eh? You mean something where you farm up a crapton of tokens, wait for something to release then get it free? Sounds about right, and what people seem to want. Screw the time you spend on getting something, lets just get it all now and not pay for it because our time is apparently more valuable than the developers who are making the game, and they should feel blessed that I love the game enough to do nothing but complain about it.


Sound about right?

Sounds about right. I don't want to play the same S#&$ now when I could be doing it before. All DE does is release old content and put it in the old void....gameplay is the same....DE just wants an easy way to get $.

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Yeah, we should totally encourage them in this behavior.


Behaviour? While you see it as a bad behaviour, I see it different. Many games strive in rng, grind, and farming. It's a business decision. You won't believe a web base game, that is pay2win, grinding and farming is off the chart, power creep ridiculous, was netting 10 mil in profit on their 2nd year.
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Token system, eh? You mean something where you farm up a crapton of tokens, wait for something to release then get it free? Sounds about right, and what people seem to want. Screw the time you spend on getting something, lets just get it all now and not pay for it because our time is apparently more valuable than the developers who are making the game, and they should feel blessed that I love the game enough to do nothing but complain about it.


Sound about right?

You do realise that warframe already has token systems.  Materials are a token system and DE actualy adds new resources along the way (most recently oxium and argon).  In actual fact warframe even has a token system behind the RNG wall, when it comes to the void parts (after all you need token A + B + C and multiples of D to get X weapon/warframe for example).


The benefit a token system has is accountable progression.  With RNG you do a mission and dont get what you are looking for, you are no closer to gaining that item than you were before doing that mission.  While with a token system, you do a mission gain a handful of tokens and are now slightly closer to gaining what you want.  Warframe can handel both aspects, RNG up front with the token system as a fall back if you get unlucky with your drops.


Even the simplest of method could be the ability to trade (with the game not other players) 4 other parts/blueprints you dont need for one you do need (even if the 4 parts have to be from the same item as the one its exchanged for), and the game doesnt need to otherwise change. (and yes this is actually a token system)

Edited by Loswaith
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