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"the Dark Haunt"


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Me and a friend had an idea and want to tell you about it. We believe there could be an event or mission in the void named "The Stalker Hideout" or something like it. This hideout shold be filled with traps and dangerous or high level tenno dark enemies, where we could find the blueprints and items to build Excalibur prime. We would really like if this idea was shown to the creators of this great game.

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Stalker hideout is an interesting idea, disregarding that there is currently a complete absence of lore. May want to revise to something such as a splinter cell of the Tenno as opposed to the indiscoverable hunter.


Edit: Removed rant talking about how Excalibur prime may not and cannot return ever due to promised exclusivity. Applies to Lato Prime, Skana Prime, Braton Vandal, and Lato Vandal as well.

Edited by Alad_VI
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That would be a cool idea to chase the stalker back to his hideout, perhaps as an extra encounter after fighting him? And Excalibur Prime is an exclusive, he's never coming back.


Edit: Alad_VI's idea is better, tracking down a tenno cell that's seperated from lotus is more lore-compliant.

Edited by vaugahn
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yes is exclusive reward of low time event in mi idea or other reward of stalker helmet ejample


Excalibur Prime can't ever come back, not even in a timed event. He's a founders-only exclusive. These threads pop up like once a week and they get the same reply every time.


That said, stalker cosmetics would be really cool.

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Your grammar is terrible.  You should use "My friend and I"  not "Me and my friend".  A good indicator is to take out the "and my friend" part and see how the rest of the sentence sounds.  For instance if we tried that with your idea it would end up as "Me had an idea and want to tell you about it"  As you can see it sounds ridiculous.



Now as for your idea itself, basically all you're proposing is some new void mission "with traps and dangerous high level tenno dark enemies".  So basically you want T3 and T4 missions to fight specter type enemies to make Excalibur Prime which can not be brought back, because due to DE making it EXCLUSIVE so long ago, it would be ILLEGAL for them to bring it back as it would be a breach of contract.

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Your grammar is terrible.  You should use "My friend and I"  not "Me and my friend".  A good indicator is to take out the "and my friend" part and see how the rest of the sentence sounds.  For instance if we tried that with your idea it would end up as "Me had an idea and want to tell you about it"  As you can see it sounds ridiculous.



Now as for your idea itself, basically all you're proposing is some new void mission "with traps and dangerous high level tenno dark enemies".  So basically you want T3 and T4 missions to fight specter type enemies to make Excalibur Prime which can not be brought back, because due to DE making it EXCLUSIVE so long ago, it would be ILLEGAL for them to bring it back as it would be a breach of contract.

Dude, really? The second part is a bit hostile but eh, I can deal with that. I mostly just find it immature of you to devote an entire half of your post to criticism of someone's fluency with the English language. Even if you had just cause to be irritated (i.e. several posts lacking proper grammar) your belief that you can change how someone speaks is delusional; you will have little to no impact on how someone speaks based on a forum post. Also to point out a bit of hypocrisy on your part you lack commas where they are needed pertaining to the use of quotation marks.


There we go, got my daily rage out.

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Dude, really? The second part is a bit hostile but eh, I can deal with that. I mostly just find it immature of you to devote an entire half of your post to criticism of someone's fluency with the English language. Even if you had just cause to be irritated (i.e. several posts lacking proper grammar) your belief that you can change how someone speaks is delusional; you will have little to no impact on how someone speaks based on a forum post. Also to point out a bit of hypocrisy on your part you lack commas where they are needed pertaining to the use of quotation marks.


There we go, got my daily rage out.



I fully understand that I do not have perfect placement on my commas, however misplacing the occasional comma is a lot different then making big mistakes, such as using "Me and my friend had an idea".   I did not mean to be hostile, but merely to educate.  Also I can understand the minor grammar mistake and misspelled word or two, but bigger things, like using "Me and my friend"  are a pet peeve of mine.  Also using the plural form of doesn't, which is don't in a singular form also annoys me.  Example :  "That machine don't work, it broke last week."  The correct form is "That machine doesn't work, it broke last week."   


The not meaning to be hostile also applies to the second part of my post.  The OP just mentions a brief idea of fighting in the void in levels that have traps(void levels already have traps) and tenno like enemies to get items that DE can not legally beat back.  A simple browse on the forums would show the OP all the threads that were made and then closed about people wanting Excalibur Prime to come back, when it has been blared from loudspeakers, sent by messenger ravens, advertised in smoke signals, sent via telegrams, passed along by word of mouth, psychically implanted into people's brains by psychics, and even posted here on the forums that Excal prime can not come back as it is EXCLUSIVE.


Also the OP has not really suggested anything truly unique or constructive.  Who are these "tenno dark enemies" or whatever?  What is their story?  Why are they against us?  How is it they can drop parts that would get DE into a S#&$ ton of trouble and no one else?  What is the lore? What are their skills?   Who is being "haunted"?  Are there ghosts?  Why are there ghosts?  Why can't the ghosts pass on to the afterlife?   Come on guys, we need details on this if you're gonna expect any support whatsoever.

Edited by Beas7ie
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If you understand what he's trying to say, then just give feedback on the idea. This is the fan concepts forum, not the grammar assistance forum.


And I did give feedback on the idea.  I don't want to sound like a complete A******, but he didn't offer anything new at all that wasn't already brought before.  This thread honestly seems to me to be just another lame "bring back Excal Prime!" thread.  And the grammar assistance comes whether it's asked for or not, for there are many times in our lives when we may need assistance on a matter we thought we had under control, or in some cases, did not even realize we needed it.


TLDR versions  Grammar assistance is nonoptional addition, get over it.   


OP's idea is very old, has no explanation to HOW it happens, has no explanation on enemies, and wants Excal Prime back   /thread

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If it's of any worth to anyone (looking at you Beas7e, "has no explanation on HOW it happens, has no explanation on enemies,") I have designed an event that would function somewhat similarly to this only lore friendly and (as far as I can tell) 100% thought out and explained. Will post link as soon as I fix my phone where the info is stored so that the OP can take a look and give feedback as well as anyone else who might be interested.

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TLDR versions  Grammar assistance is nonoptional addition, get over it.   


OP's idea is very old, has no explanation to HOW it happens, has no explanation on enemies, and wants Excal Prime back   /thread


Then say all that instead of commenting on his grammar. If you notice, he only has 10 posts, he may have never seen a "bring excal prime back" thread. None of what you said is an excuse for being rude.

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Bueno la pantalla debería tener poca iluminación ya que se trata de la guarida del acosador , puertas del camino solo podrían abrirse pasando por difíciles obstáculos de correr y saltar para luego jalar una palanca o interruptor , mucho humo en la pantalla o pasadizos de ventilación largos , colores del mapa seria en poco negro , poco rojo , mucho gris , dorado y algo de lineas luminosas pero no mucho , los enemigos seria de facción tenno de color negro , gris y rojo así como el mismo stalker , el stalker se encontraría al final de la misión nada mas como jefe , el modo de matarlo seria único  ya que siempre antes de que lo matemos el se desaparece se usará una maquina que le impediría hacerlo . :/ "the traduction is yours"

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Well my Spanish isn't very good, but it seems like you're saying it should be a run down orokin-style area full of smoke and flickering lights similar to when the stalker approaches. At the end of this level, there would be a boss fight with stalker, and there's a machine that prevents him from dying.


Is that correct? 

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