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New Contest: Warframe Doppelganger!


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Here's a reskin I did of Mag to look like Tali'Zorah vas Neema, the Quarian Engineer from Mass Effect 2. I got this idea off the top of my head and I decided to post on this contest since it was going on. This is my first WF Forum post, by the way! It sounds crazy, but it's the truth.




And of course, a picture of Tali for comparison! (Ignore Prazza in the background, he's an idiot)







-Wilnam, Sensei of Clan AON

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1970's Lone Wolf and Cub,


For those who don't know Chronicles the story of Ogami Itto,


the Shogun's executioner who uses a dotanuki battle sword.


Disgraced by false accusation from the Yagyu Clan, he is forced to take the path of the Assassin.


Along with his three year old son, daigoro, they seek revenge on the Yagyu Clan and are known as "LoneWolf and Cub"


for some reason the forums would not let me re post your original link (error message: You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community) so i re-upoload it in photobucket to see if link was the problem. 

still works as long as the tags are on it.  

regarding your image,

EPIC! only true martial arts movie fans know who the Shogun Assassin is XD

Excal = Lotus Assassin!

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