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Some Words On The Rng For Assassins...


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Hello again. You've seen me before. I'm usually here after every time I fight the G3, win or loss.


I have another post for you tonight.


I lost again.


I cannot tell if Vem Tabook's shells 100% proc electricity, or one of them just throws instant crippling electric attacks directly onto you.


Most likely the former.


Instead of going on about that, I have some numbers for you.


Let's talk about all of the RNG involved in getting the Brakk from the Grustrag Three, shall we?


1. Top layer. Upon completing Mission #5 of an invasion siding with the Corpus, the chance to receive a death mark seems to be 50%, which is rolled each time after each consecutive mission until you receive one (Note: You don't always receive a message notifying you of your hit list status, although that has been more consistent as of late).


2. Upon receiving said death threat, as a solo player you have a 1.5% (assuming the spawn rates are the same across all three assassin fights) chance of them spawning on you each mission you play against the Grineer (although the game seems to favor that 1.5% if you are ever caught doing such a mission solo). Upon playing Co-Op, each additional player that joins that has an active death mark boosts the chance of their arrival by .5% to a total of 3% chance every mission.


3. They have a window in which they will spawn of about 4 and a half minutes. They will spawn anywhere between the first 30 seconds of a mission and the five minute mark. Most public farming games I've played rarely last that long, but then again that is just personal observation and experience.


4. Should they arrive, well, you have to kill them. As a solo player on Nekros (we'll discuss his arguable necessity later) with non-forma'd yet potato'd and maxed out guns, good luck. Their tactics are cheap, their abilities are almost as bad as Stalker's, and contrary to what the Wiki says they will ALL attack at once. In a CO-Op game with someone who has a stun ability (so basically Rhino, Mag, Hydroid, Zephyr, Vauban, Frost, Oberon, Banshee, or Volt), even with un-forma'd guns, is not much of a hassle, they can go down in about a minute.


5. Now, upon killing them, they each have a loot table of seven different items, all with varying weights to their drop chance. Now, say hypothetically the weights for all the items in question are the same (they are not). That leaves you with a 1 in 7 chance of receiving any part (or a 3 in 21 chance if you prefer to see it that way). The chance to receive all three parts at the same time (unaided by Nekros) is 1 in 343. The odds of finding any two parts together are 1 in 49, and so on. However, their drop tables are not weighted equally. Neurodes (considered a rare resource in the game) are a common drop, which let's say puts it at about a 40% drop chance. Contrary to rarity scaling, the three multishots, the Rare 5, and Natural Talent, are all the next most prominently dropped items. So, say they each have a 10% chance of dropping respectively, with a total of 50% of the loot chance devoted to rare mods (/cores). That leaves us with the 10% chance of a part dropping from one of them. Even though it is listed as an Uncommon drop. Would that I could credit the informer, but I once read from someone who had perused the drop tables that the Brakk parts are indeed the rarest of the drops from any of the G3. So realistically that puts you at a 10% chance of receiving any one part, and a .001% chance of receiving all three at the same time.*


5*. Now we discuss the arguable necessity of Nekros. Nekros allows you to essentially cast the die again for each member of the G3, in the hopes that you will get a part from them this way. So why is having a Nekros so important? Well, because he can essentially turn your odds at any part from 10% to 20%. And that .001% chance of receiving all three parts is buffed to a whopping .002%, per fight. In this way, one can argue that if any of the rewards from these bosses is what they seek (other than the satisfaction of defeating a rare and challenging boss), then it would be rather illogical to not have a Nekros with you. And should you be playing solo, it would follow that you'd stand a better chance of obtaining this prized weapon by simply playing as Nekros.**


5**. Except for that part where they one-shot you and spend your death mark by knocking you over and voiding the last 30+ minutes you spent trying to get them to appear this time.




I will not respond to the following comments:

-"You should've just played the event"

-"It really should've been event exclusive"

-"Git gud"

-"Don't farm"

-"It's not meant to be farmed" (this ties into the previous comment)






Edited by kill3r_furby
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I'm actually 'for' rare, hard-to-obtain content.


You're having trouble killing G3 solo, and with Nekros. Find a party, or play a different frame.


If you're wasting your time dying, as Nekros, then wouldn't it be smarter to guarantee a drop with an easier frame?

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I can't even get these jerks to spawn.  I've run about every invasion mission I could find.  Always siding with Corpus.  Have only gotten the "Don't meddle with our affairs message" keep doing missions and they won't even show up.  Right now my main concern isn't that they don't drop the parts, but that they don't shop up period.   I've singlehandedly slaughtered thousands, hell maybe tens and even hundreds of thousands of Grineer.  I'd think I'd be a priority target by now, but nope.

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I'm actually 'for' rare, hard-to-obtain content.


You're having trouble killing G3 solo, and with Nekros. Find a party, or play a different frame.


If you're wasting your time dying, as Nekros, then wouldn't it be smarter to guarantee a drop with an easier frame?


And so you missed the entire point I was making. I mean I am upset that I lost, but this is not a whining thread about how I lost. Might I refer you to the rest of my post, starting at Line 7 (not counting spaces in between)?

Edited by kill3r_furby
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Your 'arguable' necessity is not a necessity at all. As a solo player, its a crippling factor. Nekros can be incredibly useful in a team, however in solo play, you're asking to die. Repeatedly. 


All this sounds like is a whine thread about trying to make the game easier, when it should be HARDER. Catering to casual players can only go so far before you turn it into a hello kitty mash-up.



Git gud. Git team.

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I'm actually 'for' rare, hard-to-obtain content.


You're having trouble killing G3 solo, and with Nekros. Find a party, or play a different frame.


If you're wasting your time dying, as Nekros, then wouldn't it be smarter to guarantee a drop with an easier frame?

Im actually for hard, but reliably rewarding content.


I dont even mind if they punish you for failing, bigger incentive to not fail it.


If you managed to kill them you already proven that you can do that, why test it 20 more times before handing out loot.

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Sometimes I wonder if people even read what OP even say...because these guys that are saying that OP is whining...are sadly mistaken.

I made a thread about the same subject. I just wish that when you finally do kill them there is a 100% chance for a Brakk part. Like come on, after how long it takes to get them to spawn, and even if you don't want them to spawn, you did just kill them which is not an easy thing to do.

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