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Does anyone else find the devs from DE to be nothing short of delightful? They are always so respectful to the posters, even the ones who deserve to be thrown out on their behinds. This is probably one of the most well thought out and extensive beta phases I've ever been around to see. These guys are really something else. It seems like our opinions hold a lot of weight to them, and we have already seen some changes to the game that the community has been asking for. I find them to be very professional, and they have certainly been building a good rep for themselves so far. Just felt like starting a thread to show my gratitude to these fantastic people, who certainly deserve every cent they earn developing this awesome title. Keep it up guys, you have our support! I have had many distasteful experiences wtih free to play games in the past, but what i've seen from you guys thus far gives me renewed hope for the f2p model.

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Same here -- I am loving every time I see the devs from Digital Extremes show up. I've played some of their earlier games, Bioshock 2's MP and Homefront's MP immediately come to mind. Both were also great experiences. Glad to see DE succeeding with a game that most publishers would have called crazy.

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