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New Contest: Warframe Doppelganger!


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watch out, textwall in the spoiler!


seeing that a lot of people chose characters everybody knows, i think i have some explaining to do. the guy on the picture is called "Aiphatón". he is the emperor of a race called "albae" and the son of the first albae who were worshipped as gods (hes the emperor because his parents were killed by the good guys). the albae are the exact counterpart to the normal elves: they are the pure evil and seek to destroy the elves and to enslave the whole world. they are the best fighters (e.g. at one point a warrior complains about the quality of an arrow because it pierced only 4 enemies) and the most gruesome people ever (drawing paintings on skin with blood and building cities out of bones of fallen enemies). their abilities reach from blacking out rooms to amplifying peoples fear to the point of killing them. their strength lies in stealth and ranged attacks (dont get me wrong they still slice everything in close combat). i still chose volt over ash, because aiphatón is (as the son of two gods) able to use magic bolts. he is also able to run super fast and to create a sphere of magic around him, so volts powerset fits better. my volt is also wielding nothing but a bo, because aiphatón only uses a spear to defeat his enemies. my volt looks mostly black/grey, because aiphatón always wears his armor. he has no other choice because he is linked to it. it is almost indestructible and storages magic power to make him stronger.

i chose the location simply because part of the book where he is the protagonist plays on icy mountains. the channeling modus is supposed to resemble the magic power of his spear (same material as his armor).

little extra: the tower in the background (if you are able to see it :D) is not there because i couldnt find another background but because another race from this book likes to live in thin, super high towers :)  

Edited by gtorfo
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I chose purple energy because in the Dark Souls expansion, Artorias is corrupted by the abyss, which gives him sort of a dark purple-ish aura. Also for +creative points, I took the photos on an earth mission because when you first meet Artorias as a boss, you fight him in an arena full of lush green foliage, like so:



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When Satan doesnt get an invite to a contest....He gets Mad!

Diablo,Lord of Terror in Loki Prime style ( the one in Diablo 3 that is > :   P ), hope its good enough for you lads.

Made 2 photos for each side since its pretty hard to make resemblings with only 1 photo on this one.


The original one:





And...the fake one:





This is my first try at the forums with contest and posts and stuff so...please be nice and respect Satan!




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LOKI as Joe Musashi from "The Revenge of SHINOBI"




Shinobi is my really first Ninja, he walk by night in White And Red (very furtive) but He only need his Shuriken, his sword and his crazy moves.

He had 4 powers : An Electric Shield (like Maggie), a Hyper Jump (like Esca), A full Scale Fire-Dragons Attack (emby) and an full auto-explosive attack (like...euh nova .. ?)



edit : bad image XD

Edited by RLanzinger
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