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Warframe = Terrible! ( Do not post to complain about the topic)


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Just kidding, that's what everyone told me when I made my post.

I, on the other hand believe that yes, this game is dipping into the "unsuccessful" pool of F2P games.

Those are good points, many of them which were made in my post, and I can't tell you why to play it, at the moment, I simply hope for it to improve, I want to love the game.

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Closed Beta. About EVERYTHING is subject to change with a Closed Beta. Closed Beta = Your opporturnity to play a great game and help to Shape it through thoughtfull critics.

WoWP = BullS#&$, Warthunder beats it by far.

WoT = Fun at start, S#&$ on the long run, greedy wargaming adding pointless S#&$ instead of fixing things. GG.

Also the fact that you don't want others to comment means that you don't want to listen to anyone but yourself. That's pathetic. Developers or Admin to comment? That's precious developement time wasted. Deleting this thread would make more sense.

Edited by Afinda
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Thats a long list and im not sure i agree with them all, but your right, the game is terrible right now.


The devs are very open to suggestions, their changing the game all the time and fixing things, and from what I understand the game just keeps getting better.

It is closed beta after all :P

I decided that this game is bad, but since its improving and the idea of super sci-fi ninjas in space is too damn cool to give up, ill spend alot of time on the forums making suggestions and hoping this game will be awsome one day.

Edited by Malachia
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Closed Beta. About EVERYTHING is subject to change with a Closed Beta. Closed Beta = Your opporturnity to play a great game and help to Shape it through thoughtfull critics.

WoWP = BullS#&$, Warthunder beats it by far.

WoT = Fun at start, S#&$ on the long run, greedy wargaming adding pointless S#&$ instead of fixing things. GG.

Also the fact that you don't want others to comment means that you don't want to listen to anyone but yourself. That's pathetic. Developers or Admin to comment? That's precious developement time wasted. Deleting this thread would make more sense.

Closed beta also means the DEs want to have feedback, Power to the people.

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Closed Beta. About EVERYTHING is subject to change with a Closed Beta. Closed Beta = Your opporturnity to play a great game and help to Shape it through thoughtfull critics.

WoWP = BullS#&$, Warthunder beats it by far.

WoT = Fun at start, S#&$ on the long run, greedy wargaming adding pointless S#&$ instead of fixing things. GG.

Also the fact that you don't want others to comment means that you don't want to listen to anyone but yourself. That's pathetic. Developers or Admin to comment? That's precious developement time wasted. Deleting this thread would make more sense.

READ the topic before posting I said NO RESET NO BETA ... If it is a close beta then it should have RESET

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Closed beta also means the DEs want to have feedback, Power to the people.

I'd like to quote myself here.

Closed Beta = Your opporturnity to play a great game and help to shape it through thoughtfull critics.

This is just another Ragethread which indeed states current bugs. However the OP doesn't really want to hear anything. Dev's/Admins time would be invested better by reading the actual Bugs sections.

OP probably didn't realize that this is Closed Beta and not Open Beta.

READ the topic before posting i said NO RESET NO BETA ... if it is a close beta then it should have RESET

If there will be a reset or not is up to the Developers to decide. If there's a patch which fixes Cosmetic things and doesn't involve gameplay mechanics themselves then a reset would be... pointless? I do agree that a Reset should be considered once the game hits Open Beta and once it hits Release.

Since this is a Closed Beta i don't see a reason to actually reset through the entire Closed Beta itself but that's just me.

Edited by Afinda
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I'd like to quote myself here.

This is just another Ragethread which indeed states current bugs. However the OP doesn't really want to hear anything. Dev's/Admins time would be invested better by reading the actual Bugs sections.

OP probably didn't realize that this is Closed Beta and not Open Beta.

So you are happy with large number of people had exp glitches and have level 38 weapons from 1 mission? After they say no reset to the close beta ?? thats just insane!

Another question what if I found the bug and i got 40 K exp and I could solo everything would that be ok with you ? would you feel happy that I have an exp glitch and my account isn't reset?

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The first part about us not complaining was childish,but I do agree that we should have a reset.

Like i said to the previous poster

Are you happy with people getting large amount of exp from a glitch? Are you happy with a large amount of people gaining exp from a glitch and after there is no reset? Do you know how many times they could take advantage of this glitch?

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12. Interaction buttons are buggy and unrespondive (X to open door or hack)

You know you can change the key bindings in the Settings

14.Some bosses are unbeatable even with a 4 player co op ( I use gorgon and seems useless to the boss in everest)

The Boss have heavy Armor you must use piercing damage Mods

Edited by Momotani
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So you are happy with large number of people had exp glitches and have level 38 weapons from 1 mission? After they say no reset to the close beta ?? thats just insane!

Another question what if I found the bug and i got 40 K exp and I could solo everything would that be ok with you ? would you feel happy that I have an exp glitch and my account isn't reset?

honestly? PvE game. You ruin your own gaming experience. I wouldn't be bothered the slightest if you cheat yourself. What will change? your e-peen will grow bigger? don't care.

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Like i said to the previous poster

Are you happy with people getting large amount of exp from a glitch? Are you happy with a large amount of people gaining exp from a glitch and after there is no reset? Do you know how many times they could take advantage of this glitch?

Do you know that there definitly won't be a reset?

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Do you know that there definitly won't be a reset?

Thats what they said .. no reset planned .. Do you see why this game will suck? a large amoun of people would take advantage of this exp glitch so you would have many planets or missions with no co op ... who will play the in between missions ? no one

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Thats what they said .. no reset planned .. Do you see why this game will suck? a large amoun of people would take advantage of this exp glitch so you would have many planets or missions with no co op ... who will play the in between missions ? no one

i can at least hope they have at least one last reset it was a mistake buying ash :(

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WTF do you people even read the topic before you BS on my Topic?


there will be a reset just not the now the never said there wont be any more resets just there is no reset planned meaning there could be one in the future

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