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New: T-Shirt Design Contest


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I can't do much in the way of actually making an entry but i had an idea someone could try. There needs to be a shirt with a tenno, doesn't matter which, standing on a pile of bodys. The bodys would be the hunters from the three factions (Stalker, Zanuka, Gustrag Three), and there could be a caption too (something like "They don't call me ninja for nothin'")

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Hi Everyone!

This is my Design: Prime it's one of my Favourite "styles" in the game, so I thought, would it be cool to see the WarFrame logo, as a Prime Version. Idk if I Achieved my intention, but I liked it. 


Great designs all over the posts. Good luck to everyone!


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Designing isn't exactly in my skillset, but i wanted to try at least once. Can't wait to see what wins, regardless.

I had the idea of a pixel effect coming from behind the Excaliber (as if he was a capture target? Perhaps that would be illogical, so i didn't sweat it.) but like i said, not in my skillset. :P

You can see the seams of how bad i am at editing, but if you would excuse that..
I am cleaning that up later just so it wont bug me.


Edited by VigilanteCat
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