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June 13Th: Community Hot Topics!


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1-stop raging at de those that did

2-this is beta

3-de is trying its best

4-DE stop doing stoupid stuff and make gameplay more exciting and some peaple told you how

5-Warframe is amazing couse of ya all

6-De dose stoupid stuff yes but give them a chance before bringing a Paris prime into there office

7-I hate exams and I'm tired of them and De is not making it easier to stomach grinding

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1-stop raging at de those that did

2-this is beta

3-de is trying its best

4-DE stop doing stoupid stuff and make gameplay more exciting and some peaple told you how

5-Warframe is amazing couse of ya all

6-De dose stoupid stuff yes but give them a chance before bringing a Paris prime into there office

7-I hate exams and I'm tired of them and De is not making it easier to stomach grinding

1. Not until de gets their stuff straight.

2. So what? "It's beta" is not a good enough excuse, and it died out 9months ago.

3. Then it's not good enough.

4. Agreed.

5. COULD be amazing, right now it's just a boring, repetitive farming sim. With TPS elements.

6. We have. Them SO many chances, and it hasn't really worked out.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Drop table rotation just reduced the chances of getting anything specific by at least 1/3.


Think about it, any part/bp can drop at any 5th wave/5min interval. Sure the chances are miniscule with more items but you have more chances overall the longer you stay.


Now, you have to wait for that single idiotic roll at the specific interval and still end up with useless garbage. Who thought this was a good idea? This means that in the same 30 min interval, instead of 6 chances at rolling for stuff you need, you get 1 at minute 20. Oh yes, and there are S#&$ tonnes of garbage diluting the new stuff. Good luck getting what you want, unless its fusion cores or prime parts you can build a bonfire for Guy Fawkes Day with.


At survival IV, it's getting really tough to just go beyond 35 unless you have specific people kitted out with specific things.

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yo way have they not put it on xbox 360 and ps3 they wood make a freaking ment

X360 and PS3 may not be able to handle it for one. Or perhaps DE is just focusing on Next gen. The Ps3 and 360 are pretty dated in terms of hardware and functionality. Porting to PowerPC and Cell platforms would take additional development and money which DE may not want to spend.

Also this post is off topic.


Back on the topic I am in favor of a token system as I said earlier , making things reachable after x amount of time and having it equal for everyone.

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Im going to chime in here and for the last time.  I have been so impressed with the forum feed back by the players!!!!  It has made for great reading and following.  I would note that all who write in are so imformed and fully understand their postion in regards to PC world to PS4.  I think their is no debate and all will agree to the second class status we are under.  But i am so amazed at the lack of effort by DE to change their ways when it comes to the PS4 community.  An when you just make everyone a consummer and consumer feed back, it still doesn't make sence!  it seams that the policy of DE to ignore or "say one thing and do the other" or exactly the opisit of what they are infoming the PS4 community.... is just to bipolar for me.  i cant belive that PC players are purchassing more then PS4 player.  Are they not farming like us and buying bundles for my XP or materials.  So why are they getting more!!!  If one was trying to get all that one could get from a busniess oppertunity...one would foucus on a target community and a source for how to do that is the responces and feed back from that community.  An again I take the opertunity to say the feed back I have read is high quality and can not understand why it is ignored!!!  Another point i would make is that the world between PS4 and Xbox users to its core is social at their best.  An does DE think Im going to rave about this aspect of the game to my Xbox clan!!!  Funny money and funny business I say an not really smart!!!  An to conclude as I exit this game and will miss this forum because as a consumer and player of this game (ive done everything and have everthing and want more) but to keep visiting or playing is a form of insanity!!!  To keep playing or watching thinking something will come or change is text book silly "insanity at it's best"  i say in closing to DE that I am a scured in my profession and have no problem being as consumer.  I am happy to play and have been hapy at times.  But with every update giving less and less and mis communication and again a status Im not happy about!  i say good luck to all!!!  I game to play!!!!!!

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The Return of the Cicero Mods
Many of you have asked for event mods to reappear, and now, Vor is ready to deliver! Kill Vor in the Void for a chance to get some of the Cicero Mods you may have missed. The response to their return has been mostly positive. Other event mods/items could return as well in future updates.

Dear god yes. I'm OCD about having multiple copies of mods at different ranks for when forma'ing or first ranking weapons, and event mods allowing elemental damage for status-build weapons (especially for combining to makecorrosive or other secondary elemental types) with only 4 drain made deciding whether to fully upgrade them or keep them unranked a real dilemma for me. I still have the electric ones fully unranked for the sheer convenience of a 4-cost electric mod. :)

Edited by DZ1JMeyer
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