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Why Are High End Planets Mostly Barren?


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as thread title says,you can constantly find groups for boss-farming,defenses or just random runs on most systems but the high end planets like pluto or sedna are mostly barren so I usually end ignoring them alltogether or slowly opening map with friends,which well isnt too bad but what gives?

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I still think because of all those "Game is too hard boohoo!" threads that are floating around that most people are just incapable of playing the higher maps. Many people playing this game plainly suck at it, facetanking rooms, modding weapons wrong, using wrong weapons and warframes for the wrong enemy types and mission and the list goes on. And of course there are those friendless die-hard Solo players which just fail on higher end missions most of the time and therefor stick to mercury.

Edited by Namacyst
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Soloing most Pluto missions just requires patience, oh and no melee, when your on your on melee is not a good idea. But yeah very phew people join me, which Is annoying, as Pluto has the most corpus, and I need the mods they drop

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Its because this is a free to play game.

The game has only recently become available to the public, so the vast majority of players active at any one time are brand new players (less than 5 or so hours played) playing the game for the first time. This is why the starting areas are so full in comparison.

Most of these players will not play passed the intermediary planets, as they simply lose interest. The only players still active in the outter planets are those that have played and stuck with the game for some time.

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Higher level areas aren't exactly worth the time to farm it when you can go lower level areas and one shot almost all the mobs.

Its kinda more relaxed farming then a stressful farming where you have to pay attention.

I donno, just my guess xD

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They are not barren, but most peeps running those (myself included) either do it solo / private games (with or without a squad of buddies) because the danger of getting someone to ruin the mission or make it more harder than it should be (read random rusher who dies 20 feet further after pulling 30 mobs) so peeps are more skeptical about open games.

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Many are also working on gaining Mastery Rank and one cannot run the high-end missions on unranked gear. You must be with your best equipment in order to tackle Pluto.

I still think because of all those "Game is too hard boohoo!" threads that are floating around that most people are just incapable of playing the higher maps. Many people playing this game plainly suck at it, facetanking rooms, modding weapons wrong, using wrong weapons and warframes for the wrong enemy types and mission and the list goes on. And of course there are those friendless die-hard Solo players which just fail on higher end missions most of the time and therefor stick to mercury.

To both of you. I was doing runs to increase levels on my unranked frames and weapons. I was with ember with an alert mission with a friend. For 3k credits, I planned to rush, but there were simply SO many, I died, so did he and we quit. My friend said again. I said okay. Then I took some time, organised some mods in 10 minutes, and then went back. After that I started facetanking just like in U5.x. I was SO pleased with myself for selecting a right mod combination.

Then I failed in a sedna mobile defense mission (I was reviving my friend, but I should've have used stomp before the revive, and then people swarmed the cryopod in the end and we died.). Figures we needed a 3rd guy to revive anyone while I stood like a target with iron skin on top. And then round 2, 2 more people joined, and I cleared it with ease.

Later I soloed ambulas, and it felt SO good.

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The real question is WHY would you do them? The is no real significant reward for completing the hardest missions, not when you can earn 3500 credits in five minutes on the first planet. Rewards need to scale, like you should be getting 10k+ minimum for the hardest missions, they take significantly more time and thought than the lower ones.

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Sorry but i don't get it. It's awesome to play Sedna or Pluto! Ok i love to play 20+ defensemaps. Maybe I'm just crazy ^^

I recommend Sedna, cause i love to kill infested. I played most of the maps just with a friend of mine and it worked pretty well. And you don't believe how much rubedo dropped! Take your ember or nyx and let the slaugther begin! It's the easiest way to beat most of the maps there. But you can use excalibur and the other warframes just fine too. ;)

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Coming from some one whos cleared all of sedna half of pluto working on eris and europa. There isn't a reason to do harder missions because rewards are the same. If they increased the rewards on the harder missions maybe more people would do them.

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Coming from some one whos cleared all of sedna half of pluto working on eris and europa. There isn't a reason to do harder missions because rewards are the same. If they increased the rewards on the harder missions maybe more people would do them.

Yep just what i wanted to say, got space ninja'd.

Basically there's no advantage to doing harder enemies because you get the same loot. It's better to just farm the lower mobs.

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The real question is WHY would you do them? The is no real significant reward for completing the hardest missions, not when you can earn 3500 credits in five minutes on the first planet. Rewards need to scale, like you should be getting 10k+ minimum for the hardest missions, they take significantly more time and thought than the lower ones.



Difficulty is not the problem, not at all. This game is not hard with the right gear... I bet I could beat any pluto mission with an unranked warframe. And this is not because I am so awesome, I am mediocre at best.

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I think it's because all mods drop at Fusion level 0, so there's no point in fighting tougher enemies, when loot drops seem to be largely the same throughout the systems. You may have a higher chance of getting rares at high levels, but honestly, I haven't see much difference.

There's also nothing really special about "rare" cards. For example, puncture cards are rare, but pretty much useless. Their function is extremely situational and they cost way too much mod power to use.

Now if there were Uncommon, Rare (and beyond) class Vitality mods for example, that actually had more potential than the Common mods, people may be more inclined to do the harder stuff, but DE has pretty much trivialized the value of loot in this update.

Edited by Soulie
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i think, the higher end planets are not rewarding the players for higher difficulty gameplay, that is why you do not find people there, this could change with time as people get bored of one shotting underleveled creeps to boost their own ego

go do the lvl 25-35 missions people, they are possible with unranked gear and solo even!

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Mostly because low-end grants the same rewards as high end missions.

Theres no point in taking the challenge except of the challenge if you like it - But its quite tough and no reward for your time spent there except of the usual Loot (Which got worse in the last days) and the common credits.

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