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Warframe Idea: Hadrian (The Maverick)


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Name of the Frame: Hadrian.



Tenno who decide to use it are opting for a frame designed for up-close-and-personal combat. Hadrian is a powerhouse to some extent. Optimized for melee gameplay, his abilities center around getting him into the fray and keeping him alive. And, when the chips are down, he is not afraid to go down swinging.

Hadrian is a durable, offensive melee warframe.

Base Stats:

Health: 100
Power: 125
Armor: 125
Shield Capacity: 125
Shield Recharge: 15
Sprint Speed: .75

If it's not already obvious, his main downfall is his Shield Recharge Rate. Tenno wise enough to use this frame must be careful to not get overly engaged and know how to quickly maneuver in and out of the fray.


1. Shift Step
4 Mod Cost, 10 Power

Hadrian dashes in the current horizontal direction of player movement, moving quickly into or out of the fray.
At its base level, the distance is approximately 2 meters. Distance upgrades at higher levels. Note that enemies will attack as if they are still in their old position for a fraction of a second (100ms, maybe), something skilled Tenno can use to their advantage.

*Note: This is the main ability of the frame. Used to maneuver in and out of battle easily and to 'shift' around the battlefield. Reminiscent of Superjump, just in the horizontal axis exclusively.

2. Riposte
6 Mod Cost, 30 Power

Hadrian counters his foe(s), dealing great damage as compensation for their attempts.
This ability requires an enemy to attack him within a .5 second interval after its activation. If successful, Hadrian knocks their weapon out of their hand (just for animation's sake) and unleashes a deadly melee strike on all who are around him. Extra powerful damage (Guaranteed knockback/flinch) on targeted foe, and strong damage (still knockback worthy) to his other surrounding foes. Greater radius and damage with higher levels.

3. Adrenaline
8 Mod Cost, 75 Power
In a rush of adrenaline, focus, and concentration, Hadrian's melee speed is increased an astounding 200%.
While initially only lasting 5 seconds, at higher levels this ability becomes quite enduring and thus quite potent.

4. Maverick Storm
10 Mod Cost, 100 Power
Hadrian, for lack of a better term, gets his Super Saiyan on; dashing around the battlefiled, he practically teleports from foe to foe, landing knockdown blows.
This ability makes him capable of flooring 10 foes in a matter of 5 seconds. The foes are put in a daze, stunned on the floor for 5 seconds at the base level. The radius of the attack increases with higher ability levels. Note that this attack cannot kill foes with more than 50% health; that being said, it puts them in an excellent position for easy execution. The daze time period increases as levels increase; that being said, the attack is focused on both AOE and cooperation. While youknock your foes down, your teammates can officially pin em down :D

I'm thinking something between Excalibur and Rhino in stature, durable.... but not HEAVY (Rhino looks like a massive linebacker, I'm just thinking more like Olympic athlete with some solid armor). Pics coming soon :D

Recommended Layout
Melee weapon = Gram, purely because of multi-hits and the fact that it's a flippin two handed sword :P
The rest is up to your discretion (:

Tell me what y'all think! I hope Hadrian to be a frame of our future.... This Tenno would be proud :D

Edited by Gryphon4848
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For one, Riposte is gonna need rework. "Instantly kills whatever got countered" to me translates as "Walk up and let the boss try to smack you once to win". You have to add effectiveness costs in, or people just scream OP.

The other thing is I'd probably keep the target max at 10 on his ulti. To compensate have the "Knockdown" add a stasis time as well similar to Rhino's Rhino Stomp. To kind of give an idea of what I'm saying: In it's current state, you just knock the guy straight down pretty much. In the case I'm presenting, you lift him into the air with the strike. It gives him a stasis time plus the knockdown. The main reason I say this is that Blade Storm is bugged to hell and back. There are cases of people being jerked into floors, ceilings, walls...you name it. To go above Blade Storm's target max is just begging to get bugged out imho.

Other than that, I like the idea. It kind of reminds me of a flash tank.

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Valid valid points, updating accordingly!

As to instakills, I mean on grunt types, should have clarified. Bosses would DEFINITELY not be instakills.

Does it feel like the abilities are pretty wide and diverse? Also how about dropping Shift Step down to 5 Power?

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I'd keep it as is. It's not an attack so it doesn't need to be as high as say Rhino Charge or Slash Dash, but the cost needs to be high enough to where it's not just spammed as a mode of movement. Dropping it to 5 means all I'd have to do would be run in a squad with Energy Siphons and I'd be able to spam it the entire map, tricking enemies into dupe attacking and opening themselves up along the way.

As far as the abilities go, I'm a fan. I'd probably do a cap on the duration of the abilities just to keep things even (i.e Adrenaline probably shouldn't go much above 8-10 seconds) though. Also as far as Riposte on boss types, you could still have it deal damage but add a flinch effect (ala Boltor, Bolto, AkBolto, etc) into it so that the boss can't just turn right back around and smack you across the room.

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Thanks for the feedback! Solid point, it would be silly if people felt they could just spam it (:

Duration caps seem logical as well. I'd leave the EXACT details of that for the dev team to decide on obviously. More just an idea thus far of what it could be :D And a flinch sounds wise! I like it!

Thanks for the cool insights everyone! Anything else?

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Sounds like an awesome warframe!

Although I don't think it's quite possible to separate all enemies by mook/boss, expecially on higher levels, so the second ability should primarily deal knockback damage for a single target/group, this way even if it's not enough, you'll have time to finish them off ith melee (or get into a better position for that).

Also, to improve readability, you could use the bald fonts for captions/points... And, you could add mod costs of abilities.

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Thanks for all the comments! Boldfacing the appropriate type now! Valid idea GTG3000. Changing that.

With regards to the name, the idea came to me with the name 'Raider.' I was looking for a different name, kinda unique, so I came up with the anagram "Edriar." After realizing that sounded like 'A Dryer' in a really bad French accent, I messed with it to make Hadrian. Kiiiiinda liking Edriar again though.

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There were some suggestions on that kind of tenno in "Random ideas"...

And, Hadrian sounds good (and seems to be meaningful, which fits the games' tendency of meaningfull names for abilities/warframes).

As for the readability I'd suggest you copy the spacings from photon/vespa suggestions, your post is still a bit clogged.

Edited by GTG3000
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