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Surival Rename And (Suggestion) New Survival. (


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"Just a note. Personal opinion and thoughts. Yours are also welcome"


So I have thought of this for a while. Why is it called survival? I know its pretty much "survive the endless enemy horde and get oxygen", but personally, I think the gamemode should be named something else. After all, you are doing that so other tenno can "Raid the ship for much needed supplies" as the Lotus says. Shouldnt that pretty much be called Raid, since raid was taken out of the game for just being "Get from point A to B, collect Z and go to C". I think the gamemode SHOULD in fact be named Raid or something around that.


When it comes to the name survival. I think of the typical endless horde of enemies, which I would think it would suit my type of gameplay. I love extermination and assassination missions ALOT, so having something that is "not defend a spot, but still gives you tons and tons of enemies without worrying about air" type of gamemode WOULD BE PERFECT. Endless Extermination. THAT is what I see in a survival kind of mission for this game. 


Now reason for the new survival is to... idk.. cripple the enemies forces even more than Extermination. 

How would it be played out? 

*things I thought of*

- You sit at a base taking platoons on platoons of enemies (own map set/using some defense map sets)

- Run around like any other mission

- Would be extreme for those who loves killing infested with no need to guard something or bother about oxygen

- Test your own strength and see how long you can last in the onslaught of enemies.

- Depends on the enemy faction, it will give you a certain spawn rate of the enemies. (as in Infested would have high spawn rate, while Corpus and Grineer normal or so.)


When it comes to rewards.. I have no idea... I would almost say it will be a normal mission and not a special mission like Defense and Survival. Why? Cause doing that instead of Defense would make everyone like me probably just go for that kind of mission instead of the two others alternatives.


That is pretty much all I had. Would love to hear Ideas about the Survival Rename and the new type of survival.

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Survival Day weekend memories flow back to me this day... Thank you for reminding me of those :)



I would really like the return of level 200 enemies and victory only comes from death, it felt honorable in a way.


Play some dramatic music or something to fit the mood.

Edited by Aciaj613
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remove the oxygen supply thing and rename it "Last Stand" mode, with random tile sets......... maybe even the defense mode tile sets


its' ridiculous that our *survival* depends on RNG deciding to drop/spawn oxygen pods/droplets; when the actual *survival* aspect should be "FIGHT UNTIL YOU DIE!".


remove the ability to use revives during the mode and it'll be legit.

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