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To All The People That Rush To The End Of The Map....


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This is not a thread to chastise those that rush. I rush MPrime at least 10 times a day myself. The difference being, I rush on solo.

There is no point to rush a map in online mode. You get no additional benefit. You have to wait a long 60 seconds for the end countdown to run out, and you tick people off.

To all the people who rush in online mode, you shouldn't, simply because you will be the reason we see additional annoying "can only be opened with a friend" doors.

TLDR: If you don't want to see more annoying team based artificial road blocks, RUSH ON SOLO NOT ONLINE.

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While I agree, I would like to add that people who are exceptionally slow are just as bothersome. When I'm walking/sprinting regularly, without using speed (I'm volt) and I still have to wait 7 minutes to open a dual person door, it's kind of ridiculous.

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While I agree, I would like to add that people who are exceptionally slow are just as bothersome. When I'm walking/sprinting regularly, without using speed (I'm volt) and I still have to wait 7 minutes to open a dual person door, it's kind of ridiculous.

Normaly I only find slowpokes on mercury, and rubedo worlds. Mercury mainly because they think that they need to break/open every loot object. And rubedo....well it's rubedo I won't fault anyone who brakes for loot on a rubedo planet.

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Thank you so much. This is what I try to tell people whenever this comes up. I have rushed a couple times. I don't do it often, but it's happened. So I don't begrudge people who want to rush. But there is no reason to do so online! All that happens is that it makes the other players' experiences worse, without even giving the rusher any benefit.

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Normaly I only find slowpokes on mercury, and rubedo worlds. Mercury mainly because they think that they need to break/open every loot object. And rubedo....well it's rubedo I won't fault anyone who brakes for loot on a rubedo planet.

For me, my main issue is finding people that SOMEHOW are on planets like saturn/mars/ and higher, yet still don't understand the maps, and walk around aimlessly even when I make it a point to go slowly so they can follow. After that, it's people who won't get in the god damn elevators.

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I feel some people think its a race. I can tell you that you don't look cool or awesome because you made it to the end first, I know I don't. Not everyone knows the maps like the back of their hands. Some people are new to the game. Some people like to kill, loot and actually play the game instead of running by all the enemies. Myself I can kill, loot and still not be the last guy but I have no problem with someone enjoying themselves the way they want. I do most of my farming in Solo because basically there isn't a map I cant pass on my own. If I do play a map that I'm trying to get items from, I also join in the fight. Besides there is a timer and if someone cant wait for the short amount of time it takes for the timer to run out, then they have other issues. Who cares really if they run to the end. Do what you got to do and enjoy yourself. I haven't heard anyone yell "Hey hurry the hell up man what's taking you so long" or complain at all for that matter. Don't feel pressured and do your thing, cause I for one do not mind an extra minute or two.

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I can't fault rushers because I do it all the time. My main reason because....I've leveled multiple warframes/weapons to 30. So when I play an EZ mode mission, I'm not there to break everything and do all that jazz. I'm there to kill what pops up in front of me, grab my affinity for it, and head out so I can go on to the next mission that my Warframe at that time can handle. There are also times when it's necessary for me to do this in Online play, simply because the Warframe I'm using at the time can't handle it solo.

So as much as I understand the issue of "Don't rush", I also understand the reasoning behind why many do it.

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I think that if there is a group then you should the majority either over 50% or 75% to be at the extraction for the mission to countdown and finish.

I have been caught up with groups of enemies when people have rushed off and then all of a sudden the mission ends and the rest get no credits! Just because one guy is too scared to actually fight the rest get punished!

Ok there isn't much you can do if there is only two people on the map but... At least have the decision weighted towards the group not the individual the developers are trying to promote team play.

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