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Invis + Decoy Loki + Fleeting Expertise



I was thinking about whether Fleeting Expertise is worth putting on Loki for duration build or not. Yes I can cast it more often with Fleeting but I have to cast it more often with Fleeting. No Fleeting is more expensive per cast but each cast lasts longer. I was thinking about this two ways:


1. Fleeting





2. No Fleeting





I mean I'm going to 2 Forma it anyways since I need to have it interchangeable with a Disarm + Switch Tele Build so I can pretty much replace Fleeting with anything if that is the case, so if you have any recommendations, feel free to share.

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10 answers to this question

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In my opinion, as long as you can get over 20seconds duration you should be fine.


on both builds if you take out constitution, you only lose 3 seconds of invis time, which isn't alot. i think you have plenty of invis time as is, so i'd go with fleeting expertise.


you can also try maxing out fleeting expertise then dropping streamline, freeing up another slot, and still have 20secs of invis, due to the arcane helmet.


other than that solid builds :)

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shield capacity
sprint speed
melee damage
power efficiency
power duration
knockback recovery
power range
casting speed
power strength
Switch Teleport
power cost
target range
enemy target confused
power cost
15.4 sec
power duration
melee damage
Radial Disarm
power cost
power duration
icone_impact.pngpuncture to infested chargers
Add in Arcane Essence Loki helmet to obtain 75% power efficiency.
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In my opinion, as long as you can get over 20seconds duration you should be fine.


on both builds if you take out constitution, you only lose 3 seconds of invis time, which isn't alot. i think you have plenty of invis time as is, so i'd go with fleeting expertise.


you can also try maxing out fleeting expertise then dropping streamline, freeing up another slot, and still have 20secs of invis, due to the arcane helmet.


other than that solid builds


I was thinking about whether Fleeting Expertise is worth putting on Loki for duration build or not. Yes I can cast it more often with Fleeting but I have to cast it more often with Fleeting. No Fleeting is more expensive per cast but each cast lasts longer. I was thinking about this two ways:


1. Fleeting





2. No Fleeting





I mean I'm going to 2 Forma it anyways since I need to have it interchangeable with a Disarm + Switch Tele Build so I can pretty much replace Fleeting with anything if that is the case, so if you have any recommendations, feel free to share.

If you're doing T4 survivals for long periods, I would drop flow and quick thinking, for vitality and redirection due to the amount of eximus, pack plenty of team energy restores in your gear as 1 tick from these restores will allow you to cast any ability again, and as above you can drop streamline if you got the essence arcane helmet, also drop decoy for radial disarm

Edited by (PS4)D-onlinekilla-4D
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The best way to compare them is a build with full FE instead of Streamline, using Essence Helmet.



Full FE = 75% Efficiency, -60% duration

Streamline = 45% efficiency, normal duration


So with NM, Const, and Contin, you get 23.6 sec for 12.5 cost with Fe and 30.8 sec for 27.5 cost with Streamline. 


Thus, 1.888 sec per energy with FE, and 1.12 sec per energy with Streamline. In other words, FE is 68.5% more efficient. It's up to you if that extra efficiency is worth the hassle/danger of recasting more often.

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While a 34m range on Disarm is acceptable, I prefer to use a 47m range by not using NM. This leaves me with +28% duration for Invis, ~15.4 seconds, which is long enough, imo. I tend to use invis more to escape/travel/revive than as a damage amp for melee tho.


Edit: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Loki_prime/t_30_14401123013_1-1-10-4-3-5-5-9-5-8-10-5-13-7-3-14-6-5-46-2-5-55-8-2-76-0-3-77-4-3-79-5-3_76-2-1-7-46-6-4-9-77-4-79-7-14-5-13-7-55-8-5-11-8-14_71/en/1-0-25/10343/0

Edited by Darzk
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Yeah, Radial Disarm is more useful than Invisibility so you should always optimize it.  You can run a build without Radial Disarm to optimize Invisibility but this is more for stealth or objective missions than for Tower Defense/Survival missions.   Also, don't forget Decoy and Switch Teleport as they can be extremely useful for crowd control and movement.  Loki is the jack of all trades frame that Oberon wishes he was.

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