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Is It Just Me Or Are Ancients A Bit Op?


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Knock them down with heavy weapons, use strong weapons and aim for their legs and they will melt. And don't bring blunt weapons to infestation missions. Up to wave ~18/20 it is a cake walk, even without Nyx, just gotta have the right modded weapons and not low level stuff.

^ That, basically your everyday infested "bible"

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When 8 ancients come at you along with other crawlers and other enemies you can't really take them out in time. Please just try defense at Io without Nyx and see how hard it is to even get past wave 10. Some crawlers or leapers don't even die after that wave from fire blast, even if i have it maxed and with power strenght+25.

Go play Valefor and get past wave 10 without one aswell.

You usually get MORE then 8 ancients by that time.

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Go play Valefor and get past wave 10 without one aswell.

You usually get MORE then 8 ancients by that time.

Yeah i think that there were more than 8 ancients on Io also, I just said 8 because there were about 5 near the cryopod or 8 that i saw, there may have been more killed by my team-mates.

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Yeah i think that there were more than 8 ancients on Io also, I just said 8 because there were about 5 near the cryopod or 8 that i saw, there may have been more killed by my team-mates.

Or perhaps, Try Xini :P

a lvl 30-50 infect defense, alot of fun and the mod drops...omg the mod drops

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I ulti'ed near a Disruptor, and also some Toxics. I'm using a Frost, and my ulti barely scratches them? Very literally, it takes off less than 10% of their health. In the end, I just used Freeze on any Ancient I came across and ran through the level.

Honestly, they are spoiling the game for me. I died to 5 Toxics cornering me, and of course, my ulti did nothing to them. The stagger from their attack, coupled with the fact that I was constantly getting poisoned just killed me off.

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I ulti'ed near a Disruptor, and also some Toxics. I'm using a Frost, and my ulti barely scratches them? Very literally, it takes off less than 10% of their health.

What level are the enemies, and what level is your Avalanche? I have mine fully leveled and it takes out most enemies up to level 20ish instantly. You might wanna get a power strength mod on there to help you, and power range is helpful too. That said, Ancients are stronger than most enemies. Just because you can't instakill them doesn't mean that Avalanche is underpowered.

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Ancients' attack IS NOT DODGEABLE unless you're out of range. I've tested it multiple times. People who post that they can easly dodge Ancients anytime are just liers and showing how "pro" they are.

Have you tried dodging prior to their attack? Just as they pull back their arm, you dodge roll and they don't hit you. If you're trying to dodge after they've already swung at you, of course they're gonna hit you. Anyway, unless you've been utterly trapped or are trying to melee an ancient, why would you be within the range of their attack? Movement is key. Also, remember that frames like Loki are faster than frames like Rhino, so Loki might have less trouble dodging. Even so, I use Frost primarily, and he is quite slow, yet I have no trouble dodging except for the occasional screw up when I'm caught off guard.

And yes, I think I am quite good at the game. There are definitely better players than me though, and as much as you try to deny it, there are people who just aren't good at the game. I wouldn't call myself "pro". Besides, it's a cooperative game, so what does it matter?

Edited by TheSmash
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And yes, I think I am quite good at the game. There are definitely better players than me though, and as much as you try to deny it, there are people who just aren't good at the game. I wouldn't call myself "pro". Besides, it's a cooperative game, so what does it matter?

I don't think anyone questioned if you are or aren't good at the game... And when i go solo i have no prob with infested while playing Rhino, but in defense missions you can't deny that they are pretty hard to go against especially since 1 hit from the disruptor for example will leave you completely vulnerable.

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Have you tried dodging prior to their attack? Just as they pull back their arm, you dodge roll and they don't hit you. If you're trying to dodge after they've already swung at you, of course they're gonna hit you.

No, they do. Do you realise that dodging after they have already swung is impossible because the attack is momental. Dodging earlier means you can escape their range quickier. Also everything you wrote is OBVIOUS tips when fightning ONE Ancient. I'd like to see how you dodge 3+ Ancients on defence mission.

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I love how most of the comments are just "oh just have a Nyx/Gram/Scindo/frost mods and they're so easy, you just suck". Requiring a very specific gear set to kill a mob efficiently, especially in games with limited loadouts, isn't good difficulty. Yes, mobs certainly should have a weakness, but other loadouts should be viable. I like the concept of Ancients, but they really do need some tweaking.

Right now it's nigh impossible to outrun a Toxic Ancient without freezing it or jumping from higher ground, and once it reaches you it's instant heath damage regardless of shields/armor. I can't even melee the thing without taking significant hp damage. An easy fix would be to remove its toxic aura and make his melee attack inflict poison instead. I mean, come on, it can kill me by standing next to me but getting smacked by it does next to nothing? As balance, give it an extra attack where it releases a stationary poison cloud around itself as an aoe attack.

Disruptors are to some degree worse. A single hit takes away ALL of your shields and energy, stuns you, and if there's other mobs you are instantly boned. Considering that energy and abilities is really what defines Warframe's combat system, having an enemy whose gimmick is to take away your ability to use abilities is just dumb. A simple solution would be to make them drain a percentage of your max energy with each hit, a percentage of your shields and stopping shield regen for a varying amount of time, all depending on their level.

As for Healers, they need a serious buff on the healing side. Right now their existence could practically be ignored compared to any other Ancient since they heal so less. They should be healing 10-20% of Ancient health and 50% normal mook health per pulse. They shouldn't be able to heal other Healers though.

And for all of them, first off their melee should be limited to their front direction. Having their arms clip through themselves to hit behind them is stupid, and gives an alternative method of avoiding it other than rolling rolling rolling. Also, their spawn rate ought to be decreased and their xp buffed. They are often tougher than Grineer Heavies, spawn in at least twice the amount, and give dirt cheap xp on kill. I don't mind having double or even triple Ancients at once on the harder levels, but i've had double ancients on GODDAMN MERCURY! Imagine how a newb is supposed to handle that! Their spawn rate should be equivalent to Heavies, no more no less.

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Alas someone who gets it! I agree with your points except for the disruptor, since he already "disrupts" you for about 5 seconds in which you can't regen your shield and any energy you pick up is nullified. Not being allowed to use any abilities for 5 seconds is bag enough, but also depleting the energy is overdoing it.

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Knock them down with heavy weapons, use strong weapons and aim for their legs and they will melt. And don't bring blunt weapons to infestation missions. Up to wave ~18/20 it is a cake walk, even without Nyx, just gotta have the right modded weapons and not low level stuff.

^This. I've solo'd xini to wave 20 with an ember. As long as you have decent weapons it's doable. Valefor is even more doable. Focus on the toxics so you can get in for melee on on the disruptors and they melt while you're wacking them with a gram while they sit in a fireblast.

Edited by Aggh
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^This. I've solo'd xini to wave 20 with an ember. As long as you have decent weapons it's doable. Valefor is even more doable.

I truly don't believe you. After wave 5 runner and crawlers barely get half damaged by fire blast.

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Ok so Ancient healer isn't so OP, but ancient disruptor takes down your shields AND leaves you without energy so you cannot escape if he hits you and you can't even get close to the toxic ancient because he kills you and they also have alot of armor. This wouldn't really be a problem if they didn't spawn by the dozens! And when 2 ancient disruptors hit you your pretty much dead.

Compared to the grineer bombard for example, he is as dangerous as an ancient healer, but you maybe get 2 or 3 max, not 7 at a time! Not to mention that the other grineer lancers or troopers do not stun you, but if an ancient gets a hit on you other crawlers, leapers or runners can get closer to you and stun you even more!

One thing that can be done is either to remove the ancients armor so that even if they spawn alot they can be dealt with rapidly or just make them spawn less.

That's their meaning, to be frightening. Something you watch out for and try to not get hit. If they would be just walking meatbags what's the fun?

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I truly don't believe you. After wave 5 runner and crawlers barely get half damaged by fire blast.

Why should I care about that? My akbolto can 1 (maybe 2?) shot them in early waves :|

Especially if it's on valefor since they start at a lower level.

Fireblast lights them up so you waste less ammo.

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I truly don't believe you. After wave 5 runner and crawlers barely get half damaged by fire blast.

But the small ones die with one charged hit of your heavy melee weapon (and in early waves even from your normal swings)...

Seriously, everyone whining about how hard they are should think about how to improve their gameplay...

So for everyone, in great detail.

If you are using an accurate/high dmg weapon (with no armor penetration), aim for their unprotected, thin leg. As that's their primary weakpoint.

If you are using a shotgun you might consider going for their head, as most bullets would miss the small leg.

You should equip melee weapons which are able to knock down your enemies with a jump attack, preferably a heavy weapon so the jump attack has a bigger radius. If you use a heavy melee weapon consider using Gram or Scindo, not the blunt types, as they do reduced dmg to the infested.

(on a sidenote: Fang and other pointy dagger types also do reduced dmg)

As for mods, freeze mods are a must (it's sufficient to use the default lvl mod card), if you want to get far in the infested defense missions. Fire mods are also viable because of the extra dmg.

And a lot of people cry about the disrupters. It's your fault if you get hit by them. If you see that they are about to launch an attack roll back in advance.

I get hit sometimes, too, but it is always my own fault, because I was too greedy or too careless.

I hope that this helps a bit, and maybe you'll understand that these enemies aren't too strong...

Edited by bakaxy
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Ah yes the small ones die from one shot. No prob except that it takes alot to charge and that ancients have long range attacks.

Akbolto can't be purchased without plat and since i have only weapons from free you can say that it is pay to win!

Also i don't have a problem with ancients. I have a problem with he fact that they spawn alot and they are more dangerous than the similar special troops from grineer or corpus which also spawn alot less!

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Ah yes the small ones die from one shot. No prob except that it takes alot to charge and that ancients have long range attacks.

Akbolto can't be purchased without plat and since i have only weapons from free you can say that it is pay to win!

Also i don't have a problem with ancients. I have a problem with he fact that they spawn alot and they are more dangerous than the similar special troops from grineer or corpus which also spawn alot less!

Staggering them with a normal attack before you start charge attacking means they won't be able to use their tentacle on you. Knockdowns are helpful too.

AKbolto can be crafted. I haven't spent a single cent on weapons :|

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Ah yes the small ones die from one shot. No prob except that it takes alot to charge and that ancients have long range attacks.

Akbolto can't be purchased without plat and since i have only weapons from free you can say that it is pay to win!

Also i don't have a problem with ancients. I have a problem with he fact that they spawn alot and they are more dangerous than the similar special troops from grineer or corpus which also spawn alot less!

You are obviously not as good as you might think you are, and, just for your information, Akbolto can be made without using platinum. You just have to build two Boltos, then build the Akbolto and the blueprints are purchasable for credits...

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Not trying to give a 'i'm pro' speech.

But i wish they would be less in numbers, but much harder to kill. Not simply by giving them much more hp.

Think about the Tank in left4dead, it's faster than you, you can't escape it. The only way to survive is to kill it before it kills you. This concept is brilliant.

And it's exciting. Seriously, when have you been excited in Warframe?

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