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Enemy Faction Idea: The Pariahs


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The Pariahs



(Name subject to change; suggestions are welcome.)


Faction Description/Lore: A splinter group of humans that reject Tenno protection, due to intimidation. They believe, that once the enemies that now threaten them are defeated, the Tenno will use their powerful abilities to take over the entire human race. Instead of relying on the Tenno to protect them from the Grineer, Corpus, Infestation, etc, they use technology (that they have recovered, created themselves, or stole) to modify their bodies or create weapons to give them pseudo-superpowers. They refuse to use robotic proxies as protection - and cloning is absolutely forbidden. The Pariahs may be lacking in strength, but they make up for this by using sheer ingenuity. Their bases are often massive cloaked satellites, that are hidden within the asteroid belt, or other places in the solar system.


Each soldier wears armor that protects them from harsh or infested environments, as well as the vacuums of space - as well as providing anonymity. The higher ranking the soldier, the more armor they wear, and the more genetic/mechanical modifications they receive.   


Faction Goals: Their main goal is to rid the sol system of all threats to the human race: Grineer, Corpus, Infested - even Tenno. They will stop at nothing to achieve this and are actively recruiting other humans to their cause. They have a shaky relationship with the Red Veil faction, due to them supporting the Tenno.


Faction Soldiers:


(If someone would like to help me with names/artwork, that'd be nice)


Each soldier can come in a male or female variant, unless stated otherwise.






Name: ???

Description: They are extremely tall, lanky, and appear to be very fragile. However, they make up for this fragility by being quick on their feet, due to genetic modifications - one could easily keep up with even the fastest Tenno. These enemies carry two combat knives into battle and will rush towards a player to unleash a flurry of quick and damaging strikes. They will run to cover when damaged and then proceed to rush the player when the opportunity arises.


Base Stats

Health: 100 (Flesh)

Armor: 20 (Ferrite)

Shields: 100



Name: Shadow Walker

Description: The Shadow Walker is a very tricky enemy. They are outfitted with active camouflage and will cloak immediately upon seeing an enemy. They carry crossbows with self-igniting bolts, onto the battlefield. They may be invisible, however, the fire from their crossbow bolt will show as they are preparing to fire.


Base Stats

Health: 50 (Flesh)

Armor: 10 (Ferrite)

Shields: 175


Name: ???

Description: Often seen clinging to walls or other objects. These soldiers have been genetically modified to be able to perform great leaps. They can quickly leap from place to place to confuse their enemy. A metallic hook that is integrated into their armor allows them to cling to surfaces. They will fire upon their enemy with a powerful pistol that fires electrical stun-darts. If an enemy manages to get close to them, they will attempt to melee them with the metallic hook.


Base Stats

Health: 125 (Flesh)

Armor: 15 (Ferrite)

Shields: 100





Name: Phoenix Trooper

Description: One of the only female-specific roles. This soldier has been genetically and mechanically modified in several ways. Attached to her arms are mechanical gauntlets that are attached to a pack on her back. In this pack, there is a flammable gel that gets ignited and fired from the gauntlets – allowing her to launch fireballs in rapid succession. The Phoenix Trooper's genetic modification gives her extreme healing capabilities, to the point where she is able to come back from death. The only way to bypass this, is to incinerate her body after death, by shooting the pack of combustible gel she carries. Attempting to do this while the Phoenix trooper is still alive will send her into a frenzy and she will attempt to latch onto a nearby Tenno and do an explosive suicide attack. This will deal heavy damage to the Tenno and its surrounding allies. Some say the Phoenix Trooper is modeled after or meant to rival the Tenno's Ember.


Base Stats:

Health: 200 (Flesh)

Armor: 200 (Ferrite)

Shields: 200



Name: ???

Description: In an attempt to make their soldiers immune to the effects of radiation, the Pariahs managed to create something far worse. This enemy type is not only immune to radiation, but has become radioactive themselves. They emit an aura of radiation—about 10m long—that has a high chance of giving any enemy inside a radiation proc. While not entirely dangerous by when alone, they can make a group of Tenno a threat to themselves. They have high health and medium armor and carry a chainsaw-like weapon that is attached directly to their armor and covered in radioactive secretions. Their radioactive aura remains on the field even after they have been killed, for about 20 seconds.


Name: Tracker (Suggestions welcome)

Description: The Tracker is a quite unique enemy, due to the fact that it is completely blind. The genetic modifications made to the Tracker have taken its sight, however, it has strengthened its hearing. Because it is blind, the tracker is immune to certain warframe abilities - namely radial blind, invisibility, and smoke screen. It can hear Tenno walking/running by from a rather great distance. The only way around this would be to crouch and make your way around it. (Making stealth rather viable too). A player can tell when a Tracker is nearby by listening for its distinctive "screeching" noise. When undisturbed, the Tracker will occasionally let out a low screech. This is actually its way using echolocation. When it is investigating the area, it will release louder screeches at a more frequent rate. The ONLY way to remain undetected while it is hunting is to remain perfectly still, even crouch walking will alert it at this point. When the Tracker notices an enemy, it will release a deafening scream that will stun nearby enemies and alert its allies to their presence. The Tracker attacks with metallic claws and can unleash a flurry of deadly strikes.






Name: Cryo Gunner

Description: This heavily armored soldier carries a rocket propelled cryo-grenade launcher, into battle. When fired, these cryo-grenades will deal heavy cold damage in a large area. Enemies that are killed by this weapon will shatter and deal damage to any nearby foes. The Cryo Gunner is also genetically modified to be extremely strong and will shoulder-bash any enemy who gets near - knocking them to the ground.


Name: Berserker

Description: The soldier with the heaviest armor. They carry no weapons into battle and, more often then not, players will find them slowly and mindlessly wandering around the area. They will remain in this state, until shot at or otherwise disturbed in any way. Their genetic modifications have left them with extreme strength and healing capabilities, as well as the ability to have extreme bursts of speed. Once the Berserker is provoked, they will seek out the nearest enemy and attempt to charge into them – knocking them to the ground and dealing heavy damage. They will also use their fists to deal moderate damage to nearby targets. Successfully dodging their charge attack and causing them to hit a wall/rock/other solid object, will leave them temporarily stunned, so the player can deal damage. If not killed before it recovers from the stun, it will begin to regenerate health. This is one of the only male-specific roles.




[More coming soon]

Edited by xZetsumeix
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I'd like it even more if all these enemies spoke English (or at least a mix of several Earth languages with English being the most prevalent, maybe throw in some Russian and Spanish for a nice mix) I want to get the feel that it's a ragtag bunch of rebels from what's left of the "normal" human societies trying to survive in a hostile Origin System.

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I'd like it even more if all these enemies spoke English (or at least a mix of several Earth languages with English being the most prevalent, maybe throw in some Russian and Spanish for a nice mix) I want to get the feel that it's a ragtag bunch of rebels from what's left of the "normal" human societies trying to survive in a hostile Origin System.


Would be rather cool. To make thing easier, however, I feel as though they should have different accents -- less translating that way, yet it still adds that feel.

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I like this.

A faction of true humans fighting for independence. It's really interesting what we have now.

DE introduced the Red Veil, who seem like a resinstance of sorts.

We have at least three fan-factions.

Mezonites: remnants of Tenno who did not enter cryosleep. Mad and hates Tenno with passion.

Space pirates: Well, do we need to say more really?

Earth Hunters: Basically humans who still live on Earth.

The Pariahs: Humans who fight for their right to determine their own destiny.

Things are looking up :)

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What theme do the faction have in terms of visual style?

Colors and gear? Visual characteristics?

I doodled a base suit. Not happy about it, but at least we can discuss a base look for them.

Tell me where to go from here :)



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What theme do the faction have in terms of visual style?

Colors and gear? Visual characteristics?

I doodled a base suit. Not happy about it, but at least we can discuss a base look for them.

Tell me where to go from here :)


Well first of all, let me start by saying: Nice picture! It's better than anything I could draw, tbh.


Okay. I've been thinking really hard about this, and I've come up with several different styles in my head. I realized that the Grineer (mostly) have massive, imposing, bulky armor, while the Tenno (mostly) have form-fitting armor, that usually focuses on agility. I mean.. If you look at a heavy Grineer, you don't really think "Wow, that guy's going to be really fast." Yet when you look at Loki or Nova, etc, you can tell that they're going to be rather quick on their feet.


For the Pariahs, it'd be like a mixture of both Tenno and Grineer armor. However, where the Tenno and Grineer armor are more... How do I put this? Curvaceous? Meaning: There are hardly any sharp pieces on their armor. The Pariah's armor will meet somewhere in the middle of Tenno and Grineer, yet still have their own special flair and design to it.


Maybe something Cyberpunky? 


When I picture them in my head, I picture the lighter units having that form-fitting armor that focuses on agility, because that's what they're based around most of the time.


So maybe, something like this:




or this




See how in the first picture she is wearing armor, yet still some of her bodysuit is exposed through it? It's the same with the second, so definitely something like that. But that would by for the light troops. The medium troops would have little to no areas of their body visible, and their armor would be less form-fitting and more rigid, with sharp edges. The heavy troops will have heavier armor than that. 


However, their armor will have more cyber elements to it. Strips of LEDs running through the armor along the legs, arms, back, etc. But not too heavily. (Sort of Tron-esque) Actually, now that I look again, it seems that you did something like that in the picture you drew.


As for faction colors, I'd say mainly a Navy Blue color with some accents of grays and white - though it might depend on region. But for now, let's say those. The lights on their armor will glow a certain color, depending on rank. Light troops will have a green color and their visors or the "eyes" of their helmets will glow the same color. Medium troops will have violet. And Heavy will have Red. Bosses will differ, but we'll get on those at a different time.

Edited by xZetsumeix
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Interesting. What about corpus influenxes?


None really, I couldn't think of anything special about the Corpus, except their box-heads and robo-chickens.



What if they wore white as a base color? Would really set them apart from the others.


Also, I was thinking Navy Blue for two reasons.


1. To better show the glowing lights. (Dark surfaces would make them shine better, I suppose.)

2. To contrast the Red Veil's red color scheme.


Actually, I was thinking of having their undersuits be white or gray and then having navy blue armor pieces on top of that. So that might just work. 

Edited by xZetsumeix
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