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Lucid Dream. Has Anyone Tried Yet?


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I just came across this today and i want to know if anyone here tried this "Lucid Dream" yet. I read about it already but stil have few questions:

 - How does it feel?

 - Did you get sleep paralysis or hallucination? Is Lucid Dream dangerous if you fail?

 - How can you experience something that you don't even know, like feel being shot but was never been before?

 - All the thing that appeared in the dream are created by your brain right? Did anything that you have never seen before appear in your dream?

 - I know you can do ANYTHING in this dream but how "real" are they *if you know what i mean*?

 - Last, should i try it?

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-How does it feel?

      Feels real, but you know its not.

-Did you get sleep paralysis or hallucination? Is Lucid Dream dangerous if you fail?
      Sleep paralysis, you can fight it if you have a strong mind. Not that i know of. Maybe if you dreamt of dying or something.
-How can you experience something that you don't even know, like feel being shot but was never been before?
      Dreams are a mystery.
-All the thing that appeared in the dream are created by your brain right? Did anything that you have never seen before appear in your dream?
      We don't really know. Could be.
-I know you can do ANYTHING in this dream but how "real" are they *if you know what i mean*?
      Just try it.  You still have to practice.
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Lucid dreaming is technically you consciously controlling your dream.


As for me, I have seen people that I have never met before in my dream.


And I heard you can unlock certain skills if you ever entered it.


certain binoral beats can help you enter a lucid dreaming state.

Its always fun to try. 

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I just came across this today and i want to know if anyone here tried this "Lucid Dream" yet. I read about it already but stil have few questions:

 - How does it feel?

 - Did you get sleep paralysis or hallucination? Is Lucid Dream dangerous if you fail?

 - How can you experience something that you don't even know, like feel being shot but was never been before?

 - All the thing that appeared in the dream are created by your brain right? Did anything that you have never seen before appear in your dream?

 - I know you can do ANYTHING in this dream but how "real" are they *if you know what i mean*?

 - Last, should i try it?

1. Its awesome. You get to frickin fly.

2. It doesn't start with sleep paralysis/hallucination unless you use a certain method. Even then, I've heard the hallucinations can be avoided by not sleeping on your back. About falling, it's all in your head, so falling in a dream is as dangerous as imagining yourself fall off a cliff. 

3. That I'm actually not sure, it's the first time I've heard of feeling what you've never felt before. I've had such an experience before, but what I felt was the closest my brain could go to 'feeling' it, which I knew wasn't it when I woke up. 

4. Thats what I've heard, but I think you can sorta 'imagine' new things from bits and parts of what you've seen before.

5. Well...if you're referring to what I think you're referring to, if you've never experienced the real thing, you won't experience it in the dream. At least for me I didn't. 

6. Definitely, if you have the determination. It takes quite awhile before you're able to do it consistently, and then it takes even longer to increase the duration of your lucid dream

Edited by Icymountain
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I can answer these questions as well as I can. I'm able to lucid dream 2-3 times per week. I've kept sleeping diary and such, but it takes a bit of time. Anyway...



 - How does it feel?

 - Did you get sleep paralysis or hallucination? Is Lucid Dream dangerous if you fail?

 - How can you experience something that you don't even know, like feel being shot but was never been before?

 - All the thing that appeared in the dream are created by your brain right? Did anything that you have never seen before appear in your dream?

 - I know you can do ANYTHING in this dream but how "real" are they *if you know what i mean*?

 - Last, should i try it?


1. It feels pretty real. Human mind is so powerful, it can create very realistic things. Once you get, that it's a dream, it can feel less real, but it still feels real. It's amazing. But like all dreams, it can feel little blurry, but just a little. It still feels realistic.


2. No hallucinations for me. But sleep paralysis. I got it once or twice, when trying to get myself to fall in lucid dream consistently. Since both of them happen during REM phase of sleeping, it is possible to fall in sleep paralysis, but it happened to me only at beginning. Doesn't happen anymore. Be aware, sleep paralysis is REALLY scary business. It's something you kinda want to experience, but if it happens, you know you don't want to experience it after all. If you fail to lucid dream, it's ok. It's not dangerous. But you will be sleepier than usual. 


3. Human brain is powerful. I'm pretty sure it could create immense pain in some part of your body. Just like what bullet would cause. But if you are going to lucid dream, why would you want to get shot? I mean it could be interesting to try, but it would hurt a lot. I wouldn't do it.


4. Yeah. I have never seen a mug made of human skin... with legs and such. Freaky, right? Human mind is able to create many sorts of things. But here is a random fact about dreams. At some point of your life you have seen everyone in your dreams. Your brain isn't capable of creating new faces, so it takes them from your memory. If you have seen someone in internet, you can see him/her in your dream. Funny, right?


5. If you are talking about what I think you are, I'll just put this on spoilers. If you don't want to read, don't. It's about thing, that people, who love each other, do in bed. So yeah... You've been warned.



If you have ever fapped, you know how getting an orgasm feels like. Human brain is able to re-create it while your sleeping, if you have sex in your dream. In fact, human mind is even powerful enough to create more powerful orgasms. So you might not get as powerful orgasms in real life then in your dream. So yeah... it feels real. And yes, I have done it. Everyone wants, right?


6. Definitely. Lucid Dream is one of those things you should try even once in your life. Someones (like me) may get them by accident at first. I remember my first lucid dream. Then you might get interested in doing it again and spend your time making sleeping diary and waking up during REM phase and stuff, but... I think it has been worth it. You can google, how to lucid dream. There are some, that work. 


Anyway, here was my answers. I hope you get lucid dream at some point.

Edited by PotWalrus
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@PotWalrus: Well, the shot part was just an example. Who want to get shot anyway (maybe me with a Kevlar armor :P).

The only thing standing between me and trying it is the sleep paralysis part (not the hallucination cause i think it's not as common as paralysis right?). I have read that many people always got this when trying to Lucid Dream and it's hella scary when you don't know what to do. So, can you give me some tips if i get sleep paralysis, for safety?


And thanks all for those comments. They are really helpful. :)


Wish me luck tonight, eh?

Edited by White_Raven
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@PotWalrus: Well, the shot part was just an example. Who want to get shot anyway (maybe me with a Kevlar armor :P).

The only thing standing between me and trying it is the sleep paralysis part (not the hallucination cause i think it's not as common as paralysis right?). I have read that many people always got this when trying to Lucid Dream and it's hella scary when you don't know what to do. So, can you give me some tips if i get sleep paralysis, for safety?


Sleep paralysis is a tricky one. Since your body is asleep, but you are not, you can't actually move. It's not dangerous, but it's a terrifying. So you won't get any health problems. You can't do much, but there are some ways you can prevent it. I only know like 3 tips to stop it, but hey, it's something.


1. Try to move any part of your body. If you try hard enough, your body may wake up, ending the sleep paralysis.

2. Have someone to touch you. If anyone touches you during sleep paralysis, it stops immediately, since your body wakes up.

3. Maintain a regular sleep schedule. It prevents you from waking up during REM phase and putting yourself on risk to get sleep paralyzed. This is why I got sleep paralyzed, since my method to get lucid dream was to wake up during REM phase of sleep and writing down my experience. This is, so I could be able to tell, when I approach REM phase and can try to tell myself, that I'm asleep. This doesn't work for everyone and it takes time. My explanation here is not reliable, since it's just basic thing.


You might have your own way, I have my own. Go with your way, if you have one. Good luck :)

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I might try WBTB (Wake Back To Bed) cause it's easy. So with this method does the chance that i get paralysis high or low?


Edit: Have few more questions, hope you can answer:

 - How long was your longest Lucid Dream?

 - Does dream diary really neccesary? I know it help you to remember your dream but does that have anything to do with Lucid Dream succesful rate? (I'm kindda lazy ya know. :V)

 - If you get paralysis, does it come with any other things like feeling nervous, scare,... or just simple paralysis?

 - So you actually can get l*id and do all kind of p*rvert stuff in your Lucid Dream huh? But if you get too exciting, you will *lost-connection* to your dream. How can you manage to hold it back?

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