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Wts/wtt Prime Parts, Mods And Stances

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Greetings Tenno, I want to sell or trade some Mods and Parts. If you interested leave a post, PM here in the Forum or /w me ingame.
I offer:
Prime Parts:
- Frost Prime BP
 - Frost Prime Helmet BP
 - Frost Prime Chassis
 - Frost Prime Systems BP
- Mag Prime BP
 - Mag Prime Chassis BP
 - Ember Prime Helmet BP
 - Ember Prime Chassis BP
- Boar Prime BP
 - Boar Prime Stock
 - Boar Prime Receiver
 - Boltor Prime Barrel
 - Boltor Prime Stock
- Braton Prime BP
 - Braton Prime Barrel
 - Braton Prime Stock
 - Braton Prime Receiver
 - Burston Prime Receiver
 - Burston Prime Stock
- Latron Prime BP
 - Latron Prime Barrel
 - Latron Prime Receiver
 - Latron Prime Stock
- Paris Prime BP
 - Paris Prime Lower Limb
 - Paris Prime String
 - Paris Prime Grip
 - AkBronco Link
-Bronco Prime BP
 - Bronco Prime Barrel BP
 - Sicarus Prime Receiver
 - Sicarus Prime Barrel
 - Ankyros Prime Blade
- Dakra Prime BP
 - Dakra Prime Handle
 - Fang Prime Blade
 - Reaper Handle
 - Reaper Blade
- Orthos Prime BP
 - Orthos Prime Handle
 - Orthos Prime Blade
 - Ankyros Prime Blade
 - Wyrm Prime Carapace
Ammo Mutation:
- Rifle
- Arrow
- Shotgun
- Sniper
- Pistol
- Equilbrium
- Flow
- Retribution
- Undying Will
- Split Chamber
- Hell's Chamber
- Barrel Diffusion
- Shield Flux
- Fever Strike
- Berserker
- Melee Channel
- Power Throw
- Rage
Nightmare Mods:
- Constitution
- Fortitude
- Vigor
- Blaze
- Stunning Speed
- Ice Storm
- Lethal Torrent
- Accelerated Blast
- Wildfire
- Hammershot
Corrupted Mods:
- Tainted Clip
- Coolent Leak
- Fired Up
- Self Destruct
- Sanctuary
- Spare Parts
- Sundering Weave
- Fracturing Wind
- Seismic Palm
- Crossing Snakes
- Reaping Spiral
- Burning Wasp
- Clashing Forest
- Decisive Judgement
I need:
- Crimson Dervish
- Stalking Fan
- Rending Crane
- Loki Helmet, Systems 

If you want to sell those, pm me maybe we can make a deal. 
If you need a Mod and it's not listed, ask me i might have it. I also looking for some Stances. If you prefer trading then send me a PM what you can offer me and what you need.
Thank you

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