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Constant Crash



I'm having a hard time figuring this out, so i decided to ask for your help, guys.

2 problems:


The game used to crash often..like 2 out of 3 missions, in the middle of the mission. I own a HD Radeon 4600 series video card, 256 mb. A friend of mine suggested i'd clock my GPU a little, so i did. 25Mz both on memory clock and GPU. It didn't work, in fact it was worse. So i went down a little, like 5-10 both, went to minimum graphics (except for rezolution) and it only worked when i set the rezolution a bit lower also.

2 days with no crash and suddenly i get one today in the middle on a defense mission. I try to mess with overclocking again but with no real progress. I'm stuck.


Upnp..i don't know how to forward those ports with my firewall and i also don't know where to enable upnp. It's enabled in game options.

I can't host. If i host, the others lag like hell and i always end up alone mobbed by enemies. I have a slow connection, i know, but i never had this problem with other games. I always play lag free..

On the other hand, if i just join someone it works great. For both.

My solution so far is to cancel "waiting for other players" and click on the mission again, trying to join, not host...and repeat until there's someone to join. In the fortunate case in which that happens, there a little chance i'll disconnect from the session.

I'm ok with this, but the crashes are overwhelming, seriously...ending up with a crash after finding the mod you're looking for is just..just..not good..this happened to me today like 15 times in the last (max) 2 hours..

Any advice on that?

EDIT: i clocked GPU from 750 to 790 and memory from 800 to 850...i entered tolstoj solo and it crashed at the spaceship cutscene (i kept low graphics).

I can't figure out what happens..it worked just fine for 2 days..

Edited by Symbiont71
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Sorry for the second post, but i really need some help. I tried to solo, so that having teamates won't affect the game, but it still crashed.

I've set the resolution to 800 x 600. I joined a mission to begin with 1 frame every 2 seconds for about a minute, then, after another minute of smooth playing it crashed..driver has stopped working.

I've had problems with graphics back when i was using AGP video cards, but there was a difference: max graphics only resulted in very low frame rate.

With this video card i can set graphics almost to max without frame loss...and i set the resolution to 800x600 to get a crash?! seriously..

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It's difficult to say what the issue is with your crashing without more details (error report, dxdiag report).

It does sound like your graphics are a problem, and 256m of inboard memory is fairly low. Games tend to become unstable/crash if the game exceed the available RAM. It would suck to upgrade your system and find that isn't the problem though, so if you can somehow manage to test it with a friend's card - that would be helpful.

UPnP is setup on your router settings, google/check your router manual to see how to access your settings (can often be accessed via your web browser).

The port forwarding setup should be fairly straight forward (enter your computer's local IP, enter the relevant ports and make sure you have UDP checked).

Warframe currently handles mutiplayer games via peer-to-peer; so if you join players located far from you then you will lag. Avoid this by just creating your own game and let others join you.

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