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(>O.o)>The End Is Nigh!<(O.o<)


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We've all thought about it, We've all considered what shall we do when the time comes....

Of course I'm not talking about reality in a gaming forum, I'm talking end game. I'm hoping that the DE dev's will pick up on this factor, that we as a community and gaming society, are always looking to the next in line, that next mod, that next upgrade, that next warframe... Now take everything you read in the following with a grain of salt, and consider it in noway concrete in my belief's or suggestions. They are merely feed back on a sensitive subject. To anyone who reads the first 3 lines and posts a rude comment, You will be called out, and quite frankly, disregarded.

Endgame. Its a scary word for both the gamer and the developer, Its when people begin to lose interest in the things that once brought them joy. Be it cutting a grineer lvl 37 in half for the first time in one hit, or finally being able to nuke that boss no problem. Though what I am suggesting is a quick fix to what the dev's are probably ironing out in the old forge as we speak. Here is my suggestion on the topic. Extra ranks past 30, that do not add stats or other *perks* that make the game necessarily easier, because lets face it. When you have a favourite gun loadout, and found your favourite frame. and they are all level 30, you feel satisfied, but then comes that empty whole (see what i did there?) all gamers feel when they finally reach the end, and why other MMO's make it take months to years to get there.

instead i am suggesting something (forgive my reference) like paragon levels in diablo, something similar but not quite the same. Perhaps a separate number beside the 30 that counts up to about 60. That number could be tagged and named whatever you may wish. "elite" levels, "continuation", hell call it a cheap gimmick. I don't care. We as gamers LOVE numbers. You can't deny it and neither can I. the bonuses at which would be provided could range from say +1% rare mod drop chance, (or blueprint, save be we do not already have all frames before we settle down with one). or perhaps a +1% to sprint speed per every 5-10 levels. Giving us something more to strive for. We have all heard that bum in the global chat going on about how he has crafted every frame, bought or crafted every weapon, and has nothing left to do.. Well nay i say. Nay. We need an end game plan here guys, Something that keeps us bleeding for more. Other games borrow from the "reset with a small bonus".

Scenario***. You reach 30 with your favourite load out. Favourite frame. You begin to feel there isn't much else left to, you've farmed Vor to the point you feel like actually coming into the game, and laying a real virtual beat down on the guy. What do you do? you vent in chat. Taking down others on their way to that feeling regardless. please stop taking the rest down with you, as misery most certainly does pertain to love company. So what is a quick fix for this problem? either the above stated idea, or implement a small bonus (+1 to shield regen p/second., +20 to overall max hp. +5 to energy and only say 5 times. that alone is extending the lifetime of a frame 5 times, and giving bragging rights along the way) as we all know, 20 hp 1 lvl 30 reset, then +5 energy the next lvl 30 reset IS NOT A GAME BREAKER, 20hp maybe saved my &amp;#&#33; once in warframe, and especially if it changes the proceeding buff you get EVERY level. and randomize it up also, so you don't think "gee if i bother with my second favourite frame, whats the point?", because that little bit of random "whatsitgunnabeboss" chance is what really gets a gamer off on his gaming mojo, Don't ask me why, its just fact. Now I'm in my 20's. I have years of gaming experience, And every MMO' i've ever played has that "drawn out till your max level, max ability, yadayada" and only recently has this craze been going another direction. With warframe, Its ultimately perfect for quick fix's (even crafting times, suck it up butter cups) and being actually efficient and helpful to your team nearly right outta the gate (depending on skill more then stats at that point, minus evidently 100% dmg mods etc) and thats great. I LOVE THAT FACT. But end gamers need that little bit of drawl to keep them going, numbers numbers numbers. Do they matter, hell yes, are they a cheap gimmick? who gives a ****. not me. so with the above suggestions, and hopefully many more from the gaming community (please dont ask for OP gifts for your frame like a random bonus each rank added onto the already given one, thats just stupid and will end up ruining the current gameplay). Another interesting factor, but much more time consuming and effort put in by the devs is the "morph"(someone else raised a topic about it, i forget your name, and apologize, full credit to you though) for a form at lvl 30. Something subtle (shoulders, gloves, boots, whatever) physically changes to your character, and he gets reset to rank 0 so you can earn those yummy levels again. Now please if you read this entire post in one sitting, refer back to the top paragraph so we don't love focus. these are an end gamers thoughts on where warframe *could* head. Sincerely, A warframe lover.

P.S, i may have lost myself once or twice in this post so please don't hold that against me, but real life called inbetween typing all of this, phone calls and etc.

Edited by Greavence
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If you liked anything in the above post, or in general the direction this could lead us, leave a reputation point on that post to show that we are thinking end game. even though there is maps to come, and probably tons of ideas already shooting around at DE about the same subject, Let them know we encourage the idea, and that we also don't expect any major changes to just pop outta the blue. Your updating warframe currently as it is enough, and we are still in beta, so the grass will get greener either way.

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So basically, its just the end-game content that people are waiting for DE to release/develop so in the mean time those that ald 'completed' the game just basically farm for indefinite amt of mats and credits just to stock up and wait for something 'new' to release.

hmm maybe instead of crafting new warframes/weps to test out for those end-gamers, why not a new content such as a challenge where there can be 'squad vs squad' content on survival instead of just one squad surviving defence mission. Then the squad that survives the longest waves will get better rewards( rare mods/ rare bp of new weps/warframe) than the losing squad. However both squads still get the basic rewards (eg. credits/normal bp/ uncommon/common mods [occasional rare mods if both squads manage to get pass certain waves (eg.wave 20)] ).

But both squads are unable to do pvp and there will be an invincible wall seperating both squads from the map but u can see through it to see how yr opponent are doing. Since the DE are focusing on more PVE content this might be a good idea so its just a suggestion :)

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IF you need end game, there should be PvP, which is not gona come to Warframe.

Atleast we could have Clan V Clan, or PvEvP or something like that?

Or going against HUGE BOSSES, am not at all talking about little dogs like phorrid or hyena , am talking about bosses of big size,like mass effect "REAPER"

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No idea what you were on about, but I saw the words end-game somewhere...

There's nothing stopping them from making level 69 Areas on THE MOON and ushering all the veteran whiners to that colony. They could probably throw that in at the next hot-fix...

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I read your entire post. It was kind of all over the place, but I got most of the points you were making I suppose.

There are so many things they can, and eventually will do, but with thier team size at the moment, I think topics like these are an indication of how thirsty for content in this game people are, and how impatient they most likely will become if thier desires are not met in some form or another.


Just so you know, during the first Livestream event, where DE Steve was answering questions in the live chat after the stream had finished, he did make mention of a sort of "prestige" type deal, but it wasn't a fleshed out idea. And thats about as far as that went. SO, I imagine somewhere down the road, once the buttload of bugs, past and preset, and hell, future, are all ironed out in the swath of other content we're sure to get our hands on, the DE team will deliver all kinds of bonuses for this or that as they continue to flesh out the game in its development phase.

So, to end my sorta rant.. Be patient, we'll get stuff. All kindsa stuff. DE is a good team, so they'll deliver in one way or another.

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I think endgame should be dynamic. Yes, Ilike the idea of resetting level and gain some nice visual/stat change but that's not really sustainable dince it's finite within each frame/weapon.

Dynamic endgame (midgame, whatever), probably come with UD8 as ClanVSClan system or turf war. It's more sustainable (keep us play/interest) than static prestige system. DE_Steve mentioned about giving max frames/weapons something to do.

Wait and see, that's all.

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So basically, its just the end-game content that people are waiting for DE to release/develop so in the mean time those that ald 'completed' the game just basically farm for indefinite amt of mats and credits just to stock up and wait for something 'new' to release.

hmm maybe instead of crafting new warframes/weps to test out for those end-gamers, why not a new content such as a challenge where there can be 'squad vs squad' content on survival instead of just one squad surviving defence mission. Then the squad that survives the longest waves will get better rewards( rare mods/ rare bp of new weps/warframe) than the losing squad. However both squads still get the basic rewards (eg. credits/normal bp/ uncommon/common mods [occasional rare mods if both squads manage to get pass certain waves (eg.wave 20)] ).

But both squads are unable to do pvp and there will be an invincible wall seperating both squads from the map but u can see through it to see how yr opponent are doing. Since the DE are focusing on more PVE content this might be a good idea so its just a suggestion :)

This could use its own topic post for more visibility. Great suggestion.

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thanks for the feed back, and to the ones thinking im "whining" over no endgame.. lol thats not what im stating, This is beta, i'm just throwing ideas out because this is the once in a games life time you get to actually be heard, In no way was i saying "GIVE ME MORE RIGHT MEOW!" :P, i'm trying to help sculp a game the best i can with my type of founders pack (99$ one required to vote on actual ingame implementation, mines 49.99, which in fact, and quite frankly, is the best money i've spent yet this year on a game, and you should too.... And Owwy, I'll throw you a rep on your post! loved the idea!

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I really picked up on the reset thing you said, as an mmo/rpg game lover, i love the new game+ style things like resetting, if you've played Disgeae 1 or 3, I loved the reborn with better stats option, so i fully support yours, and maybe the item dungeon system they have where you power up your weapons innate states by entering dungeons within it (might be a similar environment to ranking up) and after a certain amount of waves/levels or whatever, you can choose to increase an innate stat in your weapon by.....say 5%, like crit chance, crit dmg, atk spd, dmg, block chance(melee), or whatever, just you can only pick one and maxed 5-10 chances to increase stats.

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pvp is a good responce in some cases, but i don't see how implementing it would add serious lifetime to the game, I'm neither for or against it, but i would say i'de rather they focus on pve content at the moment, then try to develop an entirely new concept at the same time, after all warframe is a coop based shooter, and adding pvp in any game tends to bring more of the same, raging people and more hate towards "well this is OP, this is OP, he/she shouldnt be able to do that" and before you know it.. PvE sucks again.

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I read your entire post. It was kind of all over the place, but I got most of the points you were making I suppose.

There are so many things they can, and eventually will do, but with thier team size at the moment, I think topics like these are an indication of how thirsty for content in this game people are, and how impatient they most likely will become if thier desires are not met in some form or another.


Just so you know, during the first Livestream event, where DE Steve was answering questions in the live chat after the stream had finished, he did make mention of a sort of "prestige" type deal, but it wasn't a fleshed out idea. And thats about as far as that went. SO, I imagine somewhere down the road, once the buttload of bugs, past and preset, and hell, future, are all ironed out in the swath of other content we're sure to get our hands on, the DE team will deliver all kinds of bonuses for this or that as they continue to flesh out the game in its development phase.

So, to end my sorta rant.. Be patient, we'll get stuff. All kindsa stuff. DE is a good team, so they'll deliver in one way or another.

Repped +1 for making the basics get across alot better then my post lol, I do realize this, and am simply attempting to stick my hand into the fire that is the warframe forge.

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