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How To Stop The Rushing Epidemic.


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Thing I don't get is why does timer exist in first place. If there was no timer there would be no rushing, make it so that all players have to be at the end in order for game to finish. So either whole team rushes or none rushes.

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Thing I don't get is why does timer exist in first place. If there was no timer there would be no rushing, make it so that all players have to be at the end in order for game to finish. So either whole team rushes or none rushes.

I don't know who you are, But if they get rid of timers, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will troll you.

All it would take is being afk.

Edited by ZEDD
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A good 80/20 solution is to put a two-person door in front of every extraction bay. Automatically open it if only one member of the team is alive and on their feet.

This way you can still complete the mission in single-player or if the rest of your team is well-and-truly wiped, but in most cases you'll need at least two people "voting with their feet".

It only really fails if you have a 2-person game and the other guy is a griefer... :/

Edited by HvcTerr
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The game lends itself to a "speed" feel. You dash through rooms blasting through mobs and get to the mission end and then blitz all the way back through the same area and sometimes to a new area.

Most people online like that speed feel and blitz to the end. That's their playstyle. If yours is to take your time and loot everything in site? That's your playstyle. It's just different ways of playing the game.

It's like someone who uses a boar instead of a latron, or a Lex instead of an Akbolto.

It's a choice.

Easiest solution is to speak up, communicate, and be heard.

"Hey, I don't rush through so can we.."

"I don't want to look for all the loot boxes I'm just here to farm the Boss."

If people don't wanna do that? Drop out and find a new group.

Play Private or Solo. Or online.

It's your choice. Making up some social system of 'judgement' for the game is just silly when you can do your own police work with your own social interactions.

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That kinda always irritated me, was the rushing, it's like where do you have to be? Can't spare a few seconds. It's like this for me almost always: Finishes killing enemies at objective point *turns around* whole team is gone. -_-" I know I could play solo or private, but I have not friends and I don't like playing alone. Especial infected maps unless I have music going. Then it's not to bad.

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This game needs to be more challenging, plain and simple. If someone can just bull rush a group of enemies without getting picked off, then the devs need to start making us worry about bullets. The price for rushing should be that you end up backed into the spawn room with 50 enemies around you.

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All they need to do is make it so everyone has to be at the end to win and if anyone goes AFK they get kicked by an idle timer no one should be standing still for more then a few minutes in this game.

EDIT: Thought a little more about this and all it would take is one cool person to just run around and never finish the mission this is why we can't have nice things.

Edited by Mr_Giggles
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All they need to do is make it so everyone has to be at the end to win and if anyone goes AFK they get kicked by an idle timer no one should be standing still for more then a few minutes in this game.

EDIT: Thought a little more about this and all it would take is one cool person to just run around and never finish the mission this is why we can't have nice things.

xd takes a bit of thought to figure out how trolls can troll systems with good intent, but can drive players insane.

The rush craze while annoying for some players in general is only seen for people trying to open up most of the system (ie. if they can finish each planet a few minutes faster they might be able to fit in an extra one before they need to log, course i'm assuming they only play for an hour or two :x). rush doesn't work for defense missions / boss missions, outside of the rush to the finish which after a boss i think most people are ready to boogie out of there anyways.

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Tenno, behold new weapons and explore new terrains!


- Half of the active players in a squad must reach extraction before extraction timer starts


Latest update went some way towards fixing this. Seems DE was listening. Edited by 11.11.11
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I decided when I first finished Mercury to just play solo when I feel like farming, but then go online when I want to get the creds. Rushers are one of the most annoying people to play with, so I would rather just go solo.

Although a good way to keep the rushers with you would probably by to have doors that would block the rushers from running off too far from the team.

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