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Dante Unbound: Share Bug Reports and Feedback Here! ×

Ok De.....


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Alright it's the weekend. Which means DE devs are for the most part not in office. Let them get a little bit of sleep and some R&R before yanking them back into the coal mines.


Either way, Rebecca's been all over the place asking questions, gathering feedback, and will no doubt have a nice little list of things for the other devs to work on Monday. So let's chill out and let them do their thing.

Currently the game (for most people) is quite stable. If you're having trouble with certain quests, then do something else for the time being.

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ok... directly to DE.... you all see the overwhelming amount of content that needs to be fixed.... when can we expect a fix?  and.... none of the "We're working on it" stuff....  It's understandable about how long it takes to code and ship hotfixes, but we have people in our own unit leaving the game because major things aren't being fixed... (granted it's only been a couple of days)  let's give people a date for such and such a hotfix, and give a bit of a schedule so people can eagerly wait for the hotfix they're looking for for u14?

They gave a date for U14 release. Didnt happen. Rage in forums forced them to shut down the forums entirely for awhile. So NO a date is a terrible idea

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Sometimes is hard for DE to fix things without people to test run it. DE might have it all fine but not for everyone. I personally completed Vor's Prize solo without game progression problem, but many still reported severe bugs makes them unable to.

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