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Okay De, U14 Has Made It All The More Prevalent That You Need A Test Server!


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We need a beta server for the beta game, we need to pre-test the game before the rest of the testers get to test it.

We need an ALPHA test server to deal with the major and obvious bugs before it goes public.  This lets them get rid of the worst of the bugs.  It would also help with PR because the bugs are not helping the reputation of the game, despite the beta excuse.  It would also allow the PS4 and PC releases to be synchronized.

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I do agree that the paid areas need to be flushed out before they charge us as the testers money to use the product. Like the fur scramble feature or if they do continue these practices DE should give back the platinum they took to find out how horrible it was. Other than the paid features, this is really the point of us playing it everyday and using these forums. Now that they have investors (PWE and such) I'm not really sure why they are adding more pay options, seems like they are getting money from all angles at this point, which is a lot for a game that is still in mid beta.

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We need a beta server for the beta game, we need to pre-test the game before the rest of the testers get to test it.


Usually a company pays people to beta test it, or at least allows them to test it for free. Right now DE is charging us money to test their new features. You don't see anything wrong with that? 

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Welcome to the new era of gaming in general.

But seriously, DE are a (relatively) small studio trying to put out a triple A equivalent title, that money doesn't come from nowhere. PWE shenanigans aside, DE are as deserving of the title "Indie developer" as anybody making 8-bit pixel games and cashing in on backlash towards major studios.

Also, DE are not charging anyone anything to play this game and test it. They have given you the option to spend money to support their development and in doing so enhance your game experience. If you wanted to play this game free, it is entirely doable, and in fact since the introduction of the trading system, not even particularly onerous for anyone with dedication or smarts.

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Also, DE are not charging anyone anything to play this game and test it.


If they sell something for plat (and only for plat) and then remove it after it turns out it doesn't work, then they're charging us to test a feature. Yes, you can get plat by trading. No, that doesn't mean it's okay for them to do that. 

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For those complaining about how we already are the beta testers and stuff like that. The game is hardly a beta anymore, not once have I seen any at DE blame any update issues on the fact that its beta. Nor have I seen them mention that the beta is progressing well, At least I haven't seen them say that in the last year or so.


I think its safe to assume that while the game has the beta tag on it, its not a beta. DE should remove the beta tag from the game, and release a test server like im suggesting. A test server where you can test everything and platinum and credits are not issue. While it wont help get all the bugs, it will help immensely in getting a lot of them and we won't have to suffer horrible buggy updates like U14 was, or like some of the previous (I think U9 where they revamped the solar chart and the thing was FULL of bugs).


Whether you think so or not, a test server would greatly benefit in helping major updates be less buggy.

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It's a nice idea, although I'm not entirely convinced it solves the real issues more so than making them take that extra two weeks to polish. 

We as a 'beta test' community are supposed to be used for the finding of obscure bugs, things that crop up when going beyond a simple run through. Most of the problems with U14 were obvious enough that they were impossible to miss, or they were errors in design philosophy not missed details. 

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Yes, this game is still in beta, but one day, it will be released. And after release, it is obviously unacceptable to release something in a broken state. I think it would benefit Warframe in the long run to setup test servers.


It probably would be a private server, where people test out the new features and look for problems. For fairness, they could have different accounts on the test server, and the test server would be reset regularly. (This is so that they don't get an progression advantage, etc.)


This is an approach that many companies, including Blizzard and Valve, are very effectively using to test their games.

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They could get the Design Council to test out this new stuff *Wink wink*.


To be serious though, as was talked about earlier, when entry into the Design Council was closed, the idea to let certain people in once in a while could really play into this.


I feel that it would be a great idea for the existing Design Council to test out this content, and then a certain number of invites could go out to random people (Maybe 50-100) that would allow them to join in for a select time period.  Amount of time could depend.

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